Did a plane hit the Pentagon?

Did a plane hit the Pentagon?

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No a cruise missile from an Israeli submarine off the coast did.

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No, the pentagon flew at a plane.

Yes. It followed the beltway to hit the Pentagon at just the right angle. Numerous people saw it and can attest to it.

wtf I’m a cruise missile now.

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Given the localization of the damage I'd say a bomb went off there. Maybe even a gunfight. Internal purge?

so you have the missing trillion dollars

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The missile hit the most western facing side of the building. The nearest coast is to the east.

Given your flag I'd say you're the same bulgarian kike that's always on Jow Forums. Soon you'll be dead.

Perfectly aimed at the department that was missing 2 Trillion dollars
How did the sand people do it?

Of course not


RC planes were used. Military RC planes that took off from Stewart Air Force base crashd into the twin towers.

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missile hit the pentagon is really one of the dumbest conspiracy theories anyone has come up with. You go to all that trouble to hijack a plane and get rid of all the people, then you hide it and shoot a missile instead. The only nice thing about it is that it's an easy way to instantly find out if you're talking to a brainlet, or a person with human intelligence.


I wonder who coded that bot

Burn marks on the outside of the building it was hit by something that went off

A missile?

I'm not a bot kek. Easier to believe I'm a bot than someone who notices that you're the same bulgarian faggot that sits on Jow Forums and spouts bullshit right? Nothing you say on Jow Forums should be listened to by anyone and you're such a kike you can't even hide it.

I guess the NPC meme was real deal

>anyone who disagrees with me is a kike shill
why are you so sensitive?

what is your definition of plane?

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The real NPCs are the paid kike shills like you who sit on Jow Forums and follow your handlers orders without question.

pull it

why did you decide to become retarded?

Yes, it was hit by whatever jet fuel was remaining in the tanks.

If it were hit by a cruise missile, there would have been a 50 ft crater in the ground and much more extensive damage to the building.

I tend to agree but err on the side of remote software hijacking in flight. The adurkadurks were lured on to the plane not knowing their fate.

that is a known hoax

Nobody was on the military planes that crashed into the towers.

Must've hit a nerve

Very plausible.

Also does anyone remember those "calls" from the passengers telling about terrorists with boxcutters? How the fuck did that came through in 2001? I assume celltowers were not as good back then, and their transmitters and receivers were definitely not beaming up, but down to cover phone users

awww poor little guy gets offended when people disagree, how adorable

just tell me why you want to be retarded.

One did, but it "conveniently" hit a spot that was under construction.

Weren't all 4 flights like half empty? And I think they found bodies only at the crash site of the last one.

Why not? I mean if you have no problem blowing up buildings with people in them, it's not like you're trying to keep the casualties to a minimum.

NPC glitches out

Yeah quora.com/How-does-a-Boeing-757-crash-into-the-Pentagon-and-only-leave-a-hole-that-size




thats a motherboard and cpu

why do you want to be retarded?

>no plane debris in any photos
>no wing impact marks
>no CCTV video

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You forgot
>no dating

For all we know they could be taken days after it


>>no plane debris in any photos
>>no wing impact marks
>>no CCTV video

Watching - already spooked.

There was cctv video but it was very garbage
It looked like a freaking missile, not much visibility like I said though

Did it stop?

It was the other way around you mong.

The early in flight entertainment systems had a sat phone you could pay crazy money to use or SMS for a couple of dollars when the touch screens systems replaced them they disappeared mostly I assume because nobody used them.

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i think people severely underestimate what a 'No' answer to this question would mean...

watch this quick video and you'll see just how bizarre the 9/11 pentagon situation really is:


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>Adam Mordecai

you cant say mong thats a british word you amerifag /s

Nice, like most conspiracy theories, even including Flat Earth, the issue is with not being able to grasp scale properly.
Photos and videos never give a proper sense of scale for large things, I noticed this while taking pictures recently when going up a mountain. Other mountains in the distance looked enormous, looming on the horizon, and when I would take a photo, they seemed minuscule even relative to everything else.

I think they'd be able to overcome a lot of people's suspicions by using model recreations and 3D recreations like this.

A new video surfaced a few months ago:
>not listed

missiles can turn

they can if they're heat seeking

it was a missile. Shut and case.

Heh, nice try shill. They had to use a missile because a plane wouldn't penetrate the building the way a cruise missile would.

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>unsourced photos
>"the majority of the plane would have melted away in the fire"
stopped watching there

where is the fucking plane then you goddamn genius

how about a canard?

one fucking seat?

no? just some wire spools that appear to be completely undamaged/unrelated?

believing the official narrative on 9/11 is like waking up on Christmas day at the ripe old age of 11 and opening your first present with a smirk on your face thinking so intense its almost outloud "I fucking love Santa."

something like a jet airliner?

all of the passengers died retard, including a 3 year old girl. they were just kidnapped i guess?

i dunno what happened to them im just a goy, why dont you tell me you glow in the dark mohammed

>only footage availible
>only footage released
>the only thing it shows is a trail of smoke

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Each face of the Pentagon is about a thousand feet long, maybe a bit more I don't remember. The 757 that hit it is 155 feet long, or about one sixth the size of one side of the Pentagon. I think the scale here fits right on that video image. A 20 foot long missile would have been almost invisible relative to the building.

Actually they might've been relocated to the 4th plane which crashed (and where all the bodies were found). Pentagon was hit by missle/drone. Towers were hit by remotely controlled planes.

the rest of 9/11 is sort of explainable, but the Pentagon missile is so fake it ruins the whole story

(((Let's roll)))

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no wings

Flight 93 also reeks bullshit with it's story about crew and passengers fighting off the attackers.

THAT lame video again?
"we can clearly see the planes tail section," proceeds to highlights a dark tree

Ive reas things saying a missile was fired off a chopper. WHAT DO I BELEIVE?!



>Did a plane hit the Pentagon?
what? source? cant see anything in the news

it's actually very clean cut, easy to comprehend. and completely proves there was doctoring of released footage.

this video is smoking gun proof that we are without a doubt being lied to about 9/11.

do you deny this analysis? if so, how else could they have gotten those results?

you really think this fakery is some new video?

>the rest of 9/11 is sort of explainable, but the Pentagon missile is so fake it ruins the whole story
I agree except WTC 7 rather than the Pentagon missile... how do you explain a building collapsing in 6 seconds that wasn't even hit by a plane?

No, the damage at the Pentagon was done by explosives planted in the building by CIA agents.

which building collapsed in 6 seconds?

Not to mention all the passengers on the other planes somehow making cell phone calls (in 2001 mind you) while at cruising altitude.

Nope, it is clear that it was a controlled demolition because the aliens did not want the flat earthers to melt steel beams that Q predicted would happen if the chemtrails didnt cause global warming before the vaccines kicked in.

Building 7

show your flag, shill

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It's anything but clean cut and proves nothing, he points at a tree and describes it as the tail, all you see is a blur, this video is far too low quality to do that kind of analysis


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6 seconds?
You actually believe that?


It took 6 seconds for it to collapse, it took the trade centers around 10. Free fall speed.

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that is my flag Muhammadan felater

there is an interview with bill clinton where he slips up and says the pentagon was bombed

all the evidence you need to know the whole thing was a fucking inside job

>building 7
>sort of explainable

wew lad

after burning for 7 hours