European Gun Rights thread

Pic related is free for everyone 18 and above, no questions asked in Austria. Why do Americans think Europeans cannot just buy nice guns?

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Other urls found in this thread:,-Mauser-75-års-jubilæums-model.-9x19.-Som-ny..html

Martini-Henry's are cool and all but c'mon
>wow it's fucking nothing

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So the day has finally come where I get some information about the gun situation in Europe? I have no clue what the laws are. Tell me anons, what is going on, can I buy a small weapon legally?

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Of course, you just have to join a gun club to get the good shit. How do Euros not understand their own gun laws?

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>dumb burger posts yet another dumb post
How hard is it to grasp context, you attention whore?

What’s your point?

My point is that you asstards always say we cannot get guns without jumping through government hoops. Well, we can. Pic related is also fine to buy for 18 and above, and you can sharpshoot a fly from an apple 1000 yards away with a .338 Lapua Magnum rifle.

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Without paying exorbitant fees, arbitrary limits, types of guns being restricted or outright banned, the right to privacy and self incrimination suspended, and under no circumstances can you use said weapons to protect yourself, your loved ones, or property? Oh and to top this all off your "privilege" can be revoked at any time for any reason, usually involving a midnight no-knock raid by your local SWAT team, who will shoot you if you resist? Nah, you're right, you have total gun rights.

> Tell me anons, what is going on, can I buy a small weapon legally?

Not without a license in Germany. But you can buy a badass rifle in Austria without a license.

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In Austria only or in Germany too?

assblasted noguns detected

Just put the work in and get your guns faggots.

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