Iberia (specially South Iberia) should be a North African colony
Iberians are Christian Ahmeds , prove me wrong
>inb4 spantards and portugypsies : "but our population is 2% blonde"
stop lying
Iberia (specially South Iberia) should be a North African colony
Iberians are Christian Ahmeds , prove me wrong
>inb4 spantards and portugypsies : "but our population is 2% blonde"
stop lying
Other urls found in this thread:
Still whiter than France
Nafris have 10+% black admixture
When will they accept this fact? Nafri women alreadt accept nigger cock
you Italians should thank God because south italy was occupied by Moors for only 100 years
If you made this picture you should be ashamed. Scaling rectangular images to be square? Were you dropped on your head as a kid?
this one is for you Belgfaggot
Nafris are whiter than Belgium
SHAME that africans are whiter than you , we wuz white an shiet
Nah Iberians are whiter than us. Its more than a marginal difference but you're right too. Iberians are hardly bastions of whiteness.
the last truly white spaniards escaped into the americas
Why was mexico called new spain?
hahaha laugh at them my brown Mexican friend
if a Spanish insult you , call him Moor
After we put all the muslim left in the city of Lucera and we killed them all
Good old times
The tunisian one come from a Sardinian family
>tfw Spanish heritage
>hairy af
>look like a pale arab
but what's the point if majority of you look like this ?
you just killed your ancestors , not good
Nice example abdul, specially when you are posting immigrant and gypsies, or brazilians in the middle (like quaresma, diego costa etc...)
the other's are just west meds. also foot players as representative of millions of iberians is a joke itself, let me post the "french team"
>Jenny 'a carogna and Neapolitan Ultras
They aren't humans
Spain has some Moorish blood but Italy is a different country
>Diego Costa
What a joke meme
Moors had little to no impact on iberians, that was already studied
OMG Lopez post a picture of fake blondes and think they are whites xD dude there are milions of those fake blondes in our countries , it's so easy for a woman to dye her hair and use some makeup to look blonde
migrants , brazilians , blah blah go lie to some dumb american , not me who know portugipsy people
Salvini is Turk , Di Maou is Pakistianian , yet they are the italian ministers who are stoping immigration , yes Italians are whiter compared to Spanisn and Portugipsies , yet there are a lot of dark
No, because recent genetic study confirms that Spanish people all descend from the white Christians that took refuge in the North of Spain, and all the Arabs got kicked out.
I suspect that Arabs are part-goat from horizontal transfer of genes, but this is a confrontational issue in academia and research about the subjected is taboo.
> Muh Moorish genes
The difference is what you can see.
The hatred in the eyes of every islamic nafri
The much friendlier faces of the Catholic Spaniards
THat's what you get for kissing the ass of that demonic pedo
>Cherry-picking photos
>Football teams that don't actually represent the demographics of the country (just ask France).
Why are Muslims so stupid?
yes right shitskin
No. They were already sandniggers, because the first agricultural(read: high population potential, can displace the genes of hunter-gatherer aborigines) people to reach Iberia were Neolithic Middle-Easterners.
This shit is a lot older than the Arabs and Moors
Don't forget the Iberian """""Europeans""""" have been importing Indios from the Americas, furthering their muttification AND of Europe.
>Conquer some Indio tribe
>Desperate and horny Iberians, who already have Ayrab-nigger genes in them, go rape and steal women
>Either they leave them in the Americas to spread the vile concoction of Ayrab-nigger genes
>Or bring them back to Iberia, introducing and spreading the savage Indio gene across Yurop, like some kind of gene degenerating plague
Fucking turbomutts. This also explains why the fucking illegals here look and act like Ayrabs and niggers.
when in fact we have no relation whatsoever with middle easterns or north africans. But it's always amusing, to read non whites project that on us, it shows their inferiority complex and also the fear they have about a return to the past, that will become a reality sooner or later, alleuope will awake and take the redpill and aliens to our countries deported
there are 3 races in Brazil , Whites Blacks and Mulattos , Costa is considered as White in Brazil that's for sure , he isn't black nor mulatto (negroid face)
Omg fuck off from here American dumb seriously you don't understand shit
French team is african , in every french football player biography there is his african origin , congo cameroon senegal ...
