
The best way to fight the Jew is to accept Christ.
The best way to fight the Jew is to find a good, faithful wife and have children.

The solutions is obvious - Christianity is the only way to save the world. Don't listen to the double digit IQs that say Christianity is the problem; they are severely misinformed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

So is this supposed to be funny or

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It's the answer to the Jewish problem.

this is what peak judaism looks like.

I'd ask if you're retarded, but you're a Christian who thinks it's the solution despite the last forty years. So you already told me.


Yes but Christianity isn't against race mixing so white people can't use it. They have to invent their own special form of Protestantism so they can include racism.

Jews pretty much work through temptation: You want pretty women? Well here's a lot of porn. You want lot's of money? Well here is a loan? Drugs? Here is a prescription. Entertainment? Here is lot's of video games and internet.

Jews would have no power over your life if you were a true Christian.

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This is true, goy. The best way to fight the jew is to get on your knees and worship a jew.

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Replace the word Christianity with Catholicism and you got it


Racemixing wasn't a thing until jews came along.

Once jews are out of the picture, there won't be any racemixing propaganda anymore and people will go back to giving interracial couples stigmatizing looks.

>love foreigners
>don't seek wealth
>don't fight back
How is this supposed to help against the Jews?

No, actually.
Catholicism is Babylonian paganism pretending to be Christianity.
It might as well be in that rainbow.

Jesus said to sell your cloak and buy a sword.

Don't be those idiots that just assume Christianity is a kindness cult.

Protestantism is literally a break off from catholicism, Catholics are the original and only form of Christianity

>Jesus said to sell your cloak and buy a sword.
probably to better commit suicide

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I'm not talking about Protestanism.
Baptists came before both.

Catholicism started around 300 AD with Constatine.

But Christianity isn't against race mixing and Christians will shame you for shaming race mixers.

Listen here, Christians. You’re all absurdly heretical. A Christian from 100 years ago would lump you in with trannies and new agers. IVE BEEN READING OLD BOOKS, and some of even talk about predicting future heresies like non-deterministic free will and passivity. Your teachings on spirits are all screwed up. Angel and demons are literal pagan gods with pagan god powers. Human spirits are apparently not confined to choir singing and can even possess people. The jews were always regarded with suspicion for being ugly and are NOT the Israelites of the Bible. That title is reserved for colonialists who want an excuse for expanding. Racemixing is completely unbiblical. If you’re on Jow Forums you should know this by now. You modernist Christians are all faggots who tarnished the name and the reason I hate telling people my religion. I could claim to be a Satanist and talk about traditional Christianity and you faggots would be too retarded to know I’m actually a traditional Christian.

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>the best way to fight the Jew is to become a jew

Of course it's amerimutts
Why do brown people love Yeshu so much?

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says who?

yes mr.goy. the jewish god is the only true god. no borders, no race, everyone equal under christ

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Thus answers your question on your semitic cult?.

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>baptists came before both
>this is what heretics actually believe

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The Catholic Church.

Catholics aren't Christian.

See my post here.AND see my pic related.

Attached: Roman Catholic Church is pagan.jpg (1512x2016, 1.13M)

>there has never been a head of the Church since Peter, for all time
>there has never been a true priesthood of the Church since the apostles themselves

shoo shoo protestant

Catholics are the only Christians. Jesus gave the Keys to Peter and only Peter.

I hate christian jews as much as the next guy but this part is hilarious
Top notch shitposting slipped in with all the more and the less believable arguments

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Do I still get heaven-points when I defend the Catholic faith, even though I do not accept Christ as lord nor savior?

Jesus is the head of the church, see colossians 1:18

>even though I do not accept Christ as lord nor savior?
you go to hell for this alone.
Anything else you do is irrelevant.
The only way to heaven is by having faith in Jesus Christ; it is not of works.

