>National Observatory "one of a kind" for sunspot observation in New Mexico get's shut down without any clues as of why.
>Strange solar activity recorded in the past days.
Continuation from
>National Observatory "one of a kind" for sunspot observation in New Mexico get's shut down without any clues as of why.
>Strange solar activity recorded in the past days.
Continuation from
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Oh boy another LARP general on Jow Forums
The sun is dying
gonna post the Danish user first, then my reply to him as it all ties down in the end
Sol is the allfather. Any minute change in frequency will spread further than Pluto. Nikola Tesla basically confirmed all the oldest and most ancient texts, by figuring out the universe is electric. It's all frequency and vibration. It's too hard to explain the massive amounts of math and details, but the short of it:
>civs that (((they))) hide the proof of are far more ancient than we'd ever be led to believe
>they reached civ 1 tier because they figured out how to harness the earth and sun's and the universes infinite reserves of energy
>they peaced the fuck out and left Neanderthalis and cro Magnon and whatnot behind with relics and symbols, hidden behind "gates" that would require modern tech to find
Sol here plays the part of basically dominating the present frequency on earth. Some believe the kali yuga is ending. A lot of these apocalyptic (meaning: massive change) stories and legends all point to the vicinity of our current time. This probably means that we are entering a period of higher powered frequencies by way of the sun. It's charging up, so to say, and it's having a rippling effect throughout our earthly plane.
>Ride the wave of the kali yuga, man.
What is he LARPing as? Pls tell.
the reply
unironically this. these two following videos are paramount in order to understand the magnitude of everything we've been lied about.
>[YouTube] Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form (embed)
>[YouTube] Sonic Geometry 2 : Communicating with the Universe in 432hz (embed)
tl;dr we as the entire humanity have been out of frequency for quite some time now and that's why we've been seeing everything turning to shit for the past few decades or so, at an accelerating rate.
it also doesn't really help that ALL of our music is now tuned on a fucked up frequency - 440 - instead of using the natural one - 432 - which was passed on by our ancestors through mathematics and geometry. Everybody here should look into sacred geometry, the coincidences are so high that you can no longer call them coincidences at all - it's all a synchronicity, which may point to either the universe being created by a divine entity or it being a projection / simulation as many scientists have already said.
Die quicker. I want to live in Arx Fatalis already
re-embedded videos added
An observatory got evacuated probably due to mercury spillage and everyone loses their shit for days straight making shit up and not posting any proofs but torn up information that you have to do some pretty big mental gymnastics to stick together
Oh shit...I literally had a dream a huge solar flare wiped out America last night. Now im fucking spooked.