Things race realists don't understand #105

Things race realists don't understand #105

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And now show every other African country

Nigeria has a population of 186 million, Germany has a population of 82 million

This nigga has an IQ


180 million Nigerians. Only 30million have an IQ over 99. That means 6 times that number have an IQ of less than 99.

80 millions Germans. 50% of them have an IQ over 99. Those that fall under 99 only fall by a little (as opposed to Africans below 99 falling in the 85 IQ range)

Plus the Nigerians over 99 fall within the 105 IQ category while many Germans have an IQ far exceeding that. The smartest Nigerians (only 1/6th of the country) are as intelligent as almost over 50% of Germans.

Overall Germans are much more intelligent. This tricky only works on stupid people.

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Haha this is dumb.
How about we look at something useful like how many people above 110 or 120 there.
Or maybe how few germans are below 90 IQ while Nigeria is like 60% below 90 IQ people.

Are they counting Turks as Germans?

How to be too stupid to understand proportions, but not stupid enough to bait? OP probably thinks 1/4+1/4=2/8.


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Lol kraut literally claiming the
> 20% of Blacks have an IQ higher than 50% of whites

its a troll account for christ sake.

Kraut is mentally deficient when it comes to race. All he does is regurgitate old debunked arguments from liberal articles, and now this.

and you even have to subtract the niggers and sandniggers in germany.

Things slide posters dont understand - %s

Of course, he doesn't point out that leaves about 41m Germans to have an IQ over 99 and 160m Nigerians to have an IQ of 99 or lower. This is just as dumb as "It's so terrible that 25% of the homeless are female! We have to do something for the poor wammens!"

More than that:

If the median IQ is 99 in Germany, and 41 million have an IQ < 99, then 41 million also have an IQ > 99.

41 million people in Germany > 30 million in Nigeria.

>you dont understand math!
>just look at this stupid idiot claiming 2 and 2 make 4
>and it's so obvious, I mean, we all know 5 is the correct result, dont we

He also used outliers. Germany scores 99 on IQ tests as the lowest estimate. Nigeria scores 84 on IQ tests as the highest estimate.

>1 post by this ID
Lol, what is this lazy drive-by style argument?
You're not convincing anyone if you lack the balls to respond to the people ripping your fallacious NAXALT argument to shreds. Pathetic.

Remember to sage all drive-by bait threads when arguing against them for the lurkers' sake.

haha this is some serious jewish math going on here

>gaussian population distribution
>raw numbers used for comparison of populations of different sizes
Obviously some strange jew/nigger hybrid did this

To be fair to OP here, maybe he's trying to redpill people by proxy of the repliers, or maybe he's trying to figure out what to reply to that tweet. Who knows...

The Brain is a muscle. If you don't stimulate it, you don't grow it. How do you expect them to stimulate their brains when they have no schools, and they eat dirt? The Irish were the same 100 years ago, that's why 90 percent of their country immigrate to America. Studies show that the Irish immigrants were malnourished, but their children were not. Same thing happens with Africans who immigrate to America.

Not analogous you stupid mutt

>How do you expect them to stimulate their brains when they have no schools, and they eat dirt?
What came first, the chicken or the egg?

explain American and Carribean blacks

I came inside your wife

My wife doesn't like meme flags

Why would the standard deviation still be 15 when the mean is 85 instead of 100?

Fairly sure it would scale, so it would be only 12.75?
In which case far less Nigerians will have an IQ over 99 than the claimed 30 million.

this is a classic case of a low IQ individual that doesn't understand population ratios. BiGgEr nUmBEr MeANs ThAT yOu ArE STuPiD!!!

>Lol, what is this lazy drive-by style argument?
>You're not convincing anyone
He's not trying to. This is a slide thread, posted daily.

Also 10% of Germany isn't German.

I don't understand the reference. By the way, this ''dilema question'' shows the total lack of understanding of how evolution and biology works. It's equivalent to asking - who did the first modern human had sex with. There was no ''first'' human, and there was no ''first egg''. Biological changes occur extremely slow, they can be noticed only if you take a snapshot periodically after a long period of time.

