>be me
>live near Charlotte
>go to grocery store
>all the milk and bread are gone!
>water is gone
>go to home depot
>all the generators are gone
>I-40 is a madhouse with people evacuating the east coast

Am I done for? Should I start praying now? How did it get this bad?


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Other urls found in this thread:


better start getting your ass states over if your this fucked m8, what state are you in and how much cash do you have.

This should explain everything: youtube.com/watch?v=2qpEtTxEeB8

I live in NC

kek, just shitpost untill your dying breath, timestamp floating on your roof or something

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I use to just sit at my computer waiting for a fun meme to pop up on my screen as if they were just created out of magic. I was hypnotized but it took Alex Jones to wake me up.

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>buy a parachute
>climb onto your roof
>deploy it when the high winds hit
>fly to safety

Are you 5 years old? Or are you just incapable of forming long term memories? This is how people act during a natural disaster.

Shoulda got yours eons ago when muh hurricane started being a reality.

I don't get why people choose to stay in their own state during a hurricane. Like nigga, just pack your bags and leave. Your lives or your home nigga, damn.

But seriously op just fucking leave the state. Your house probably has insurance.

fill up your bathtubs with water

Charlotte got its ass handed to it from a hurricane about twenty years ago...

mmm I love drinking nutsack tea

Yes I have insurance and I just had my roof replaced last week.

You realize you're supposed to clean your tub, right?

Was thinking about towing a boat up high but I'm gonna try this instead.

Quick, kill yourself before the hurricane hits!!!

I live north of Charlotte. I'm most worried about trees falling on my house. I'm going to ride it out though.

you'll be fine, hurricanes aren't even a big deal, the only people that die are nogs, old people, and drunk people that try to drive through high water if it floods. people just panic and overreact from media hype

holy fug, I never thought about it like that thank fren

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>milk and bread
I've never understood why people buy these during storms. I get the whole stocking up on food, but can't they get normal foods like burgers or something?

You think I’ll be ok in Greenville SC?

So long OP, you should pray to Alan for forgiveness.

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>normal food like burgers

stay safe user, i pray for you.

>normal foods like burgers
>normal food
>whereas bread is not
The memes are real.

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dude head to some state like a few states over and stay in a hotel for a week.

most houses on the east cost are made to withstand cat 4-5 hurricanes

That's not my point you morons. Why are they eating like medieval peasants when they have the rest of the fucking store? You can buy some frozen burgers/pizza/whateverthefuck instead of milk and bread.

What about all the niggers that will yoink your shit?

Dude, NORMAL PEOPLE do not live off of fast-food, or what you like to call "normal food".

this is how it will be if there's ever a major war

90% of the population will die

That reminds me, I can't have a firearm because of a restraining order so I can't protect myself when the nogs come. I have a katana.

You fuckers eat rotten fish and blood sausages, but burgers aren't normal food?

I live in Harrisburg, bro and I wish I knew what to tell you. We are going to get fucked by this storm, and theres nothing we can do about it.

What are you gonna heat your frozen food in dumb fatty? The power is out during storms like that.

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topkek. milk and bread are stupid prepper options, but burgers is definitely more stupid hahha

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It's not rotten it's matured

you realize if theres no electricity you cant make any of that shit right? bottled water and canned goods are what you need for emergency lol

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backup generator and if it goes out, the fireplace. May not be ideal, but at least I won't eat like a roman pleb.

>bottled water and canned goods are what you need for emergency lol
That makes sense, but not milk and eggs

*milk and bread

milk and bread should not be your focus.
fill your bathtubs with water [clean them well first]
and get nonperishable food
you dont need a genny, that gas is better left for your car

buy an illegal gun

whats the deal with filling the bath up? ive never lived in a flood/hurricane zone, just curious

I'm not leaving Charleston

Gas stove you fucking idiot

Milk eggs and bread can last a few weeks without refigeration

Drinking water

theres a hurricane coming near virginia.
Everyone in this thread is a dum

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Go back to the store, forget the tuna and baked beans, get the sardines, peanut butter and jars of honey, everyone else will go for the obvious stuff instead. Also fill any container that had a lid you can find now, if not buy large sodas and use the bottles. Find a natural bag of fresh potatoes too if you can, they last a while if stored in a cool dark places, good for using 1-2 a day to supplement whatever else you're eating and keep the calories up. Good luck user

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>hurricane hits
>tell my bitch to brew some coffee
>sit on my balcony shirtless
>shoot looters with my Mannlicher Schoenauer

interesting! a friend in gov disaster org told me always have 3 days worth of bottled water and canned food (we lived in los angeles at the time) and to stay indoors until relief comes. said usually that takes 3 days. if you live rural i dont know best prep though

go to your nearest KFC and eat a nigger. I now it's gross, but it's not like if they are human anyways.

gas range
propane grill
wood burning fireplace
4 camp stoves

you have failed to maintain your state of preparedness, son

I live in the same area. Just get yourself some beer, ice and a cooler, sit on your porch and watch the storm like every non-faggot here.

hes right tho, making milk and bread a priority is fucking retarded

I got 3 cases of water, I'll see if I can pick some more up tomorrow. I got 3 months worth of freeze dried food, plus what I got in my fridge and cupboard. I got a camping stove and 6 bottles of propane, 2 swiss army candle stoves, matches, lighter fluid, candles, flashlights, lanterns. Been stocking up since I moved down here 5 years ago.

