Donald Trump confirmed to be fucking retarded
A. they already monetize the debt, have done so for decades
B. Woodward is discredited and this quote has zero sourcing
What a disgusting creature.
>1 post by this ID
This is what a slide thread looks like.
>100% discredited books says
into the trash it goes.
>no credible source
>more anonymous garbage
>fake news
Eat shit, faggot.
>things a billionaire would never say
>According to Woodward's book
Donald Trump illustrates he has the economic understanding of a 5th grader and you guys rush to his defense. Do you have no self-respect?
Trump's retarded
We all know we ask a private organisation to print money for us and then we loan it from them
I feel like those arms are twice the size they should be
economists have been warning about the dirty tricks the Chinese have been pulling for at least 50 yeas, Trump finally does something about it and people call him dumb for it.
He's literally doing what economists have been saying we should be doing
He could easily print up greenbacks aka US notes and do away with this chintzy fiat that says Federal Reserve on it
Trump is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
He fell for the Obama fake birth certificate story.
how was it fake
> According to X's book
It was brilliant when it was a trillion-dollar coin. What changed.
>somebody invents another wild story about GROBAZANALDIURIUS DRFOOOOOFT and you don't accept it instantly that's literally hitler
>More fiat currency will save us :,)
No, it won't. I like Trump, but if he really did say that, it's part of the problem. He probably didn't, though. It's all part of the never-ending defamation train.
Treasury can print money give to fed re debt. Platinum coin rule. Brainlets.
I would work as long as they didn't tell anyone they were doing it
Removing money from circulation is one of the things most practiced by the jews
In what way does this make Blornf different from any other modern president?
Because if it was real DT could have made it into a huge scandal instead it was just a rube he didn’t actually believed but he knew was valuable to all of his more retarded followers.
Why do you think the Fed tries to keep the rate of inflation from falling below 2%?
Who does he think he is, a bank?
Um, Drumpf said, ummm he said dis. And den he said dat. I go none of em source doe. So just um beleave me. mkay.
you fucking retard i bet you don't even know about all the points of forgery on the certificate itself
Kys faggot
In truth and in fact there are multiple points of forgery
This. Even if the quote is true, and it isn’t, literally every administration has tried to do this in some form.
Oh look, it's yet another "Billionaire entrepreneur real estate mogul who owned and ran 500 businesses at once is president of the United States is a retard" thread
I bet those filthy fucking Saudi muzzie Osama did this, America should invade Iraq to teach those Afghani fuckers not to hide an enemy of America.
>according to Bob Woodward
Note that there's no citations. There's zero proof he said it but there's many instances where Bob's been shown to be lying. Like, "Trump said the N-Word!", turns out he was talking about the country Niger.
As if the US doesn't already do this. What the fuck is QE then
Someone punch him already
As far as nogs go, she's not -that- bad. If she ditched the stupid fucking hairdo (wtf bangs? Is this the 80s?) she's be a lot more attractive.
Is her penis as long and feminine as her arms?
Yes I'm sure the multi billionaire who has not only amassed and kept a fortune, but built it and then the president doesn't understand inflation.
You're a fucking moron OP
>t. NPC
This is literally what the US has been doing for decades. Alan Greenspan famously said that the US will never default on its debt because it can always print more currency.
Bob Woodwards Book - LMAO
How's the Russian Collusion going OP? Did Pokemon Go get indicted yet?
> Woodward
Same thing he did with Nixon, Reagan, and Bushes. Then can't understand why nobody listens any more.
you faggots still don't understand that no-one cares about your lies and fake news
yeah but you dont really expect the retards around here to understand economics right?
It's not retarded, just the same dangerous shit that's been going on for a long time. Because the dollar is the international currency and we are buying out our own debt it's a very strange situation.
Basically it's money tricks that's syphoning off capital from the entire world, not to a single country's benefit. Most seem to be small organizations, private banks, owners, etc. Printing money only prevents normal people from seeing what's being done openly, as if you stopped the entire system would fall quickly.
That's just confirm he's a jew
Took you long enough
Obama beat him to it.
What is Quantitative Easing?
C. It could have just been a joke remark.
Its clear anything against Trump, any type of comment at any level or topic mus be either a lie or wrong. Trump is always right, never makes any mistake and he knows it all.
Trump is a kike puppet.
...isnt that what obama did with the stimulus for the recession.
>according to bob woodwards book
Oh. That overpriced toilet paper told you. It must be true.
Let me rephrase your question. How fucking retarded are you OP?
Nobody is saying that, but you don't actually believe he said this
Sick Phucks are trying to reduce the shock value when trump exposes their Depravity to the Masses.
Like the Sickos sucking on cut newborn penises.
Two teams of scientists published studies on Sunday showing that blood from young mice reverses aging in old mice, rejuvenating their muscles and brains. As ghoulish as the research may sound, experts said that it could lead to treatments for disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease.
“I am extremely excited,” said Rudolph Tanzi, a professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, who was not involved in the research. “These findings could be a game changer.”
The research builds on centuries of speculation that the blood of young people contains substances that might rejuvenate older adults.
Except Trump appointed the first goyim (read: non-israeli-dual-citizen-kike) to chair the FED, I have my doubts that he's not aware of what's going on.