Explain what? There are tons of extremely smart and intelligent Black Americans. This fact alone disproves any theory about Blacks being genetically inferior. If they were, Black Americans would be the same, but they are not, because genetics don't change, however muscles do change. I can explain the decline of the Black community in America with crappy schools and welfare dependancy.

Libtards, twisting numbers and facts to suit their self-defeating agenda since forever. They all think they are intellectuals but were never very good at it.

Look man, say you have 2 buckets, one you can fill with 10 l max, the other with 7 l max.
The bucket capacity represent the IQ potential, and the water that fills it the present IQ.
You can train all you want, but it won't exceed the maximum capacity, as the bucket simply can't hold anymore.
Now there are tons of smart and intelligent Black Americans, but there are 3 times as much dumb ones, so think it like an object where 5 people are pushing on the right and 15 on the left, which way will the object go?
You need to have a good amount of smart people to actually make any change, also mixed kids are counted as blacks so be careful with the statistics.

Alright you are just too small brained to get my analogy. I'm saying the reason they eat dirt and have no schools or much infrastructure is BECAUSE they have low IQ and a significant portion of IQ is nature, nurture can only do much
Watch this and pay close attention to what Chang says. Dispite whites pretty much building all the of infrastructure in that country(doesn't matter which country it is, who cares) after gaining independence it all went to shit almost right away. This has happened in several African countries.

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>How do you expect them to stimulate their brains when they have no schools, and they eat dirt?

Actually, intelligence is largely inheritable. But you are right, education has an influence.

To claim in a socially deterministic way that it's all environment is absolutely insane though

>gypsy intellectual

Obviously the arbeiterklasse scum are dummies too.

Its not a troll account, this cuck runs a yt channel.

Sorry for another reply but I forgot to stress just how much of a moron you are. Everyone knows the chicken and egg analogy is not some kind of critique of the theory of evolution. The fact that you think I don't understand evolution because I used it is honestly really funny. That plus the fact that you used the 'muh Irish' argument shows that you really are rocking a double digit IQ.

in intelligence test questions where testers score 2% or less people from hong kong score at 32%. significantly more intelligent than the average american dog

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IQ of 99 is still NPC tier

You need at least an IQ of 120 to be of any value to society.
And at least an IQ of 130 to be a decent scientist/doctor/engineer.

You first proved yourself wrong. First of all, what evidence do you have to suggest that some people, let alone an entire group of random people have a limited capacity which cannot be increased? And second of all, if only one of these random people that you put in a box have higher IQ than the rest, this alone disproves the entire theory, because like i have explained to you, only genes cannot change, everything else - CAN. So the fact that these people do not have the same IQ or capacity as you put it proves that their intelligence is not based on genetics, but external factors i.e. education and stimulus.

I don't know what is your understanding of IQ and what it means, i am guessing it's wrong, but if we assume by IQ you actually mean to say intelligence, then you are saying to me that you need to be intelligent first in order to develop your economy which will allow you to have higher standards of living which includes education and other brain stimulating activities?

If that is your case, then first of all, you don't understand how economies grow and countries develop, i know of no country or city on the planet that has developed by design. The wealth of Athens which enabled schooling was completely accidental. The growth of Venice many centuries later which enabed the rise of many inventors and discoveries was completely accidental. The industrial revolution was compltely accidental, and not made by design. If you look at the data, people 200 years ago had significally lower IQs than today, people 1000 years ago had life expectancy of 30 years old, most of them died from malnourishment.

The bottom line is this, education takes money. Period.

I was hoping someone else would do the legwork for me however that doesn't appear to be the case.

I personally took an interest in that statistic because I am one of those people who wants to believe that there is something wrong with IQ scores, that we are all equal and that I could get the whole race and intelligence issue out of my conscious. However, those results for the Nigerians where taken from a university, not from an average or random sample of the population, thus only the smartest Nigerians took part in that statistic skewing the results and as such the "high IQ" of Nigerians occurred in one sample set of IQs and the IQs of Nigerians is closer to that of other African nations in other tests.