Why wouldn't you accept Christ? Best man that ever lived, absolutely based, enlightened, a litteral god, who else would you pick? Even if He wasn't real, Him as a symbol, would still embody perfection, and He would still be your lord and savior

And the Bishop of Rome is his Vicar on Earth.

Mathew 16:19

Their use of pagan symbolism is only because they had set out to destroy paganism through appropriation.

>sophistic pacifist that tells you to live your life like apocalypse comes every moment
>embody perfection
You yourself don't believe that so why pretend thus online?

mormon-tier eisegesis

Yea this Protestant tactic is stupid. Protestants have tons of Pagan imagery in their Church.

The Church appropriates everyone's culture to help them understand Christ.

what is the alternative? larping pagans and fedora tippers

>Catholics aren't Christian

Heretics aren't Christian. Only Catholics are Christian.

The Church is the bride of Christ. The Church has an authority established by Jesus Christ himself (Matt 16), and it has a visible head which must continuously exist as the office of the pontificate, the seat of St. Peter, who will tend the body of Christ (John 21).

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whateva protestant boi.

I at most honor Christ as head of the church, and as metaphor for the enlightenment process. Now I prefer the clearness of buddhism, but I would still like to find a christian path. Maybe gonna visit an orthodox church soon.

So which Christianity is real Christianity?

Has real Christianity ever been tried?

>no salvation outside the church
>said the church
seems legit

Lies. The book you claim that Catholics are misinterpreting was collected into books by those very same Catholics.

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They are all full of shit. The Catholic Church is the only Church. The Church has been infiltrated by (((Communists))) and a lot of us are finding this out and are really pissed off about it.

The Church, with follows a clear apostolic line without schism, is the only Church that could possess this authority, because it's the one true Church established by Jesus Christ.

Attached: Plans of Salvation- Christianity.png (508x3022, 199K)

>They are all full of shit. The Catholic Church is the only Church. The Church has been infiltrated by (((Communists)))

Kek, maybe your church, god and religion aren't infallible then?

My christian parents are pretty useless man and totally degenerate, you probably have to think this over some more.

Catholicism has some great potential, once they officially brand the Vatican II as heresy.

Give me a name for what type of Christianity is real Christianity. Is your pic Alt-Christianity?

to be fair the crusades were literally the muslims fault for colonizing.

Majin sign in the bottom

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The Catechism has not changed. No Pope will ever speak heresy.

If there were a political party now punishing degeneracy I'd probably have to turn my Christian parents in.

I don't believe that a god exists.

Vatican II is not heresy. You have no idea what you are talking about and you should actually read Vatican II.

Fundamental baptist?
I just call it Bible-believing Christianity.

And that's why Mexicans are invading the US.

Jesus's name is not Yeshu

>Fundamental baptist?
Thank you for stating the kind of Christianity you're supporting.

JOY OF SATAN, what a beautiful website. I used to see that shit 6-7 years ago.

Amen brother!

>ib4 pagan retards who haven't read an inch of Christian theology start spamming the thread with their pure dogshit.

>Inb4 vargtards post his retarded videos.

Lol no kys faggot

Catholicism has no potential there are idolaters, who pray to statues, images and the dead. They also follow mans doctrine rather than the word of God not to mention they believe they are literally eating the body and blood of Christ like some kind of vampiric cannibals.

>and it has a visible head which must continuously exist as the office of the pontificate, the seat of St. Peter, who will tend the body of Christ (John 21).
yeah, it doesn't say that.
you're reading your man-made catholic doctrine into the text.

Be forewarned though.
There will be people who claim to be Fundamental Baptist but teach heresy.
The bible warns that there will be "people creeping in unawares" and to be vigilant against "wolves in sheep's clothing"

The great apostasy was prophesied to happen. Pope St. Pius X, after writing his encyclical Pascendi, predicted that in half a century, modernists would "lay waste to the Church". This was 1907 and the election of John XXIII was 1958. In 1884, Pope St. Leo XIII had a vision of a conversation of satan and Christ, that satan would in 75 to 100 years destroy the Church.

