The thread is dedicated to the men and women who served in the War on Terror and gave their lives to make America safe...

The thread is dedicated to the men and women who served in the War on Terror and gave their lives to make America safe again

Semper fi

Attached: US-Soldiers.jpg (787x525, 155K)

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They fought for Jews sadly

It still doesn't negate their honorable intention to fight for their country

God bless America and the american people!

G-d bless our armed forces

How does it feel knowing your goverment is supporting Al Quaeda right now and probably gonna sacrifice more lives for helping those goatfuckers?

A good friend of mine was in the Canadian marine core and he died fighting in the battle they made the movie "black hawk down" about I think. He elft behind his wife and two children. R.I.P. to all those who fought the good fight.

women shouldn't serve in the military


The best goys!

God bless those who serve/served our country. But fuck those who sent them over there to die. They'll rot.