Threadly Reminder to Hate The Chinese
Chinese exporting fake honey. Everyone knows this isn't the only thing but this is the latest thing that ticks me off. TLDR chinks jew the west again, this time with honey. Selling honey blended with rice syrup and whatever else is cheap and available; labeling the product 100% honey and selling it with the help of domestic traitor companies. This practice is hurting honest bee farmers in Australia and I'm sure everywhere else where people have to compete with a piece of shit mislabled as 'top notch'.
To recap, china makes a profit, you pay a 'lower price' but really your paying a higher price than that shitty product should go for (and your health deteriorates because of it), dishonest traitor business profits and honest businesses get hurt.
Fuck china. I want to make hating china cool. I want every kid on the fucking block to shun products from china for fear of it making them fat, stupid and unhealthy. I want kids to say
>Ewww billy, why are you eating that thing from china. Don't you know it'll give you yellow plague?
Why even pay BOTTOM dollar for a product you didn't want? Everyone should know not to deal with the devil known as china. Every chinese son of a bitch is getting too big for their britches.
>but user, those poor chinese slaves would have no job if you didn't buy their junk
Fuck that. They're not my responsibility. Their own government makes them work like slaves to hurt the west, they're spending the currency of blood to fight us. Even then the chink slave hates us and wishes we would die.
The west survived for thousands of years without shitty cheap junk from china, we can do it again.
Fuck the chinks
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Bring brass back to the USA would be a huge step.... and incandescent lightbulb manufacturers. Imagine if there was a war. Obama made it illegal to manufacture lightbulbs here. If a war started here, no lightbulbs
In on Chink hate thread. Their growing population on the west coast cannot be ignored. We make fun of leafs and aussies, we cannot continue to turn a blind eye the unprecedented explosion in slant eye growth right here at home. They do not belong in the West, they have to go back.
preese try aw exerent ploducts
This. They are the ones taking our real jerbs. Mexicans only take jobs we don't want in the first place but chinks take the real good middle class jobs and CEO, VP positions.
Stop AMWF (as rare as that is), as well as - in this country, AMAF and AFAM. Throw them the hell out!
Is there any way we can bring what the Chinese are doing in America to Trump's attention?
Eventually Hollywood won't make movies for American's anymore. The trend has already started and the jews are trying to butter the chinese up just like every other jew company.
This is a very real concern. Mexicans buy their little shit houses in Little Mexico slum areas, but that's about all they can afford and they generally stick to themselves; Chinks come here with their dirty generational wealth, sometimes sponsored by their subversive communist government and will buy houses in poor areas, middle class areas, and rich areas and push all the non-Orientals out of all of these areas. It's a slow colonization and if we don't wake up to this sooner or later we will have a very big problem on our hands - bigger than it already is. Mexicans can only rise so high with their limited cognitive ability; Chinamen are a subversive enemy that reproduce like cock roaches in a dirty Chinese kitchen.
Embrance them, since their women adore us:
I buy my honey locally though...
How can we raise public awareness of what they are doing? Come on Jow Forums let's put our heads together.
Stop buying Chinese made shit. They only reason why they are rising is because of our offshored jobs.
Buy American, hire American.
Oh I'll fuck the chinks alright. Fuck'em real hard. mmm baby.
Ahahaha white men think the women adore them. But are slowly being phased out of existance. Once you have a baby, your daughter or son. Will probably have an asian husband or wife
This is the easiest way to phase you out. A Trojan, if you will.
Hahahahahahahah, ahahahahahah
Enjoy your hapa mongrel children.
I hate the chinks who come to the UK just to study and then go back, especially how nobody fucking cares that they are manipulating the system.
This. I live in a pretty wealthy area and half the houses on my street are filled with chinks when 10 years ago there weren't any. They're rude and unfriendly and most of the time they don't speak any English or pretend not to. They're much worse than Mexicans. In a few generations the richest, most powerful people in the US will be chinks.
They don't have Asians in America. I'm Korean, I went to the Midwest, northeast and southeast and I could count the number of Chinese/Koreans on my hands in most areas,
Trying to stir up another yellow peril huh? You Lovecraft bitches need to calm down
They are not bothering with the midwest, they're safe from this for now, but go to the Bay Area, Los Angeles, or any major city and surrounding area on the west coast and I'm sure you'd feel right at home.
