What do you guys think about Q user?
Sounds like total fake cuck bullshit to me, but I'd be interested in hearing you guys opinion.
What do you guys think about Q user?
Sounds like total fake cuck bullshit to me, but I'd be interested in hearing you guys opinion.
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alphabet companies consider all feedback to be positive feedback. I think even saging these threads isn't enough, they need to lie barren.
yes, I am a hypocrite too.
my dogs got no nose
Trump is mentally ill and must be removed from office.
The shareblue faggots are out in force these days. Saged
>What do you guys think about Q user?
Boomercon garbage.
I've read the very same BS for the last 10 years. Virtually none of his material is new and the blind faith in Trump is entirely uncalled for.
it was a LARP all along, anyone who believes this shit is demonstrating their desperation at Trump’s failure to deliver on his election promises.
>Q is just a larp goyim
were are arnomenous
were are legion
we do not forget
we do not fergive
we ARE the majority
Q is to boomers what the Pleiadeans are to tinfoiled mediums and end-times to the christians. They wait for an outside saviour to do the hard work, while we're not willing to face the problems we caused. Q is an ingeneous way to pacify the most significant Trump-voting demographic.
Q was the greatest larp ever made. 100% chance it was made by some larping dude but enough boomers got hooked on it took off on its own. I guarantee the guy who started it had no idea it would get this much traction. None of the predictions came true. It's just vague enough to turn heads and catch on.
the official cia buzzword of summer 2018
Q"user" is a queer faggot nigger jew söyboy
>t. boomer
>Q is an ingeneous way to pacify the most significant Trump-voting demographic.
Pacifying them? Before Q everybody was happy Trump won, people were content. Nobody expected extraordinary things. Now they want to see blood. They demand the corrupt, criminal elites to be prosecuted and severely punished. And they wont be happy until it happens.
Q is just another piece of pol lore. Realisticslly just a made up persona that became a meme.
Q is fake. All the MSM outlets that colluded with Hillary Clinton and the democrats in 2016 said so and why would they ever lie to us, their loyal sheeple?
Q predicted pol would turn on him
Shut up Germany - you suck! Now enjoy your acid baths. LMAO
>sells 1000 years of civilization down the river
Scared yet?
a STORM is coming
there is NOTHING you can do to stop it
>I'd be interested in hearing you guys opinion.
OP is a faggot!!
Exposed as a PR Guy for Jeff Sessions.
"Q" posted all sorts of praise for Sessions and talked about how secretly Trump and Sessions were buddies.
Then Trump came out and rightly said that Jeff Sessions is a fucking retard who hasn't done shit as Attorney General, which proves that "Q" is a hoax to anyone with an IQ higher than about 25 points.
It is bullshit. I helped spread the LARP in its infancy. It was supposed to be a joke and now old people and schizos are eating it up. It's still funny but kind of sad that it snowballed into a cluster fuck that you either accept or deny and deniers are called kikes, shills, CIA Niggers or whatever term they bark
What's worse is that now, the NPC thing is ALSO being taken too far. I helped get that going and what do you know? It's now a term used here. Basic stupidy and NORMAL culture behavior is labeled as mindless
You people are so stupid I cannot believe it. Oh well, once this one runs it's course I'll start up another. Until then, you guys are really, really, really stupid
than why come he no fire session, faggot
You're mentally ill and should be removed from life. Anyone who wants to get the "High Score", just buy the right "equipment" and wait for one of those "March For Our Lives" or "ANTIFA" rallies, and then let them have it, you'll be enshrined as a hero forever
He's waiting for the midterms because if he fires him now, he can't appoint a new one immediately and it becomes a legal process. If he does it in November, he doesn't lose popularity/approval points, and he can immediately fill the vacancy. Sessions is fucking gone come November, count on it.
don't tell me what to do you fucking kike
>but i am not a jew i am a pure blooded aryan
you're a lying d&c hook nosed semite
It's the american cuckservative rediscovering the John Galt meme. Ignorant people with no education whatsoever put all their faith into a nameless figure/group that is supposedly working for their group or tribe. It's an easy tell of someone's intelligence.
he could appoint nancy pillocy as AG and we would still love him
It's a useless LARP. Nice meme btw
>russian hippie memeflag shill
>posting rt propaganda
As long as you keep posting, I'll keep telling you to kill yourself Vlad.
They are not pacified because they are silent, but because their minds are controlled to believe that government can fix the mess they and their ancestors made themselves.
See the shills using proxies from all different countries in a coordinated effort to discredited Q.
Jow Forums is filled to the brim with shills trying to drive the narrative.
This is equivalent to war.
fuck off, mossad
Q is a nigger faggot kike, a fucking degenerate
>muh shill
the only shill is your mother after she sucked every user's cock (except yours)
>their minds are controlled to believe that government can fix the mess
This would be a really shit tactic to pacify someone, by raising huge expectations and then not fulfill them. This would make people really angry and not trust in the government ever again.
Your theory makes no sense.
Why so triggered moshe?
even german shills are autistic.
>total fake cuck bullshit
the only real question is if it is an organic right-wing creation or a psy-op false flag done by leftists to discredit Trumptards.
He's on a German proxy
Now they switch to meme flags.
Pathetic attempt
I admire your passion user, but this Q thing is damaging to the movement. If you really want to help get out there on social media and show your support for President Trump.
>nigger faggot kike
>somehow I am the Jew
t. d&c kike
What are all these faggot shills gonna cry about after the FISA gets declassified?
I can't wait to see what they bitch about next
their tailspin over this is really what made me a believer
Such good writing. Love to know who did this.
You think the guy who started has started to believe his own bs? That would make thing more entertaining.
concern-shilling...not the worst attempt i've ever seen...not the best either.
