Why did you abandon libertarianism?

Why did you abandon libertarianism?

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Because faggots and mug progressive ideology's.

Because libertarianism works only in functioning white communities.
There is no sense in trying to get niggers to be non-violent or to try and make spics vote against handouts.
Libertarianism died because of replacement migration.

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Only can happen in a non-diverse, stable enviroment with more a min. IQ around 100 and moral values ingrained in race, culture and life. In other words, only possible in white, christian countries.

because its more utopian an ideology than communism ever was and only niggerfaggots ever considered it in the first place.

Because degeneracy left unhinged will bring about the rapture

I realized all the platitudes like "live and let live" and "I just want to be left alone" are just different ways in which one can paraphrase "every man for himself" - which is no way to run a nation. libertarianism is too reductionist for such a complex task. the libertarian ideal is actually expected to be put into practice, it's not something to always be working toward. it's way too naive about its viability, considering the nature of power. it reminds me of how anarchists just want to create a political void as their only utopian short term goal and they have no knowledge or even expectations of what's to happen next.

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libertarian society(allows in group preferences) + sjw identity politics(preferences based on race) + multiculturalism(some races get more help than others) = race war(disenfranchised pissed off white people)

also libertarians focus more on poor and middle class people using the government for assistance rather than large corporations and banks abusing the government for their own gain at the expense of everybody else

Dude open borders lmao

got redpilled on race and the JQ, left lolbergs in the dust.


Libertarians were never open borders. Why not look at Paul's positions

I didnt.

Pol got spammed with natsoc propaganda which led us back to government-worship and kept the jews victimized while not being threatened and went with it because it was edgy.

>trying to get niggers to be...
you dont understand. Libertarianism doesnt "get anyone to be" a particular way. People will have to tend toward moral behavior in order to participate and be prosperous and productive

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Your parents are shitty people

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>more utopian an ideology than communism
neck yourself

With ideas like " an honest money supply" and small government, libertarianism is a major threat to (((the powers that be))), so there is a clear effort to mischaracterize it. Such as this post for eg.

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This, Pinochet was a political laboratory.

Its an economically illiterate fantasy ideology.

Ron Paul 2024

Joe Rogan.

>economically illiterate
Austrian economics is not a fantasy, but it is a threat to unlimited debt spending.

Hence the shills

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I liked Ron Paul, but he is over the hill and so is libertarianism. Libertarians failed when they stopped saying "Don't tread on me", and started parroting “NAP! NAP!" They were suppose to fight back and start sniping commies. Instead all they did was start blathering on about their holy NAP and turned into cowardly pacifist anarchists. Libertarians blew it.

people make fun of it a lot and the weirdos stain the name. its too easy to be just a conservative. think most of us have libertarian beliefs anyway

I don’t care what Ron Palsy thinks, every libertarian I have met thinks there should be open borders and zero controls on immigration

Good post. I think it goes further than this.

Human nature is both depraved, weak and benevolent and powerful. If man is forced to be virtuous as with communism, he becomes the least good possible.

If man is forced to no standard at all, he does both good and evil in great measure, but due to the restraining force of evil, like in brazil or latin countries, you end up with a flourishing crime empire predicated on force contesting against and corrupting a legitimate government (legitimized by less coercive force, and subscribed willingly by more good citizens) used to shield against the evil masses. (goodness here being utilitarian; those most willing to commit to cooperative, non-coercive games and meta-games)

Libertarianism is at its height a civic virtue only possible in a republican system of checks and ballances, where every concievable force of human evil is put to compete with other forces that would otherwise assist in its execution.

In other words, like marxism but far more reasonable than marxism, it can be achieved in spirit, but absolutely not in institution.

It is arguably the most pragmatic and achievable of all ideals since it is based on liberal state politics which have become so normal as to be nearly unquestionable in todays world.

>dude what if there was no government, everyone would just form high trust societies and meet their obligations to each other out of a sense of decency without the coercive force of the law lmao

Immigrants wont prosper in a nation thats not their own. The reason immigration happens is for socioeconomic reasons, and with no welfare and socialized houses, there would be no benefit to move from one culture to another, in fact it would be detrimental

>liberal state politics which have become so normal as to be nearly unquestionable in todays world.

