Jow Forums on Native Americans

What does Jow Forums think of the Natives/Indians?
Were they justified in wanting to preserve their culture and land or was all the wars, deaths, and land we conquered for the greater good and future of America? Do they deserve better treatment now?

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It's the same with Africans. They look at the White man with jealously at what could've been had they, you know, built an actual civilization.

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Fucking worst people you will ever meet. Absolutely sub human. Rather be around blacks and mexicans, atleast they resemble something of hummanity

T. Montana Faggot who has to deal with them

I think the British treated them much better in North America. The Spaniards really fucked them up and raped the hell out of their women and killed half of them off. I don’t think any group of people’s deserve their homeland to be invaded, which is why I disagree so much with what is happening in Europe.

respect their dances and traditions goy! some of them go to dartmouth!

> that picture

Sorry, he does not look Asiatic at all. This Bering land bridge stuff is suspect.

He's Italian.

Thank you. I did not know that.

Wtf im moving to helena in october. I thought it was an all white state

They are wasting an opportunity to become more powerful than they have ever been. But they rather be absorbed by the past, instead of living in the present.

they could have prevented america if they weren't so busy fighting among themselves

I honestly believe native Americans and Meso are not that bad, Meso are kinda crazy but I think with enough time they would have made some cool civilisations.

Fuckers had no horses and got there later so that fucks you up. Thousand times better than niggers.

>preserve their culture
They didn't have any culture. They were prehistoric savages. Not an exaggeration they didn't have writing, they were actually prehistoric. They didn't have anything that constitutes civilization, writing, agriculture, domestic animals, beer, none of these things did these savages have. And if they were left alone they'd still be prehistoric savages today. They ought to rejoice that they weren't wiped out and are allowed to live like zoo animals.
Anywhere sparsely populated(Montana, Nebraska, etc) will have a rez somewhere nearby. Try visiting one, they're hellholes and a perfect capsule of Native "culture": boozing, rape, idleness, child abuse and neglect.

>Thinking it was the indians land all along without considering war in built into our DNA.
Humans have been in North America for at least 10,000 years. Some argue over 100,000 years. Chances are the land the Europeans stole was stolen by the indians from some other group.

>Fuckers had no horses

They HAD horses...they ate them all.

I support the creation of an all native state after the US balkanizes. 1 they must have a coastline 2. must be the size (minimum) of a average US state
(and yes I know every tribe is somewhat different but they wouldn't really have a choice since there's so few of them left.)

They have almost as much land as the UK, 87,000 sq miles vs. 93,000.

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Here you go. This one is actually a chief.

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Size of Idaho.

looks like you won't be having to do as much work subverting it then, huh kike

stay out of my state you fucking Jew

He was an original LARPer HAHA !

I like the Indians who are on sports jerseys and hats and helmets. We should try to get more of those.

I am from somalia originally i got refugee status from usa

In Canada while the niggers are tame, the Indians take the slot of crazy street drunks that cause almost all of the crime. Truly disgusting people.

Par for the course. Hardly any injuns were natives in hollywood then.

I used to work with a bunch of Navajos. They were extremely hard workers. They didn't drink or do drugs. A polar opposite from the average native.

it's all desert tho, and once the US balkanizes (which WILL happen) population displacement/exchange will happen as well. they will need 1 territory not 1 thousand small ones

>...I'm the Jew now.

they are same as gooks

Jokes on you rabbi natives in beat up pickups are all over the state. I can only hope you get scalped.

>"Native Americans"
Asians that moved to the Americas

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Natives aren't ONE people though. They don't want to be ruled by other tribes. The reservations are mostly autonomous regions as is.

White people could turn the land to gold. Use the solar power to run Silicon Valley 2.0, or a hundred other paths. And they don't need direct ocean access, they are already next to the most sought after consumer economy. Just have to learn how to manufacture useful shit. Third world economies rely on just raw resources.

You're dumb af. There were a lot of tribes that lived strictly on trade and agriculture. Those are some of the ones still around today cashing in on casinos. Most war tribes died off.

Some kraut classified the indigenious natives of the Americas into races and subraces.

The American Indian, that this those who reside within the continental United States are called "Silvids" with the subraces: Applacid Planid and Pacifid. Our Indians are characterized as having long rectangular faces with vary degrees of eye folds.

The current thinking of the Silvid race was they were already Eurasian before crossing over the Bering landbridge. Then there is the Solutrean. Personally I believe that a population related to the Sami populated the US regions via both the Atlantic and Pacific.

The Silvid race and their relation to Europeans is a hot topic on the race forums:

Oh and there reason why our English forefathers were mean to them was in addition to they wanting their land the Silvid tended to retaliate unlike their cousins to the south which p much bent over for the Spaniards.

