Why do Americans still get salty about this 16 years later?
Why do Americans still get salty about this 16 years later?
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Just please put whatever you're trying to do with this post in context for me.
They play the role of the victims, then hand over some million USD to their loved jews who are under '"heavy pressure'" in the Territories of Palestine.
Muh 3k victims. Where's my wristband?!?!
Im salty because my government allowed it to happen.
>16 years later
>Why do Americans still get salty about this 16 years later?
I don't give a fuck about 9/11.
Our reaction to it pisses me off to this day. The wars, the loss of life, on both sides, the wsted resources. The terrorists won! If we had done absolutely nothing after 9/11, we would have been better off. Me so angry. George W Bush belongs in solitary confinement for war crimes, along with all his conspirators.
>16 years
>yuro education
It's their holocaust.
They use it to justify all the crimes they commit all around the world.
>Oy vey Europoors, remember the 40 people who died in the Holotower, oy vey, we must bomb every single country that has oil.... I mean, has "terrorists", oy gevalt...
It's just a holiday at this point, we're kind of over it.
>please forget 9/11 goy, and just follow the mainstream media narrative
The white Americans should destroy the Ashkenazi (= Turkic Khazarian) false jews and their shills for blowing up the Twin Towers and getting them involved in useless Middle Eastern wars, which only benefited fake kike nation Israhell.
Frankly I dont care. The cost > attack. Even more so when you learn this was just an op to
1) increase defense spending
2) expand our conquest into the ME
3) make some bankers richer with central banks
You get off from work? Sweet. You guys are still the land of milk and honey.
we get off because it's a kike holiday, not because of 911.
I'm from nyc and we don't get off.
I'm sorry user but us burgers aren't used to Muslim terror attacks. Its not a everyday occurrence over here like it is in with you guys in Europe.
We were right to kick the shit out of the Afghans
Iraq was a monumental disaster however and we're still suffering for it today
>muslim terror attacks
I don't know how old you were at the time but I was 30 and this was the day that literally everything changed in this country.
It was like stepping through a door and everything I knew and loved was gone.
Rosh Hashana, you learn something everyday.
Because the kikes that actually did it are still on the loose
Imagine what rap artist little pump would have thought of 9/11
>we're kind of over it
No, you're not.
Because everything they've done since then has been a failure, repeatedly salting their own wound and howling about it like a bunch of fat babbies.
this b8
Because it ruined Western Civilization as we know it.