But those are 100% Iberian you dumb fuck , their ancestors are iberian and they have iberian names and they speak iberian , this is how they look like you dumb amerimutt , why you believe in their Jow Forums propaganda as white people ?
yes there are a lot of whites there (it's fucking europe after all) but the average person look like this
and i'm not cherrypicking photos , go to google by yourself and write : Portugal football team roster
by the way half of portuguese team is black , but i didn't put them because they are africans not iberians , those in photos are iberians
lmao, french dont racemix. we have blacks but they stay together. so france is 100x whiter than spain sorry
ps: why hating on your neighbor you dumb bitch, we're all in it together
Literal neo-arabs are talking trash?
You absolutely do have Neolithic ME genes and you have them in much higher frequency than a North European, who descends from a mix of Northern Hunter-Gatherers, Steppesfag invaders, and a much smaller amount of Neolithic ME.
>no relation whatsoever with middle easterns or north africans
You disagree with the entire corpus of genetic studies on the subject? Well I guess one spic must be right and all those scientists are wrong!
french people are one of the ugliest people on earth , babtou fragiles
everyone who come to you rape you , faggots
Guillaume le Mafia
>image search 'French man'
Why the fuck are you lying, Lois?
> la criatura calling actual whites spics
holy shit, only on Jow Forums will this happen.
the indigenous people of North Africa were Berbers. an unmixed Berber is white. Arabs shitted up the place and Spain as well. thankfully the Spanish cleansed itself from the Arab yoke but the Berbers just took it up the ass for so long that they got used to it.
Genetically the African invasions of Europe have left a s lingering Negroid genetic footprint. pic related.
La creatura
>neo arabs
>niggers only stayed 100 years on an island
try again mohammed
d&c thread
do not reply after this line
stay strong iberobros
You are messing everything.
neolithic farmers wre not proper middle easterns like you see today, they were dif pops, they even gene cluster in different spots.
About the rest it's a fact, portuguese or spanish are even more genetically related with any gut from denmark or norway than with any north african or middle eastern,just open any random pca map and check that.
already debunked, tons of times.
>0.1% Native American
the italian who call you Mohammed and Nigger
i'm not israeli stop with your shit , it's just that some hours ago a Spanshit called me a nigger and sandnigger , so this is my response to those faggots , let's play us too
Look at your own picture, in the lower right habibi
yes, neolithic farmers, no doubt about that, but read the rest of what i've said.
You haven't read the article and you're lashing out in rage because you don't like the truth.
it's noise, why do you think you see that all over europe?
It's still enough to give you sandnigger facial features. I am aware that on a whole-genome level, you group closer to the rest of Europe than MENA. As long as you look like an Armo or an Arab, your claims to whiteness are null, no matter what. And you people look like Armos and Arabs
I've read it, years ago.
the subject used terrible methodology and was debunked years ago too:
the authors reduce all human diversity between China and Africa on a one dimensional cline, and by wrongly assuming that central Europeans have 0% east Asian input, they conclude any shift towards africa must be due to african input, despite the fact that the assumption that CEU have 0% asian input holds no ground based on other statistics.
Also cool pic, what is a nog doing with pt flag behind? are you mentally sane?
Come home, Índio man.
An american mongrel projections on what europeans supos look it's a joke itself, isn´t it? so about that, no point at all.
>'ve read it, years ago.
>the subject used terrible methodology and was debunked years ago too:
I cited an article in an academic journal published by Oxford University Press. You cited a random anonymous guy's blog full of conspiracy theories.
>the authors reduce all human diversity between China and Africa on a one dimensional cline,
That's not true. You have not read the article. If you did, you clearly didn't understand it and you clearly don't understand even the basics of genetics. Nothing you said is in the article. Why would you lie like this?
>and by wrongly assuming that central Europeans have 0% east Asian input, they conclude any shift towards africa must be due to african input, despite the fact that the assumption that CEU have 0% asian input holds no ground based on other statistics.
Again, none of that is present in the article. You're either making stuff up or you're drawing on a source that made stuff up. Why would you do that?
Go away, read the article and accept the simple and incontrovertible presence of Negroid DNA in Southern European populations. If you can't understand the artilce because it's too complicated, you should accept that you are not competent to speak on this subject and you should be quiet.
>Also cool pic, what is a nog doing with pt flag behind?
It's a meeting of the whitest people in Portugal.
>are you mentally sane?
Yes and, unlike you, I have an IQ in the normal range and am capable of understanding an academic article.
It was debunked point by point, just erad the link, no cosnpiracy theory there whatsoever, even the autor himself, claimed his model could have fails. For example, he had few afcan samples to even differentiate north african (caucasoid) from subsaharan markers.
Just do something basic tard, and check the north african samples of the study.
It undersamples African diversity by excluding both North African and East African populations.