Have you been in a coma for the past 10 years?

I'm an ethno libertarian at heart but a Fascist by necessity.

Theres an obvious effort to mischaracterize libertarianism.

It might have something to do with limiting economic growth to reality.

That would b quite a threat to (((someone)))

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You know most migrants actually work, right?

Capitalism is kill.

Why would they when they can obviously just vote to gain other people's wealth by acting as a collective?

shit tier jobs sure. But they dont have to - they can get gibs

>Because libertarianism works only in functioning white communities.

What does that make Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Brunei?

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>vote to gain other people's wealth by acting as a collective?
this isnt libertarianism.

The problem is, pol thinks like a libertarian living in the current status quo. You guys cant think of a libertarian society and how it would actually function because you're NPCs probably. lol

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had a ton of ron paul super hardcore fanboys amongst the crowd in high school (graduated 08). none of them ever wanted that shit. youre making this up, larp?

It can’t protect us from communism or any other hostile foreign powers.

The world is full of lawless hellholes and libertarian retards still think everything would just work out without the government.

Because I like gibs and want certain people beaten to death by my gov for my enjoyment.

The government doesnt protect you. It just writes down what happened after you get mugged. And we are taught to love it

Did you read anything that i said? Clearly not.
Do you actually know what a liberal state is? Every single western country worth mention today is overwhelmingly liberal. Most of the values, free speech, equality of opportunity and equality at birth, are principles of liberalism hardly disputed by anyone.

You do realize history and politics is not confined to the verbal trends of the last 8 to 12 years right? Liberal politics is nearly as unquestionable as capitalism in the west.

Most republican positions today are the liberal positions of yesteryear. The current backlash is against two factions. The left equity and french/russian thought revolutionaries and the far right 4th column politics.

Even those dumb statists in china are only communist in name. They are far more narionalist socialist and fascist (state capitalist) in practice.

Exactly. The only eft and the right both hate us because we won't completely side with them. I am strongly opposed to tribalism in fact I firmly believe nobody needs anybody for anything. I want all these faggots out of my face and I really don't care what they do or what happens to them it's not my problem.

Because the people I'm willing to let live in peace as long as they leave me alone, won't let me live in peace as long as I leave them alone.

No you fucking retard. There is every reason. You're a poor starving African or Mexican, where would you rather be poor? A shithole or a first world country? Without any welfare whatsoever I would absolutely rather be homeless in England than I would in fucking Nigeria

Whatever, you could completely obliterate the welfare state and there would still be incentive for about 2 billion people to try to move to the west and get paid more for working a shit tier job for a month than they would be paid working any job back home for a year

Niggers will never vote for libertarianism and our CURRENT system is democratic. Are you advocating for violent revolution?

Then they weren’t actual libertarians and just LARPers jumping on the latest fad. You can’t be a libertarian while holding belief in a protectionist regime of border controls designed to prevent citizens being our competed by foreigners

And yeah neither would you because you are just another dumbass authoritarian like most these idiot's.

Because fucking lefties didn't shut the fuck up and the jews were behind them so... You know what's next.

Naturally this is why there is no difference whatsoever between Somalia and England

You could have a democratic system that is libertarian though. Just have a constitution.

Libertarianism takes a back seat to the flooding of our countries by 3rd worlders. Literally nothing else matters. You can change the minds of a liberal, you can't undo a tarnished gene pool. Ideas are malleable but genetics are forever

>Most of the values, free speech, equality of opportunity and equality at birth, are principles of liberalism hardly disputed by anyone.

>You do realize history and politics is not confined to the verbal trends of the last 8 to 12 years right? Liberal politics is nearly as unquestionable as capitalism in the west.

So you HAVE been in a coma for the past 10 years

You are just another retard who denies reality.

This is probably the best way to put it. Live an let live only works if everyone plays by that rule, which they don’t.

individualism is weak and narrow minded philosophy. You have to unite in a community to have any power. Add to that the inherently destructive function of liberty as people will inevitably tend to fall into vice and corruption

And you are projecting because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

No you do not. I've lived in the same community all my life and I don't take part in absolutely anything with the rest of our citizens. They don't fuck with me and I don't fuck with them.

