So if you haven't heard. A Syrian refugee who was happily accepted into Canada 17 months ago murdered a young girl just 4 months after arriving. He was arrested yesterday after a long search.
Already the Canadian media are releasing fluff articles about how great other rapefugees are and how tolerant Canada is. Local news has removed nearly all mention of the story from their websites, this after following the case quite closely for over a year.
Canadians should be enraged, there is a genocide going on and it's being perpetuated by the government. hiding stories like these proves that the media, government, police, RMCP have been replaced with foreign born invaders that support only their own kind. Torch this shithole
>Canadians should be enraged It was a fucking Oriental Gook zipper head, yellow piss covered orangutan that got ass fugged and killed. Why should native Canadians even give a shit about an insects death?