>They're rude and unfriendly and most of the time they don't speak any English or pretend not to.
This is very true, many negative experiences with my "neighbors" their refusal to assimilate and understand Western society makes it very difficult to deal with them.
Jow Forums, we can't just sit and stroke each others cocks in this thread. We need to take action now.
Hello my slant eyed yellow friend. Your antics will not work here anymore... White men want white women now, the era of racemixing is over.
He's not wrong though. Mongoloids do lack human responses.
mongoloid is a retrovirus that first infected the human genome in 7000BC, it went on to genocide the entire Asian continent of Caucasoids. The inserted genome disrupts the DNA sequence and expression of a gene involved in regulation of oxytocin hormone signaling.
This causes disparities in oxytocin, which is involved in empathy, compassion, beauty, sexual dimorphism, intelligence, and dopamine/serotonin regulation, all things that mongoloids tend to lack.
mongoloidism is caused by a virus/bioweapon and it's going to destroy the West. mongoloidism has genocided native Caucasoids in Asia and caused total civilizational collapses multiple times before in history, and over the past century we've been experiencing another outbreak
East Asians have much higher rates of an Oxytocin-receptor genetic mutation that affects the shape and number of the receptors in their body, which results in a greatly diminished ability to empathize with others or fall in love. It actually explains *a lot* about how they act as a race and regard other living things.
The mutation (SNP) that causes this is located at rs53576.
please redpill more people on this. Very interesting. I have seen a lot of men comment on this board that they want an Asian wife because they are more "nurturing" and "loving". This would redpill a lot of people on the true nature of this race.
“Do the Jews Really Control America?” asked one Chinese newsweekly headline in 2009. The factoids doled out in such articles and in books about Jews in China—for example: “The world’s wealth is in Americans’ pockets; Americans are in Jews’ pockets”—would rightly be seen to be alarming in other contexts. But in China, where Jews are widely perceived as clever and accomplished, they are meant as compliments. Scan the shelves in any bookstore in China and you are likely to find best-selling self-help books based on Jewish knowledge. Most focus on how to make cash. Titles range from 101 Money Earning Secrets From Jews’ Notebooks to Learn To Make Money With the Jews.
The Chinese recognize, and embrace, common characteristics between their culture and Jewish culture. Both races have a large diaspora spread across the globe. Both place emphasis on family, tradition, and education.
Chinese apparently really admire Jews for their nepotism, subversion, and usury. And no, this is not a coincidence, or a cohencidence, but an outright threat to Western civilization.
why should goyim offer free support and free protection to traitorous globalists? how does it benefit me to fight for globalists for free?
i personally lost family, friends, housing, business, job, and 20 million dollars due to globalism.
nice larp nip
Science proved Asians lack empathy. Incredibly, the research results were reported by mainstream media. They connected infants of various races to sensors then exposed them to friendly faces, sounds of giggling infants, etc. They also exposed them to the sound of crying, distressed infants. Various tests. Asian infants were impassive throughout whereas black and white infants became distressed when they heard recordings of crying infants, etc. The Asian infants just lay there, no emotion at all, no empathy.
because you cant math and wont study to get that 100 cuz your mom told you everyone is special and school is for learning and not grades
Why do so many chinks seem to take pleasure in having control over the suffering of others? How are they completely unaffected by the obvious pain they are causing to others, or completely indifferent to suffering occurring around them? The answer lies in their very DNA
Let's look at the rs53576 variation in the OXTR gene--which encodes the receptor for Oxytocin--also known as "the love chemical". This mutation alters the way the receptor is shaped resulting in Oxytocin being unable to bind to it effectively to produce an effect, and has been repeatedly associated with lack of empathy (especially regarding pair-bonding and parental empathy to one's children), and the deleterious mutation ('A') is found in Asians at several times the rate of Whites--with east Asians having the highest rate of this mutation in the entire world
Ever wonder why the stereotype for "over-bearing Asian parent that treats their children harshly" is so common?