Sorry fellas, Nigerians are no more smarter than any other Africans.


Yes but first - just because something is inheritable does not mean it's unchangeable. If my parents had defect on the eyes, and they passed that on me, i can just use glasses and i will be OK, or medicine could advance and fix my eyes.

And second - i don't know what is your definition of intelligence, but no, it's not inheritable, otehrwise babies would be born intelligent, and they are not. Just because your parents are scientists does not mean you will be a scientists if you don't study like them.

If someone is malnourished, his capacity will be lower than someone who is not, however first of all - this difference would be unnoticeable if that said person is highly educated, and second, this will not be passed to their children, if the person is well nourished. Facts show this, ex with the Irish immigrants to America.

Looks like you have a strong case of the dunning kruger effect, bud. Like I said before. If you are stupid enough to think I don't understand evolution because of a commonly used analogy then you aren't worth engaging with. I could easily BTFO all your points but I won't because you are clearly too stupid for dialectic. Of course you will respond with "hurrr your just saying that cause I stumped you and you have no argument!!" but no, it's just not worth my time to throw pearls to swine. Do you understand that analogy?

We do get that and these are some really really sad numbers for a country with the population as bigger than half of the US

>And second - i don't know what is your definition of intelligence, but no, it's not inheritable, otehrwise babies would be born intelligent, and they are not.
>a certain shape of the nose is not inheritable because babies have small noses


I told you that i don't understand your reference with the chicken and the egg. And yes, you sound like someone who doesn't understand how evolution and biology works. Also, why would it be funny that i use ''the irish argument''? That was essencial to your argument, was it not. is it because it doesn't conform to your narrative? You just cherry pick data that validates your narrative.

>Also 20% of Germany isn't German.

user, intelligence is hereditary, It's a pretty common thing. Your environment plays a big part in it but genetics is a massive factor.

Seriously, the only reason the race denial argument is in the mainstream is because of the social pressures associated with race realisim. It's funny when one of these idiots try to seriously argue for race denial instead of just calling up the Stasi poverty law centre and getting you fired.

Now compare numbers to IQ's higher than 100.

The facial exprsesion is inherited. That small nose will grow up to be like the parent's nose.

What is your definition of intelligence, i am curious?

Now do jews and white people, and compare them to the native population.

Before we talk about whether or not intelligence is hereditary, first tell me what is your definition of intelligence?

>That small nose will grow up to be like the parent's nose.

And you assume something similar doesn't happen for intelligence because...?

When I say intelligence I am talking about measurable intelligence, so IQ. There's plenty of evidence, you just need to google it.

stop beeing antisemitic goy
the 102 jewish IQ explaint their overrepresentation

ok this is ebic

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Does this sophistry really work on some people?
Probably on 120 Million Nigerians?

84 average IQ isn't horrifying enough?

30 million out of 186 are capable of being competent at simple tasks if you manage to teach them. These above 100 IQ people are the elite of the elite in Africa, Nigeria is a high IQ country comparatively and these are the top scorers in Nigerian universities.


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You know now that I think about it, maybe you don't understand the analogy because you are in Bulgaria. I can assure you I understand the theory of evolution. Regardless, like I said before you are not worth engaging with.

>1 post and no link
Hi Joan! Have you gone to the gym today? You should try keeping a food journal. It’s easy to rack up those calories when you’re at the computer all day.

I run into this all the time when talking stats with blacks. They'll look at FBI stats and say whites are worse bc we did more in a particular area. Trying to explain things like per capita and rate are lost on many of them.

Another observation that I'm not 100% sure on. You know how blacks always type stuff incorrectly. Like Dem, Fo, Date etc etc. I always thought it was just slang or them trying to be cool. However now I think it's just because most are functionally illiterate. Seriously.

