John Kerry talking sense on CNN
This guy is going to run for President in 2020 and I'm going to vote for him

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k, none of us will

My source Milf Fucks the Neighbor Boy says Kerry is full of shit and should stick to calling Vietnam Vets rapists and baby killers.

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Please. How could I turn down the opportunity for Trump to beat down the limp-wristed faggot that couldn't even beat a neocon like Bush?

How long has it been since his face was fucked up?

I laugh every time I see him. What a hack job.


What? Lurch? I seem to remember that when he was SofS, every thing he said, the opposite would happen. That being said, he is a staunch imperialist, and will try to restore the empire, but the empire failed in the heat and dust of Iraq, and will never come back, so he will just expend more blood and treasure on a lost cause. Trump is right in making his focus on the homeland. Burgers can have the republic, but if they vote for empire, they will lose both.

He says we need to focus inwardon tge middle class and infrastructure, and says we need an intracontinental bullet train like china has

You would believe a fucking word of it? He has establishment support because he is an establishment tool.

So no politician really would ever work on the middle class and infrastructure again so long as they are allied with the state?

They used to, but now the empire has primacy over the republic. Thats where the real money is. Both parties are corrupt.

Jesus fucking Christ, doesn't the US have any political leaders under 70?? There are kids in highschool right now who weren't even born when this guy last ran for president. Here in Canada our PM is 45 and the two other main party leaders aren't even 40, yet for all of Canada's problems the country is still run much more efficiently than the US.

what middle class

Sounds dumb. Everyone knows the DNC is grooming Gillibrand for 2020

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The one i belong to and that needs attention.

Unless BIden outright refused and nobody else shaped up, there's no way Kerry would run.

For the experienced establishment pick, Biden has the appeal without the stigma of losing a General Election. He's more likeable and less fugly.

Realistically what's going to happen is that if the dems think they can meme a candidate into relevancy, they will. The primaries will start and if it seems like a candidate is gaining real steam, they'll back them. If not, Biden will be dragged out of what would otherwise be retirement.

The DNC has spent too much political capital on "the first female president" meme. There is no possible way a man will get the nod, and a less than zero chance of a white man getting the nomination.

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my nigga

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I don't buy that 100%. Clinton went to Cuomo's faggly little bridge ceremony, and given that the only reason Cuomo's stealing the bridge name is to attempt to meme himself into relevance for 2020 I'd say that there's a nonzero chance that they'd pick a man.

Will they pick a woman if the numbers remotely support it? Sure. But if a man is polling way ahead the superdelegates aren't going to sink it on an unpopular female candidate.

Enjoy a redo of 2004.

I really doubt that, they may be a retarded meme but the DNC really is not the same now as it was with hillary

fuck him and his bullshit, owns stock in military shit and talks bad about military like he doesn't make money on it

>the DNC is grooming Gillibrand for 2020

>there's no way Kerry would run.
Kerry will run against the selected winner, America is too bigoted to ever elect a mormon

How specifically is it different now?

He will be just as successful as Hilldawg was in 2016! You go girl!

>How specifically is it different now?
I'd assume that he'd be referring to the fact that Hillary used a fuckload of clout and money to try to win that bid and that the DNC isn't necessarily bound to another candidate like that, meaning they don't have to play those same sort of identity politics to try to make her less unlikeable.

It also in part comes down to how much the comparative handful of moderates actually care about if the candidate is a woman, a lot of liberals will bitch and moan but still vote hardline dem.

>yet for all of Canada's problems the country is still run much more efficiently than the US
You were 100% right up until this.

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OK sure. Wait until his State Department record with respect to FISA warrants is released. No one will trust him anymore.

faggots are gonna fag, big surprise...saged

That’s if he is not executed for treason by then.

>No one will trust him anymore.
he threw the election to Obama by direct result of who he is, America would rather vote for a black guy who pretends to be Christian than a mormon

This genocidal fuck can still into politics?
If anyone has it post the clip where he is celebrating the death of "white america".

Yeah this pretty much
Hillary is not their 'golden goose' any more and never was in the first place. She and Podesta forced the issue of her presidency so hard it destroyed their party and got Trump elected. She did not turn them into a party of feminists and people who officially scream 'racism' as a platform, her dynasty strongarmed the party into taking her and she forced her half-wit strategy on them. And now she ruined everything and herself and the DNC knows what they did even if they won't say

I don't understand why libshits are so focused on open borders. If they simply embraced the immigration laws currently on the books they would take away Trump's strongest issue.

I dare you


Would be intresting.

It's going to be her or Harris.

>>the DNC is grooming Gillibrand for 2020
She is the link between the Progressive Woke Dems and the NeoLib Establishment Money Dems. They need a bridge and Gillibrand is that link that will stave off the party fracturing.

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The DNC moved further left. They'll look at Hillary losing and say that she would have won if she was black.

I agree, but I believe Kamala will be held in reserve for a later cycle. Gillibrand has the Progressive chops and is someone the Establishment can deal with. Kamala may be too much too soon, harder to rally the Corporate donations around to her side until more of the older NeoLib Dems start to fade in relevance. Can't have the DNC fracturing with Le Orange Hortler in office. They need a candidate who can secure funds and toe the party line while still being believable when addressing the Prog Dems demands. Gillibrand fits this role best and If you watch her actions between now and 2020 you will see her making the moves for a white house run. kamala and Booker are moving too quick and are younger. Kamala will run but Gillibrand will be the Nominee.

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John "Ketchup" Kerry

What ever happened to his wife? I seem to remember Teresa Heinz having a stroke or something in the last few years.