Ever wonder why there are SO many different examples of Asians acting sadistically towards animals and one another?
The majority (but not all) of them are literally incapable of experiencing natural and normal Human empathy
They literally live their lives without knowing innate love
I hope we can cull or deport and quarantine them one day
Holy shit.... Please we need to meme this... Too many people are importing these as wives and shit... Wow, this explains so much, such as e.g. the abortion soup they eat in China, and also skinning dogs alive.
I also saw videos of chinese people instead of doing a hit and run driving over the person until they die to finish them off, just so they wont have to pay for them...
See this 3-year-old chink company sells all sorts of chink-cheap fake products, yet the boss is a mutilibillionaire now,
stop whining, cucks, it's capitalism
>I hope we can cull or deport and quarantine them one day
If things keep going at the rate they are something like this will need to happen. When we finally reach the point of conflict, hopefully a president can use some wartime powers to deport the foreign nationals and even down to first and second generation Chinese - these aren't the ones who built the fucking railroads, man...
Nothing in the universe is infinite. Even souls are finite. There’s only so much soul to be divided among mankind. China has so many “””people””” that there aren’t enough souls for everyone. In fact, the vast majority of Chinese don’t have a soul at all. That is why the Chinese are so susceptible to sudden deaths and mass genocides by famine, disease, disaster, and enslavement. They’re literally a counterfeit people whose lives have no value. They’re the fake watches and illegal DVDs of the human race. They’re not even eligible for heaven or hell or reincarnation.
Over 240 chinese webms of them being subhumans and other chiense redpills
There were no chinks involved in building US or European rails prior to the 1860s, which is when most of the rail was completed in US
By 1850, 9,000 miles (14,000 km) of railroad lines had been built
Chink workers were insignificant.
in 1850, by the time most railroads in US were completed, there were only 2000 chinks.
Yes, whites invented and constructed the railroads in US, Europe, Canada, Australia...
The South Carolina Rail Road Company was the first to use steam locomotives regularly beginning with the Best Friend of Charleston, the first American-built locomotive intended for revenue service, in December 1830
Union Pacific Rail Road was constructed primarily by Irish labor who had learned their craft during the recent Civil War. It was largely a pick-and-shovel and wheelbarrow job, with most of the unskilled work done by Irish immigrants
The majority of the Union Pacific track across the Nebraska and Wyoming territories was built by veterans of the Union and Confederate armies
Brigham Young, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, landed contracts with the Union Pacific that offered jobs for around 2,000 members of the church with the hope that the railroad would support commerce in Utah. Church members built most of the road through Utah
Subsequently, the original UP purchased three Mormon-built roads
God damn, this is why I go on Jow Forums, for high quality posting like this. Literally some of the most insightful shit I read on here the entire year... Thanks and great digging m8!
>fake watches and illegal DVDs of the human race
Based a d redpilled
>being this butthurt
you're the ones that introduced capitalism to chinks
Holy shit, you must be a psycho, you need a shrink to get your fucking brain checked, it's demented.
Just stay out of our country.
Chinese want to build expensive projects like bridges and tunnels here to make a base in Europe. They're betting on us getting greedy, how could it fail?
you should get new infrastructure
Finally a good thread. Literally subhumans. I can't wait until they push their luck and get invaded by burgers/europe.
Most Chinese infrastructure projects are debt traps. You get a useless bridge or road and end up having to concede your strategical property or land to the Chinese.
This is very true.
I knew that pastor was right when he told me asians don't have souls.
I knew very well.
Then stop being cucks and make and educate enough amount of white kids, the problem will be non-existent, how many white kids do you have?
Your politicians will love it, they'll get enriched.
china literally dindu nuffin
if infrastructure is a debt trap what's the use of the USD? the USD as the world's reserve currency literally concede's a nation's entire economic sovereignty
I gotta say that's some nigger level analysis.
>just want to live peacefully selling stuff to the world
>don't have souls
pick one
that makes you the subhuman
Kys Chang. The people of the East belong in the east, this includes Indians.
All they can do is sell and steal. They can never create an original idea.
