>Dr. William Luther Pierce III was an American writer and political activist. He was one of the most influential nationalist philosophers for the last three decades of his life. A physicist by profession, he was also an author under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald of the novels The Turner Diaries and Hunter. Pierce founded the National Alliance, a major white nationalist organization, which he led for almost thirty years

In honor of this great man's birthday, I declare a WLP Appreciation thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:


His birthday just happens to be on Sept 11th.

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No please.
>We wuz great americans and sheit but da jew aaaaah
Fuck this old crap man.

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But waaa we wuz everything and shait brauh, white americans brah.

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look at these butthurt kikes.
look at them and laugh.

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>Fuck this old crap man.

LOL he did more than anyone in your generation will ever go.

You are shit.

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>We’re all mortal. We all know that we have to die — though no one wants to. The way we’ve dealt with this fear of death in the past has been to identify ourselves with something immortal, to think of ourselves as part of something in which we can continue to live after our bodies are gone. Patriots have identified themselves with their countries — often so strongly that they were almost eager to die in order to advance the interests of their fatherland: the land of their forefathers. It was easier to be patriotic, of course, when our country still belonged to us, when we were able to associate a particular village, or farmstead, with our ancestors for several generations back; when the graves of our fathers, and grandfathers, and great great great grandfathers, were around us — and so were their works: the fields that they had cleared, the buildings that they had built, the trophies they gathered in their lifetimes, the records they left behind them. We could easily fit ourselves into the pattern of generations and centuries, and be content in the knowledge that our own works, and trophies, and records, would also be preserved, and would become part of the lives of our descendants. We would fight anyone who threatened that pattern. We would die in order to preserve it, so that we wouldn’t be forgotten, so that we would always have a little niche in the memory of all the generations which were to come.

Good playist of WLP speeches here


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Evolution cuck.

S to spit on retarded americans faggot grave

I just started listening to the Turner Diaries narrated by WLP:

Pretty cool so far, wouldn't really be redpilling to an outsider but it's entertaining.

heil victory

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Here are his past broadcasts for download, jewtube always pulls em down:

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Here's a torrent of most of his recorded speeches.


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interesting, thanks for the suggestion sounds just like pic related.

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A brilliant man and one of my favorite authors.

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In 2002 Dr Pierce called out FBI director Robert Mueller on his cozy relationship with Jewish organizations.


He had this corrupt cunt's number sixteen years ago.

All the audio versions of this speech have been taken down from youtube in the last 72 hours. What a surprise.

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One of my favourites:

Cheesy title but it's inspiring.

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Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds is a criminally underrated book.

I tend to dislike biographies written by some other guy, is it really worth reading when you got material by WLP himself?

It's more of a series of interviews with Pierce with some contextual information, than a biography.

Watching this again, most of us are falling into the trap of shortsightedness again just like the civnats. A reactionary narrative is weak and will always wither sooner or later, it needs to be visionary. In terms of visionary views we are incredibly divided, we only know for sure what must be stopped, not what must come after.


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There is no more powerful political vision than one based in blood: a fight for your great racial family, which is your true nation. Preservation of your people's future is the truest motive you will never know. The only thing purer is the same fight for your immediate family and children.

An ideology divorced from blood will never last. But the ideology rooted in blood will last, and HAS lasted, forever.

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Who's the guy between Ron Paul & David Duke?

Hans Herman Hoppe.

Hail Victory!

(truly one of my most favourite cartoon characters of all time)

Just like your Tibetan picture films!

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Hans-Hermann Hoppe, the only libertarian that isn't a complete cuck.
Oh I agree in that regard, I am talking more concrete though in terms of what would the ideal future entail.

I wish we had another WLP with a few decades left to live today, probably the best guy for the current situation. If we had the connectedness of today back in his time things probably would've turned out completely differently.


Didn’t someone tell the bean?

As his good friend Dr Duke said recently: you make the argument couched in the language of the times. We have white nationalists today who are also very smart and able to make powerful speeches rooted in history.

Look into Eric Striker. Or into Dr Duke himself. He's still working tirelessly, and one of the most underrated white nationalist intellects alive.

God have me on his soul.

Looks like a WN Bjork.

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I think Duke said that on a stream with JF, I like Striker and Duke but they are both no WLP.

God damn. THat actually EXISTED once. There are people alive today who REMEMBER it, even.

They must pay for taking this from us.

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>I think Duke said that on a stream with JF
Might have. He said it on HeelTurn a few weeks ago as well.

Yeah it's like the ultimate fantasy fiction for gud boys.

But you have to admit- he was right about a lot of things in terms of his outlook for what the future would bring.

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Love this video. Something that should be watched every so often for a reminder. Hail the White race!!!

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"I... I can't believe this. I feel like my life has been a lie. Your show's not satire, is it?"

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You got more art like this Spanishbro? Who's the artist?

John Atkinson Grimshaw

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vielen Dank, Dieter!
I only came across it by chance, actually. Just reminds me of where I grew up, in England, long ago. I now live in exile.

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MM is top tier kino and I feel like WLP would be proud of the faggots.

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Things often seem more optimistic over here, actually. I will stay and help the Spanish nationalists, rather than piss in the wind at home. England can only be saved by external invasion now. Of course, I HOPE I'm wrong, but it doesn't look good at the moment at least.

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Spain looks to be as bad as the UK, Germany or Sweden from an outsiders perspective desu, I hope you are right.

Happy birthday, Dr. William Luther Pierce!


I feel there is more division in society here. We have the red maniacs like elsewhere, but there's an actual living tradition of resistance to this. People who don't just grumble, but who remember an alternative kind of regime, and have real prepackaged ideals to fight for. They did fight a civil war over such matters in living memory, after all.

>oy vey don't post any links to content goyim!


>Amerimutt nazi


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I like your support content creators of redpill videos with views and likes. They can't get those with hooktube.

I like to*

The only thing hooktube does any more is hide the Jow Forums referrer from google. Lawyers put an end to the stripping of the raw video.

He believes in God now, the piece of shit. Good riddance to everyone that hates the Lord.

Show your flag or gtfo, commie.



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I don't like you, Shlomo.

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