>Q is fake
We know Q Group is real because the posts exist
>Q is not a high level government insider
Too many coincidences for this to be the case.
>Q is a psyop
This does not change the fact that Q Group is leaking insider information. Yes, this information may serve a political purpose or be used to shift public opinion. That's what a psyop is. We just aren't used to seeing a psyop used for good - and this is a psyop for good.
>Nothing is happening
You only see what's happening if you follow Q Group or the independent media accounts using Q posts to get leads. This is the entire purpose of the Q op. To spread information which would otherwise be buried by the legacy media.
Q Group is very real, lads. We are winning. Bigly.
>See the shills using proxies from all different countries in a coordinated effort to discredited Q.
>Jow Forums is filled to the brim with shills trying to drive the narrative.
>This is equivalent to war.
user, really?
t. memeflag faggot
Yes really
This is a fucking meme war
Information war
You are obviously the enemy
>Everyone who says anything is a shill
Same here
Nah. Jow Forums has always been about looking at something from every angle.
Calling everyone who disagrees with one view shill is fundamentally misunderstanding what Jow Forums is about.
Alright, time to remove close the tab, remove the thread from the watch list and move on.
Don't bother responding.
not everyone, just you
as stated, Q user is danaging to the movement.
what movement, and how
everyone who makes senseless accusations and is weirdly interested and aggressive towards a "larp", yes.
>w-where o-one goes...
I want to add something else.
The Q op seeks to inform people who would otherwise be tuned into normie shit like Facebook and CNN.
Who would shill against an informed populace? Who would shill against an op who seeks to inform the uninformed?
And for those who say Q is stopping the now informed from acting on this information - I ask when this was said. Nobody is stopping people from acting. The People must first get angry... and to get angry, they must know something is wrong - that they are being lied to. The People are not learning this thanks to the Q op.
I'll ask again. Who benefits from an uninformed populace?
Exactly so anons trying to discredited something that they can't debunk are the ones shilling.
Your spelling is what's damaging.
It's anon5
i can smell the matzo balls on your breath
get it right at least..come on...earn your money.
You must be retarded if you don't think it's a marketing campaign to sell of shit with Q on it. Q is the least used letter. tapping into the conspiratards was something even an intern would think up. You've been played!
>The People are not learning this thanks to the Q op.
The People are NOW***** learning this thanks to the Q op.
There is nothing to discredit if there is absolutely no creditability to start with.
It's mindless sperging, now please go back to you containment board on cripple chan.
Oh good go fap in a BLACKED thread you useless piece of shit
>There is nothing to discredit if there is absolutely no creditability to start with
Q is either a real NSA psyop for good, or a masterpiece of larping fuckery. It's a win-win, if it comes out as a larp the people will be so angry they will move into more extream real world action, if it's real they will continue moving to real world actionable deeds. Q is a fucking masterpiece of occult content creation and if you're not shilling for Q by now you're a deep state faggot that sucks jew dick.
>containment board on cripple chan
Hey, lad. 4pol is nothing but shills shilling shills now. We brain drained this place and sent the autists to double chan. Many such cases. Sad.
Some of us pop over to recruit in this cesspool of media matters shills occasionally.
I'm not saying nothing will be fulfilled, I'm saying that the underlying troubles of American societies will not be fixed no matter what amount of pedophiles get hanged. Q determines where the boomer's attention goes. Q is about fighting the symptoms that are corruption and abuse, not about the changing the attitude of the people that got them in the current mess.
too gay
did not read
What horseshit. Simply having faith and "muh feelings" in this shit makes you a borderline cultist.
Qanon is the most legitimate happening to ever happen. Everything Q has predicted has come true. Not a single one of Q’s photo proofs were lifted from other media sources and then poorly photoshopped in an attempt to hide it. Not a single one of Q’s other proofs rely on thousands of cryptic, vague statements that can literally be twisted into meaning just about anything. Legit and 100% logical.
>Q is either a real NSA psyop for good,
Q posted a picture from over the S. China sea at a time when AF1 was flying over that exact spot. Whenever AF1 flies all traffic is diverted away from it. Nobody else could've taken the pic except someone on AF1.
What about the DOITQ image tweeted by Trump?
one day you'll be able to communicate feelings and stuff with your big boy words. until then, we're here for you, user. and we enjoy your playful humor
i know you do
Yes. You can't be /ourguy/ and shill against the Q op at the same time. That's why these anti-Q threads are so funny. All it does is drive more people in Q Group's direction.
You can't shill against an informed populace and be our guy.
Faggot shills still shilling in here?
Y'all can suck my Monster
I got mowing to do
you're so fuckin' lucky i just found a fortnite game
so hes working directly with the kikes wow
Well you gotta start somewhere. Cut off the snakes head and you'll be amazed how many problems will just disappear.
The attitude of the people will change when their leaders live by example.
It's not like people could do anything meaningful against the corrupt system in the past because the game was fixed and people couldn't even check facts for themselves because no internet.
>It's not like people could do anything meaningful against the corrupt system in the past because the game was fixed and people couldn't even check facts for themselves because no internet.
Can you imagine JFK doing this all by himself without a direct comms line to The People? (Twitter / forums / ect) Poor guy. With so many connected to the internet, the time to strike is now. A Q op right now would only make sense.
This. It's amazingly implausible to hate on the globalist elites and them turn around and try to shit on somebody who is in the process of crushing them.
Getting angry over a "larp" makes no sense either, because why would anyone care? People didn't freak out over fbi user or congress user.
>Can you imagine JFK doing this all by himself without a direct comms line to The People?
The fact that he tried anyway prob knowing it would cost him his live makes him a legend.