>dude lmao just get hopelessly indebted to china over a bridge to nowhere
>complain about china being communist
>complain about china being capitalist
(((whites))) everyone
>implying they're mutually exclusive
who cares if you build a bridge or not. it's funny the world doesn't recognize the real (((danger)))
>u justah needah to havah more chirldren
wrong answer wang
you need to fix your jewish problem before going on your global >muh white supremacy jihad. you mutts do nothing but spread degeneracy everywhere
China undermines American society via infiltration of industries, markets, academic institutions-- the Confucius Institute, chinese restaurants, chinese companies are all de facto arms of the Chinese state.
All of these institutions are run essentially by the Communist Party’s United Front Work Department, and that is basically the organization that conducts ‘political warfare.’ We need to be able to defend ourselves. You go through everything in our society and there is a destructive and subversive China challenge to it, even the opioid crisis. China basically wants to undermine and destroy American and Western society.
We have to remember that China is posing an existential challenge to our way of life, and we see this in so many ways. … It’s not only acting extremely belligerently; it’s attacking democracy and our society, and it’s been very successful, so far. We need another Adolf to understand the comprehensive nature of China’s challenge
We need to make sure that we remove Chinese influence from our countries.
What is Tibet?
What is Turkestan?
What was the invasion of Vietnam?
What was the invasion of India?
What was the invasion of Russia?
What was the invasion of Tajikistan?
What was the invasion of Korea?
What was the invasion of Mongolia?
What was the invasion of Burma?
What was the invasion of Nepal?
What was the invasion of Indonesia?
The regime in Beijing has its hands drenched in the blood of millions. Mao, still revered by the CCP, was literally one of the most genocidal rulers in Human history right along with Hitler and Stalin.
Why would China expand?
Why would China seek power?
Why would they backstab democracies with industrial espionage, sabotage, assassinations? Even bioweapons wouldn't be beyond them.
It's what fucking totalitarian regimes do.
They will always seek to blot out democracy, because in the long run both types of government cannot coexist. If the Chinese are playing nice it's only because they are biding their time and getting stronger with the current statu quo.
They are still ruled by a Communist party with the express intent of wiping out Western democracy and our way of life.
It boggles my mind China was allowed to become the #1 industrial power on the back of Western free trade, technology and investment while the Soviet Union was public enemy number one.
oh, there's certainly a group of people conducting political warfare alright and it's not the chinese.
pro-tip: look to your (((greatest ally)))
Behind on Payments, Sri Lanka gives Up Territory to China Instead
The Chinese are offering tons of money for loans to African gov'ts and businesses, knowing they'll default so the Chinese can seize the assets and property there.
Masters student of political science here. China is on a fucking warpath, conquering disputed islands in the South China Sea, tries to annex the Japanese sekaku islands, intellectual theft, economic espionage (Chinese exchange students in US universities who bring that knowledge home to be used against us) and before y’all say oh not every chinamans a communist think of it this way; would the Chinese communist party allow a non member or child of a non memeber to go to the United States or other western countries if that exposure to other cultures might create dissent in the hive mind? No that’s why all the chinese exhange students drive such nice cars drink expensive liquor and live in expensive on campus housing; two reasons: either the government pays entirely for it OR the family member in the government embezzled the money and hides their assets in property overseas fuck I need to lay off the sauce
>be amerimutt
>install (((democracy)))
>undermine a nation's identity via (((free speech)))
funny that the same tired script is used to undermine all nations without a (((rothchilds bank)))
Sometime in the last 20 - 30 years at some point a secret government coup was initiated. I'm going to assume by Chinese intelligence operatives and (((those))) on their payroll. China is extremely xenophobic and has a very brutal history. They are trying to control the US through manipulation, subversion and censorship because they know if they do it to the US, it will easily be able to be done to the rest of the world. Now you may or may not say is that the jews are probably orchestrating that. Which is possible. I wouldn't put it past them.
The thing we must do now is to become as strong as we can, to conquer the country, covertly, bit by bit ... We will not set up committees so that the gweilo (white enemy) will know what we are after, we shall act like silent spies, we shall buy, buy, buy.