Most people are retarded. The people who support IQ as a ruling factor almost always exclude themselves as the rulers (because mathematically, the odds are that they are the rule, not the exception. If they really had high IQs, they'd know that!)

"Intelligence has been defined in many ways to include the capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, and problem solving. It can be more generally described as the ability to perceive or infer information, and to retain it as knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviors within an environment or context"

Because the little baby is not going to grow up to become a scientist like his parents unless he goes through a rigid conditioning and training. All that knowledge and information is not going to flow into his brain from the air.

So your definition of intelligence is IQ. Now, what is your definition of IQ?

>implying this isn't because of all the africans in Germany

Nigerians are fuckin smart, not gonna lie. one of my best buddies is from Nigeria and he's a fuckin genius.

"I know a tall Chinese person, therefore all the data about the average height in China is moot!"

you mean the elite ones that move to the US to go to college, right? Because if you're saying the average Nigerian is smart, then you're full of shit

>Nigerians are smart, I know this because my friend is a Nigerian and he is smart. Never mind the fact that the average IQ of Nigeria is in the 80s
The absolute state of American education

>Because the little baby is not going to grow up to become a scientist like his parents unless he goes through a rigid conditioning and training.
>why can't the same happen for intelligence?
>because to get a certain job(scientist) you need training

How is this relevant?

I repeat my question, because you clearly did not understand it. What makes you think the same won't happen for intelligence?

> Now, what is your definition of IQ?

It's a score that reflects some abilities, linguistic, spatial and logical ability in some tests, in other just logical ability, ecc.

So only 1/6 of the nigerian population has an IQ higher than 99, while full half of the german population has an IQ higher than 99.

And we're the ones who don't understand statistics?

So according to that graph there are 4.3 million nigerians with an IQ below 55, while 68 is often cited as the threshold for mental retardation

We should definitely take all of them to Europe

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>There are tons of extremely smart and intelligent Black Americans.
But there aren't.

>This fact alone disproves any theory about Blacks being genetically inferior.
But it doesn't.

>If they were, Black Americans would be the same, but they are not, because genetics don't change
Black americans have a very large % of white admixture compared to Africans, and as a result have an average IQ somewhere in the middle (like 90 iirc).

Please tell me someone is explaining this to the guy on Twitter. Or atleast explaining to him the importance of per capita. I don't have twitter

Well first of all, this sentence reminds me of a book called tyranny of the words. You just use vague words that often contradict and repeat each other in a sentence, and at the end, it doesn't make any sense.

Anyway, if by inteligence you mean ''capcity for logic, understand, reasoning, problem solving'' and so on, then you are not talking about actual ability, but just the capacity. I.e. you are not talking about how knowledgeable you are, just how knowledgeable you COULD be. I have already said that, capacity is biological, if you are malnourished or have brain injuries, your capacity will be reduced, however, even if this is passed to your offsprings, this is not something that cannot be changed like i have proven 3 times already with the numerous studies of malnourished immigrants and their well nourished kids. And furthermore, even someone wtih reduced capacity can become very knowledgeable to a point you cannot notice any difference between him and a a person with more capacity.

My definition of intelligence is information, which is also the definition of understanding, problem solving, creativity and all those other fancy words. Information does not flow into your brain from the air, you have to actually obtain it, we call that process - learning. Unless you learn what 幽霊物語 is, you are not going to ''know'' what it is, no matter how much capacity you have.

So, in conclusion, information is not passed on, malnourishment is, but can be changed.

is this one of those posts that is intended to troll libtards into thinking they made a great point only to come to the realisation they are supporting a 1488 argument 5 seconds later?

>malnourishment is, but can be changed.
But nourishment is not the only thing that affects intelligence. If I take the back seats out of my car to make it lighter it's not suddenly going to perform like a Ferrari.

Your maximum possible intelligence is gated by your genetics. Sure, there are a bunch of ways you can fail to achieve that level of intelligence, like undernourishment in youth, but you could throw the finest food and education in the world at the vast majority of nogs and they will still be stupid.