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No, Fuck them. They lost and need to get over it. Everyone gets conquered at one point or another, incessantly bitching and moaning about it wont fix their situation. they need to lift themselves up.

If they wanted to keep their land and culture they should of stopped fighting eachother, unified and pushed the huwite man out. Why are they to be pitied because a crate of fire water and handful of beads was enough of a bribe to get them to turn on one another? Fuck them, Fuck them to death.

In canada, our indians are like the niggers in the U.S. except they get payed to go to school, get free college, get $30,000 once they get out of school and dont have to pay taxes, free land, free housing. These worthless cocksucers get everything handed to them and they are STILL bitching and moaning, Pissing every freebee away on drugs and booze, electing corrupt chiefs and never endingly creating crime and disrupting society.

I wish my ancestors never would of stopped once we started killing them. According to the chuggs anything is better than living around white people, even when they give you everything on a silver platter.

The ones that helped us kill French and Spanish faggots were based and red pilled
>red skinned?
But the ones that helped the French and Spanish were faggots

Om in Oklahoma so i have it worse than anyone. They are lterally scum of the earth, they get so much shit free its fucking ridiculous. The stereotypes about them are 100% spot on. FUck them i absolutely hat them, im moving to Arkansas literalyl bc i cant stand being around them anymore.

They are a shining example of what mass migration leads to. Anyone who disagrees is a Native Supermacist bigot.

Honestly tho, priarie niggers are so bad, and get so much free shit it will make you absolutely sick. Honestly they will make you view spics and niggers in a different light. Only thing worse than all of them besides jews are Micronesian.

(((Indian))) you know that was a Jewish actor? Of course you did.

no one ever mentions the cannibal tribes

>lefties pander to women, blacks and asian but don't give a shit about amerindians
>they represent less than 1% in the whole country
they are still screwed

No he was Italian.

The Aztecs and Iroquois were said to be Cannibalistic.

I used to want to find somehing noble in them but i am sick of their shit. There are very few who live with real vital energy off the land like they like to LARP about. Fucking disgrace to their ancestors.

>The ones that helped us kill French and Spanish faggots were based and red pilled
>But the ones that helped the French and Spanish were faggots

Our Indians were also allied with the Confederacy and the Nazis. There was even a Indian Fascist organization named American Indian Federation. Then the Japs bombed us. After that they helped us round up the Japs and held them on their Reservations.

Now they are strung out on fast food, junk food, alcohol and opiods. Not unlike the descendants of the Confederacy.

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You should look at them as an example of what happens when you DON'T stop the ethnic replacement.

The Natives you've known to be sympathetic to the cause are probably ones who've experienced firsthand what kind of problems cultural and race mixing can cause. As a result of cultural dominance and interracial mixing there are barely any full blooded Natives left. Where I live less than 1% of all the people on the Reservation can speak their own language, and among the youth wanting to be black has run rampant. Under a National Socialist government, things for us would improve vastly... That is, if we haven't already become too soft from the way this materialistic life-style has made us, and that is why I am pro-Nazi. It's hard though, being a Native American National Socialist; people are so misinformed, ignorant, and closed-minded it makes your life a living hell.

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>heard it was an all White state.

Just can't help yourselves can you? You fucking parasites.

Native Americans originated from Central Asia, not East Asia.


Most native tribes are scum that blame all their problems on whitey like the niggers.


IM FROM THE PINEAPPLE AND GRAND CANYON TRIBE HEBREW. Im golden light hair and green eyes.

>Native American national socialist

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I would suggest the Inkan system of government for the Natives. The tribal government would implement the Mit'a system to make sure resources are distributed fairly to each Ayllu (Village) and everyone works seasonally.

True many Mayans shun photography.


Of course they were justified in trying to preserve their culture it's not even a question. European technology was just too advanced what happened to the Native Americans is worse than the Holocaust they were destroyed both ethnically and culturally.

The vast majority of native americans in the US and Canada are mutts which is a tragedy, to anyone from north america saying you've met real native americans, you haven't, those were probably mutts.

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>bleached spotted jeans
>couldnt afford the knock off camo like his bros

top kek

Every group of people who wanted to preserve their culture is justified. Thad doesn't mean they are worthy of preserving it.

Tom Petty was a Satanist pedophile aka the average celebrity.

They're not camos though. They're bleached black jeans look closely.

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>Oh and there reason why our English forefathers were mean to them was in addition to they wanting their land the Silvid tended to retaliate unlike their cousins to the south which p much bent over for the Spaniards.

The Spanish made allies and set up a new feudal system, both sides perpetuate the lie that Cortés and Pizarro conquered the Aztercs and Inca alone. Both were shrewd negotiators and used the resentment of tributary tribes to swell their ranks.

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>preserve their culture and land
What about the Romans which were in NA or the Vikings? What happened to their shit?