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Pandering for votes. They want amnesty to pass so all kinds of illegals have voting rights, as illegals tend to be poor and vote democrat.

In his entire political career, what has John Kerry accomplished?
Genuinely curious to know.

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He blew himself up with a grenade and got a Purple Heart for it. That's the only reason he's on your TV.

He lost an election to 9/11 man and married a ketchup qween

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>Jesus fucking Christ, doesn't the US have any political leaders under 70??
Yes, but they're all in the Republican party. Back in 2008 after losing to Obama, the RNC made the correct decision to start "building up its bench" so to speak. If you're running for town council as a Republican, they'll throw you 100$. Then two years later, when you decide to run for state assembly, they'll give you more. When a congressman retires, and they see how well you did at the state level, they give you money and connections to help you run. Over the course of eight years they used this strategy to take over 1000 state and federal seats away from the Democrats, and it culminated with the 2016 presidential election where a record setting SEVENTEEN candidates ran. Meanwhile while this was happening, the Democrats celebrated having the top seat, not realizing by "not replanting for next year" once the top seat was gone there'd be no one to take his place. See when you have a big bench, you have a large pool to draw from, of all ages and all backgrounds. The Democrats have a big problem, and even if they started fixing it now, they wouldn't see the results until 2026 at the earliest. The fact that instead of working on their foundation, they're just screaming autistically at Trump says it's going to continue this way until they wise up.


>boring white guy vs racist white guy
i dont think so sweety, the future is female and thats a good thing!

God i hate the DNC

He's got my vote. He's the real deal.

>voting for someone who looks like he's wearing a mask for a face

Looks very stereotypically... American?

She's hot

Could you imagine the Democrats running a fucking white male as a candidate after the blm riots. I mean a fucking old white male another one an opressor and cheif a colonial really this is the best they could do. really made me think.

>Don't course correct, I love civil unrest and polarization
Go be Anti-American somewhere else, fool.

I wish this was real and not just a model larping. Why can't women actually be cool?

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Can u fags at least try?

Cool women are at home raising children, not weating tiny shorts in a battefield.

Seriously, and they hate when Maher does the same thing. They would HATE if the Democratic party produced the perfect candidate who solved the world's problems and made the nation great, they just want to see them hurt

Can you? You have no arguments.

This and based

The Democrats hate whites now they better run a poc or all hell will break loose and another civil war will happen. I mean come on a fucking white male.

He is old and a fucking white male.

Thats loterallt not true though, theres a massove independent voterbase and grassroots traditional liberal front in america, who voted for Trump over Hillary in hundreds of tgousands of cases

Really though its a meme that all people who might vote left are radical minorities and punk feminists, you guys know jack shit about your ideological and even economic demographics

>John Kerry talking sense on CNN.

Fuck that guy.

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Yes trumo won he is president he is fixing ameica he will win in 2020. Democrats have a pedofile biden, a native American, a old Jew, a white male. Bout they reflect the new face of America and run a le 56% Mexican candidate for the win.

But thats a redpill

>voting for a skull and bones cunt

sure lemme vote for this lower retard who looks like a horse so i can see him lose again

>Guy drops redpill, reveals (((shady))) operation
>"Fuck that guy."

Lot of empty half assed quips about his appearance in this thread

I thought Jeb! was the most boring man in America but looks like he just got bumped into the second place

All he has to do is stay slightly pissed but measured, like he is in that interview, and he will bring the energy to win

He's getting a big push this week from establishment cucks. Dana Perino just announced she's giving him a big fawning interview on Fox News tomorrow. Such scum, all of them

This. It's even more pathetic coming from Trump supporters.
I mean, I understand why he's there. Democrats AND Republicans fucked up big time, and it seems they STILL don't understand what exactly they did wrong.
God Bless Jeff Sessions. He's in a tough, tough position. The man is an American hero, and Trump supporters won't understand his role until it's too late.

But he's saying lucid things and is twenty times more aware than any other Dem

Good point, I like the idea of a woman capable of defending that home in the absence of the father however.

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Neck yourself and any other retarded liberals you know moron

>leaked audio
He didn't drop the red pill on purpose. Yes,fuck that guy.

Just what we need, another billionaire that won't release their taxes

0/10 bait

Has Trump ever dropped this redpill, whether on purpose or not? Yes, fuck that guy.

We need another skull and bones guy in office. If only his good friend Hunter S Thompson was still alive he could be vp.

>yet for all of Canada's problems the country is still run much more efficiently than the US.
By what conceivable metrics are we running "more efficiently" than the U.S. We can't even get a pipeline built, our judiciary is completely compromised. OK, I'll stop there, it's too depressing to contemplate the shape we're in.

Kerry was a staunch critic of the Bush administration.

Fuck off retard, he was the John McCain of 2004. Just a fake opponent to usher in Bush Jr's second term just like McCain was fake opponent in Nigger in 2008

That's, like, your opinion, dude.

It's back.

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He cute.

Has anyone noticed that it's been the same group of useless boomer cunts running for office for the last twenty years?


Are you fucking retarded?

Him and bush were in the same cult you dumb newfaggot

ayyyy, easy with that hate fact brüder

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It's so secret I can't talk about it lmao

Epstein and Trump were on the same plane. So what? What do you even know about Skull & Bones?

Like hilary was a fake opponent in 2016. Hildawg and drumpf had frequent flyer miles on the lolita express.

>What do you even know about Skull & Bones?
they dug up Geronimo's skull and fucked it.
>pretty based actually

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