A smart person from Nigeria is smart. But what about the majority in Nigeria?

Sadly not.

i doubt that nigerians have an iq of 84
thats what blacks in the us have, with alot of euro admixture.
they probably have around 65iq

The bell curve there clearly marks the average Nigerian IQ is 84
Holy shit fuck off retard

That's what I thought. It's a real tweet from a euphoric German youtuber with a following.

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Seriously I get really frustrated by seeing this kind of shit. Can someone with Twitter explain to this guy how stupid he is? Or at the very least tweet him this thread.

Seriously, how can it even be a functioning society with 30 million citizens with an sub-70 IQ?

...if it even counts as a functioning society.

According to that graph an IQ ~135 Jow Forumsack could go to Nigeria and literally be the smartest man in the entire country.

Attached: spurdo myyrä.jpg (240x240, 8K)

In order to answer your question, i asked you to first define what is your definition of intelligence. You said IQ. Then i asked you what is IQ. And now you are telling me IQ is ''some abilities, linguistic, spiritual, logical ability in some tests''

Now, lets examine this definition more closely. First linguistic. So having high IQ means the ability to speak, and low IQ means you have no linguistic abilities, and therefore cannot speak properly? What about the fact that, even low IQ people can speak properly, and countries like Congo and others have even multiple official languages?

Next, ''spiritual''. What is that mean? If by that you mean religion, then are you saying low IQ people are incapable of being religious or believing in spiritual beings?

Next, ''logical ability in some tests'. If by that you mean to say the ability to logically assess a test, then let me ask you something, can you use your high IQ logic ability to assess this test question - 日本は地球上にどこにある国ですか?I bet you can't, why? Because you don't speak the language, i.e. you don't have the information needed to answer the question.

My point is that, there is a difference between capacity to have a lot of information, and actually having that information. The information itself is not passed onto your kids, because it's not genetic, the capacity in the form of healthy brain can be passed, but it can also be changed by making your brain healthy again.

user, the definition is literally the commonly accepted view of what intelligence is quantified as. You keep spouting the "muh nourishment, but muh nourishment!!" meme

Malnourishment DOES have an effect on IQ but it's pretty limited, adoption studies confirm this.
Schoenthaler and Bier (1999) compares people given nutritional supplements and people given placebos and the end result is a verbal IQ gain of 3.2 points. Grima et al. (2012), a meta-analysis study found that there's no significant effect in general cognitive ability and general reasoning ability but with minor enhancement to "immediate free recall memory" Yes, nourishment is a factor but it's not a MAJOR factor and I'm not sure why you're harping on about it.

>What about the fact that, even low IQ people can speak properly
What is verbal IQ you fucking idiot? Holy shit user.

Butthurt "race realists" will reply denying that there are smart black people and that black Americans are genetically destined to be just like black Africans (who are supposed to be a monolithic group) because American Renaissance said so.

>it all went to shit almost right away.
Are you stupid? Most Africans are much, much better off now than they were in 1950 or 1960.

I want to see a data of what percentage of Black Americans have genetic admixture with White Americans, and what is the average IQ of the Black Americans with no genetic admixture. If it is higher even by 1% from those in Africa, then the theory is disproven. In fact, if there is even a 0.1% difference in IQ between themselves, then teh theory is disproven. The theory is already disproven because such studies have already been done with not just Africans, but Europeans as well.


I want to point out that I wrote "spatial" not "spiritual", you embarassing retard.

Apart from that, you are absolutely wrong, yes, linguistic ability is a form of intelligence, low IQ countries can have multiple languages but might still have very low linguistic IQ on average, they might have trouble composing complex written or spoken thoughts. The two things can absolutely logically coexist.

The logical questions in an IQ tests are written in a language the examined person is fluent in, obviously...

Apart from that intelligence is inheritable, I got tired of telling you so I will just post the whole fucking wikipedia page, print it and try to stuff it in your ass