They believe that by eating Christ body and blood, they are receiving the forgiveness of sins. But that's a heresy because Christ died on the cross as a permanent payment for all sins (past, present, and future).
Catholics call Jesus a liar by participating in the eucharist.

Indeed denominations are unbiblical Christ never gave his Church a name. We must obey God's word and the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The great apostasy is predicted in the Bible.

Bull shit, you kike lovers are part of the problem John 4:22: "salvation begins with the Jews"
Fuck off kike lover, your magic kike isn't gonna do shit.

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this. only jews call him yeshu

It was the Church that existed before the Gospels, and it was the Church that canonized them in the first place. These traditions aren't "man-made", they are apostolic in origin, with sacraments implemented by Jesus Christ himself. Sola scriptura is a faulty position.

Yes, and?

The great apostasy isn't happening to any heretical sects. It's happening to the one true Church. Vatican II is that apostasy.

John 8:44 King James Version (KJV)
>Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

1 John 2:22-23 King James Version (KJV)
>Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
>Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV)
>I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)
>Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

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maybe in your country
>love foreigners
we don't LOVE foreigners, most white christians prefer their own race
>don't seek wealth
i don't get this one, i've never met anyone who hates money
>don't fight back
2nd amendment

best post/meme i've seen in a long while

Christianity aka "Turn the other Cheek" is a religion for pussies.

While you're chanting to invisible sky-daddy, they are doing this:

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Yeah well it also says the world was flooded even though there is no evidence of that not to mention explication of how animals got to places like Australia


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Is that you in the pic?

>Catholicism has no potential there are idolaters, who pray to statues, images and the dead.
People aren't praying to statues. The statues are art to attract people. Also can you outline where in the Catechism it says that we must pray to statues? I'll wait.
>They also follow mans doctrine rather than the word of God not to mention they believe they are literally eating the body and blood of Christ like some kind of vampiric cannibals.
We follow that which Jesus commanded to follow. We believe Jesus is the Son of the living God. And Jesus commanded that we eat his flesh and blood. And it's not actual flesh or blood, so we aren't cannibals.
Oh, and on what authority do you claim that the Catholic Church is heretical? Or are you just making that up?
Again what authority makes you believe your claims are correct?
You are dumb. Catholics don't "love" foreigners. We love everyone. And we aren't pro-migration also.

What's your plan to spread Fundamental Baptism to the entire white race?

Turn the other cheek does not mean to defend yourself. If you read the bible it is about personal vendettas, grudges, bitterness ect. It's not saying you should except abuse the bible tells us to take care of ourselves and to defend others and ourselves.


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No, but you would probably get along with him since you and him hate Christians.

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>The best way to fight the Jew is to accept...

a magical jew that walked on water, born of a virgin jewess.

>The best way to fight the Jew is to find a good, faithful wife and have children...

Especially in our feminist civilization where she can financially rape you for any reason, or even scream "marital rape", "marital rape" for fuck sake, we are doomed.

>The solutions is obvious - Christianity is the only way to save the world. Don't listen to the double digit IQs that say Christianity is the problem; they are severely misinformed.

Like in the past doctors treated opium addiction with heroin, now we need to cure the opium of the masses with another religion. FUCKING RETARDS.

Fuck your incel virgin kike Yeshu ben Pandera, son of a rapist Roman soldier and a little Judean whore.

If there's gotta be a revolution we are gonna ban all this nonsense.

Ruling by deception is easy but it never last.

>The best way to fight the Jew is to accept Christ.
Depends. Actual Christianity will save people's souls, but Satan/Sol Invictus is worshipped for world domination.
>The best way to fight the Jew is to find a good, faithful wife and have children.
>have children
Unless you know what you're doing, it's better to abstain.

Must be nice to just pick and chose what parts you believe out of a fairy tale

sounds like jews to me