Fess up.
Okay which one of you is this?
that was me
This is basically me he's describing
can confirm, the less fucks you give the easier life is.
"When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, they will naturally want to side with the strong horse."
I'm the chad
I've noticed that paid shills are resorting more and more and more to finding random no names on twitter and reddit and posting them here. Probably because you retards are losing so badly and Trump is winning so much you have nothing legitimate to post.
I'm the ethnic chick the chads pulling
That’s even more based.
This is what multiculturalism gets you. Minorities being out competed in sexual partners by likely average white dudes. It's not our fault your people are short brown and ugly. Dude could probably be Elvis in his native lands. I've never once gone after non-white women but have always had Asian, Mexican and Black girls chasing after me.
Multiculturalism is a failure. Very sad. Many such cases.
post brown nips
Checks out.
Just look in a mirror, Ahmed
Prove it faggot, you wont
cringe and muttpilled
I gave a speech in a college class and I mentioned how I think everyone in this state is too liberal and the non-white girls immediately became drawn to me because they assumed I'm a racist conservative.
5'3 ethnic
I am not even a Chad but when I moved to Oklahoma for a while the girls flocked to me just for being the only actual white guy in a 5 mile radius. I was pretty autistic with my power level and they just excused it away as "confidence" or "standing for his morals" or "I can educate him teehee".
Which state and weren’t they upset that they think you’re racist?
I've seen this in action in a job recruitment office. This Chad told all the girls that feminism sucks and they all agreed with him. Like 6 young girls agreed just to impress him and look attractive lol.aa
Good work
I get pissed of when leftists and non whites do that whole “let me educate you” thing. Like I mean, I live in the same world you do. I’m not behaving this way out of “ignorance”. This my conscious choice.
Man, I think I am one of the people online and real life that has the most possible sympathy for incels and braincels but this faggot is turbo incel. Good think he will not reproduce.
I agree. But the left-wing girls were just doing it to rationalize their attraction to me while still maintaining their views.
Had I actually "learned" anything and changed my views they probably would have lost attraction because it would prove that I was weak in my views and could be led by a woman. Women want a man who takes his own path.
I’m well aware of what a shittest is leaf.
We need to start an incel cringe thread
Tfw you will never smoke a 65 year old Chesterfield while drinking Coffee, Instant, Type 1.