We have made it a rule not to say too much, except to those ... we trust ... the goal is to expand our nation on the land of whites... if only we succeed in increasing our numbers here until we are the majority .... There are now only few Whites left on the planet, who are not very strong, and from whom we shall easily take away the country if only we do it through stratagems [and] without drawing upon us their hostility before we become the strong and populous ones
>be mutt
>complain about others on a warpath
china's soldiers literally have peace disease
But the major cause of tension are not accidents, misunderstandings or the attitudes and behaviors of either side, but objective historical conditions and the conflicting interests and goals of the two populations. The Whites sought instinctively to retain the White and Christian character of their nations and to maintain their position as its rightful inhabitants; the Yellow Peril sought radically to change the status quo, buy as much land as possible, settle on it, and eventually turn a White-populated country into a Yellow hiveland.
For decades the Yellows tried to camouflage their real aspirations, for fear of angering the authorities and the Whites. They were, however, certain of their aims and of the means needed to achieve them. Internal correspondence amongst the Yellows from the very beginning of their expansionist enterprise leaves little room for doubt
Chinese imperialist crimes
China invading East Turkestan
China invading Tibet
China invading Southern Mongolia
Sino-Indian War 1962
Sino-Vietnamese War
Korean War (China participation)
Mongol invasions of Japan (Mongol, China, Korea vs Japan)
Invade the South China Sea
Invade the East China Sea
what about western imperialist crimes you inflicted on china?
China are literally the inheritors of the Earth.
I just hope that during their centuries they can hold out against (((them))). They and maybe Nippon are our last hope.
it's tough going dealing with anglokikes
Tell your rich white boss to stop doing business with China! He's the one that sold you out ; American jobs to China. But you won't do that because you still kiss his white ass! He shifts the blame to China and you still take it up the ass!!!! Are you really that stupid?
Tell your family members.
Ridicule them "why the fuck you buying that Chinese shit? It's gonna break, you dumb motherfucker"
China needs to be pounded into the ground. They've wrought enough damage to the world already.
Mr. Rubio again denounced China as a national-security threat, adding: “We need to wake up to the threat that China poses to this country because we are running out of time.”
>Rubio: China's threat to U.S. national security is not a game
>FBI director says Chinese society as a whole is a threat to the US
>Pompeo Agrees with Rubio on Threat China Poses to US Economy and National Security
>Congress Passes Defense Bill That’s Tough on China
>Rubio Introduces Bill to Prevent China from Exploiting American Small Business Programs
You can't do shit to China!! China OWNS you!!!!
You deserve what you get for being a greedy piece of shit!!!!
The majority of our normie families don't give a shit user.
Chinese hate threads are CIA psyops
USA is kikes
China is communist
Best for us is if we help them kill each other and create white supremacy
chinks are buying up land in the west, and sending their people here. Their students and their Confucius Institutes. Their artificial islands, their corporate and industrial spies, and their growing power. You best not tweet about Taiwan being its own country if you work in an American airline, or you may find yourself without a job.
They're taking over western countries, and China has a vast number of surplus men. They build some bases here, send some workers there. They're doing this in Africa, and I can imagine they want the rare earth minerals and more. What's with the mock european cities in China? The ghost cities too, it's all strange. Don't tell me when all the white countries are burning, or already gone china will let the french for example come live in their fake paris? Another concern I have is "undocumented immigration" open borders bullshit. Whether legal, or illegal I can see chink "immigration" being a problem as there is just so many of them. They could take california, since any human is allowed to live there as long as they please without question. So to sum it up, they can demographically replace us, steal our inventions and resources, influence our culture/economy/governments, project military strength, and more. The Jews really want to prop these rice farmers up don't they? Without the transfer of western wealth, thievery, and most importantly backing of the jews you have to wonder if they'd be anything more than a developing country still. I mean think how many millions still are dirt poor over there. Sure they have their fancy cities propped up overnight, but is there any soul to any of it? It's all so artificial. Could be why the merchants want china to be their new host. A billion consumers, and workers who will never try and fight back as whitey did.
this ebook is required reading
sorry but you're not the good guys
don't make me laugh
white supremacy = white idiocy
The best way to sink the Chinks is to use their greatest strength against them: their massive population.