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Yeah they even make a bath-sized water holder now that you can fill up and keep in an emergency, waterBOB its called

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You should have evacuated 2 days ago.

>lasting weeks without refrigeration


Are you armed? If SHTF, you better be prepared to protect your territory.

I live in Charlotte and people are over reacting if they think they need to evacuate. If you live at the outer Banks or Wilmington or something then you need to move inland. Our only threat here in Charlotte is some flooding and downed tree's/power lines. I'm not going anywhere and I'll probably still have to go to work.

why is america having so many catastrophes while in germany we never have any natural desasters.


t. country with 2 million sub-Saharan African invaders

>>all the milk and bread are gone!
Why milk? The minute the electricity goes the milk goes. But a bunch of empty glass containers and just fill with your sink water. Instead of bread, buy granola and nut mixes. More expensive, yes, but healthy. Bagels, buns, and English muffins if those bread products are still around.

And please evacuate. Leave at 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. when hopefully the traffic will be lite.

Godspeed, user!

basically free water. you already pay your water bill, and its insanely cheaper than buying bottles water. so just scrub your tub well, PLUG IT TIGHTLY, and fill with water

ive lived in a hurricane/Nor' Easter zone for all my life. storms arent shit

You don't already have food stores and a generator?

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USA is bordered by two giant oceans, brainlet.

No self respecting American has a home without a grill.

not bad user

Of course, we all know food magically is created at the store

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Powdered milk or condensed milk in cans is the way to go.

Wasnt the evacuation mandatory?
If you get into trouble head to the base near you. Some have to stay. They will take care of your stupid ass.

>I can't have a firearm because of a restraining order
What did you do OP?

You should pray.

Pre-Trump the media would spend time talking about these storms a week or two in advance. Now they only talk about muh drumpf and don't spend nearly as much time warning about potential catastrophes, so when it comes to a few days out they start reporting on it and freak everyone out.

America is controlled by the talmudvision. People don't prepare unless it tells them to.

>we never have any natural desasters.
Obviously because Germany was once blessed by God

Just stay.

hurricanes are mostly fake news

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Ideally you'd have a camping/surplus military portable water tank - the flexible ones that fill up to 50-100 gallons or more, but a bathtub makes for a decent alternative.
Gives you lots of water for drinking, washing and cooking.

It is good to also have a portable gas cooking stove for camping; if you buy enough fuel you'll have plenty to cook canned or simple meals on it and boil water for sterilisation or hot drinks, if the power or gas hook up to your home ever fails (emergency or not)

Germany is a natural disaster.

so is australia, yet you don't hear australia getting fucked every 6 months.

Even cartons of ultra pasteurized milk has a good shelf life at room temperature, if you can find them

because most people are literally soulless NPCs and buy whatever everybody else buys
other anons have already said this, but generally undesirable canned fish [anchovies, mackerel, kipper snacks, etc] which i fucking live btw, peanut butter, honey, and MEAT
people will mostly ignore the butcher section while prepping for a storm, but it is very easy to preserve a shit load of meat either by smoking or salting

Cause god hates fags

Merkel is a much bigger disaster than a cat 4 hurricane

Conserve your gasoline. If it isn't already it'll be hard to get.

>Milk eggs and bread can last a few weeks without refigeration

I don't even fucking want to know what you guys pump into your milk, eggs and bread. Without refrigeration, milk should last less than a week, eggs maybe one weak and only a few days if it's hot. I'll give you bread, since there's types that can last weeks. However most fresh, organic whole wheat bread doesn't last longer than a week here.


Fucking christ it's Charlotte, you'll be fine. All the carpetbaggers OY VEY IM A POOR HURRICANE VICTIM hundreds of feet above sea level and several hundred miles inland.

Came here to post this, Fritz.
$20 and the package neatly fits under any bathroom sink. This is probably the most basic and useful item to have for a disaster.
That being said I also keep a 55 gallon drum of stabilized water in muh basement b/c you might lose water pressure before you can fill a BOB up.

Australia floods and bring in crocs everywhere.

dumb frogposter

10 thai boys aged 10 survied for 10 days in a cave with no food.

Yeah, UHT Pasteurised milk has a shelf life of about 6 months

You're going to get 30 inches of rain. You should just get inside a big Rubbermaid container and float away.

How dare you buy more than your 1 (ONE) gallon of water and milk, how are my baby's bones going to develop?!

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We are your natural disaster