How would they survive with freedom of association and no welfare? A white-only welfare system could be privately funded, but as of now would be publicly banned.

>namefag memeflag
nobody ever sent a single man to fight a war
nobody ever became president with one vote

Because many libertarians are retards without proper logic and I don't want to belong to such a party even if I share my ideals with the core tenants of libertarianism.
If they truly believed in them like I do they would work in unison to take power from the government by force.

And what happens when you come across a group of individuals who do not share your individualist ideas, and function as a group? Libertarians are zealots who heard the expression "United we stand, divided we fall" or "divide and conquer" and thought "NUH UH BECUZ MUH SNEK!"

Yeah but I'm not running for office or going off to fight in a war.

>How would they survive with freedom of association and no welfare?

Good question, maybe you should ask the hundreds of millions of immigrants over the last century how it is they actually managed to do just that.

:^) Ancapistan cannot exist in reality.
If you managed to gain the political will necessary to create it, it would shortly be destroyed either from within or without.

Where would you rather be a poor, miserable wretch? In a nice rich country, or Libya

They have a right to have any idea they want. And why do I give a fuck if they work as a group? Good for them I'm happy for them. But I still won't change my mind I don't need them or anybody else. And if by some chance I do need something I will simply go and get it on my own.

I'm not going to spoon feed you, ignoramus
if you want your society to continue to exist you have to fight continuously to preserve it. and in order to properly fight outside influence you need to organize with others. No man is an island

Then so be it. But how much you wanna bet nothing on my end will change? People like me still won't need you and our kids don't need you either.

Libertarians have been full blown SJW for years now. And they spend too much time dick riding Muzzies and illegal aliens.

What you really mean is ( if we want the white race to continue and all the niggers gone you will side with us and worship whatever god we tell you to and think and act just like we do and if you don't we'll cry like a little bitch ) now THAT'S what you really meant.

And when they decide to take your life and land? By force or by (((democracy)))? No man can stand against the world

because niggers

>abandon libertarianism?

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Who? The black people? The Mexicans? I already know that's who you are talking about.

White ethnic nationalism only works with homogenously white societies. At this point, it's more of an utopian dream than libertarianism. The latter at the very least pushes personal freedom for people to choose what they want to do, including racial association etc. It has tangible benefits that are more easily achieved. The former has virtually no significant influence on policy. Achieving any ideological goals requires them to ride on other ideologies to the point where they have reduced effectiveness.

you have a bizarre victim complex.

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The realization that niggers don't give a fuck about the NAP.

Anyone who does not share your individualist ideals you buffoon. There's no sense talking to you, you're hopeless

It's not that you need the state, It's that the state needs you and it will take you by force if necessary.

My only real life Libertarian role model was a hypocritical loser. Besides the fact that I couldn't stand the way he "debated" me by talking over my points, he didn't really bother convincing me that Libertarianism would save the day in 2016. And it didn't. I wasn't surprised then.

wash your penis!

Can't have libertarianism in a multicultural society

You should add his quotes about his grandma and "hot" cousin.

Well that's a legitimate argument.

I dealt with the fallout of gamergate. I didn't know exactly what was happening at the time with gaming journalism- but i was dealing with all the fucking nu-males and feminazis trying to make people feel guilty for enjoying nerdy things like videogames and action movies.

This lead me to think critically of everything else the liberal government of Canada was pushing on everyone, which led me to e-celebs like molyneux and places like Jow Forums

What are you talking about you stupid bitch? If ot wasn't for us Hitlery would be in there and good okd Bubba Bill would be up to his old tricks again. But hey you know if you don't want us around that's cool with us we'll just simply sit out the next election and let the liberals overrun you and put Obomba back in there.

Oh I almost forgot.

We don't wanna be around most of you either so don't think we are gonna give a flying fuck if you want us around or not because trust me the feeling is mutual.

Are you using that flag ironically?

ah the libertardian shows his true colors
enjoy having zero liberty, moron

No I actually live in the south.


Because neoliberals get free train rides.