1.3 billion people is a lot of mouths to feed. Cutting off all economic activity to China and starving them of any resources shipped in from other parts of the world is a great way to bring these yellow rats to their knees.
Also, ethnically cleansing them from every western country they infest will also greatly help us.
India could be a great potential ally as well.
Another poster campaign like it's ok to be white.
Not sure what they would say/show though.
it's the other way around
you forgot china doesn't need you
you need china
>t. cannibalistic chink
The Han (mongoloid) rebellion was a mass slaughter and rape of Indo-European caucasians all over China, by Chinks. It ethnically cleansed China of indigenous Caucasians.
The locusts launched extermination and gang rape campaigns against An Lushan's Sogdian Indo-Europeans in their own homeland of Sogdia.
They committed genocide and gang rape of Indo--Europeans in Transoxania and Sogdia and paved the way for the later Mongoloid Turkic migrations.
China was very happy to invite Uyghurs and other mongoloids to rape and slaughter Indo-Europeans all over China.
China ordered their mongoloid Uyghur brethren to rape every caucasian indo-european woman.
The Korean General Gao had Caucasian babies stabbed to death all over Beijing after crushing An Lushan's army there looking for their blonde hair and blue eyes.
The Koreans identified the Caucasian babies through their blonde hair and then played games like catching and impaling them on spears.
Ran Min similarly slaughtered and committed genocide on the entire Caucasian Jie people who were native to China after identifying them through their blonde hair and blue eyes.
The Xianbei were Mongoloids and and helped rape and sexually enslave Indo Europeans in China in th An Lushan rebellion.
Khitans brutally enslaved Indo-Europeans when conquering Central Asia and founding the Kara-Khitai Khanate.
The Manchus had the Central Asian Indo-European children castrated. Manchu officials ordered British and American sailors who violated rules in ports executed before the Opium wars and had British and Indian sailors on the Nerbudda mass executed. The Manchus castrated and sliced up Indo-european Caucasians. The Manchus also raped caucasian women.
Orientals torture dogs before they boil them alive to eat them, we may not be "good guys" but we certainly are better than you subhumans.
I am almost certain that 50% those chinks you mentioned are are spies for the ccp.
Shut up chink.
>choosing poos over chinks.
The bugmen may be bad but poos are worse by far user.
stay mad, bro
I hate the Chinese "Communist" party.
Chinese rise up
In the 80's and 90's they were literally eating fucking roaches and many still have to. They prioritise who gets to eat a fucking worm out of a family of 5.
Then go throw in Mao shit killing everyone and having to survive in a corrupt government system.
I think you are not giving them enough credit for what they have done and have had to do.
Chinks actually think they got this big by themselves. They were gorging on human flesh right up to the 70s because they didn't have anything to eat. We created superpower China, and we can destroy superpower China. Once we're done with them, they'll be a wasteland with nothing to eat but each other (for the 1000th time in their history).
we are not the good guys because we still allow chink locusts to exist instead of eradicating them for the face of the earth
chinks are a bunch of ingrates. Just compare China before Nixon and after. We literally dragged China out of the gutter, gave them the tools to modernize, and gave them their entrance to global trade. We should not have helped China at all and let them languish in Communist poverty.
copy pasta
blame the motherfucker you never blame
Go neck yourself for being a white piece of shit that you are!
you got no one to blame but yourself
we need to start clamping down on shitty foreign interference in Western economies or else the CCP is going to take over White countries
We need to ethnically cleanse all Han Chinese rats from western nations and then the world. They are nothing but spies and subverters, and need to be removed. It's literally a matter of national/racial survival.
Without trade to the US, China will die.
the parasite fears the quarantine
USA could cause a famine in China any time they wanted
outsourcing your supply chain to your rising rival is a questionable idea.
Chink goods are shit anyway. We should ban all of their imports, fuck them and their patent, copyright stealing gook asses
I hope the US fucking reks China harder than any ancient steppe tribe did.
The US military doctrine is LITERALLY to starve the Chinese to the point of cannibalism, and they can do it too. There's a reason Chinks are scared shitless and desperately trying to beg the UN for pity islands.
>got an american flag.
what kind of bullshit are you posting?
can you be real for a change?
you sound like trump