Not just on Jow Forums. My father thinks there should be a violent revolution throughout the West. What the hell is going on?
Why is everyone on this board losing faith in democracy?
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Democracy is a jewish trick
>1 post by this ID
This is what a slide thread looks like.
Democracy is disguised olygarchy
Democracy is too easily manipulated by the Jews.
The folk need strong leadership and rule of laws.
Oligarchs proved that the average person is gullible and easily influenced.
weirdly enough my father said something similar today. Whats the deal with boomers lmao?
Every democracy in human history has committed suicide
The only freedom people should be allowed in bringing leaders are eliminating tyrants
Liberty is a well armed lamb.
100 years has passed since democracy became mainstream within wester nations and all we got was more niggers and chinks
Because the Enemy desires anons to either not resist the Plot or to resist with violence, the winning move is non-violent resistance. Satyagraha, not Siege.
god damn canadians and british people are the worst trolls on pol. his father guys. think about his dad! THINK ABOUT OUR DADS
>One post by this ID
>why is everyone losing faith in democracy
>My father thinks there should be a violent revolution throughout the West. What the hell is going on?
if the elected officials werent worshiping the rich and actually gave a shit about the working class then it wouldnt be 2018 America
Because they are numerous and very fertile. If democracy is a racial headcount, than it benefits the ethnicity of whoever can outnumber you, and then produce dozens of offspring per family that will outvote you for eternity. It is all well and good if you are using it to stick it to whites, but when they are gone, the cycle will begin anew with the next two biggest ethnic or religious groups.
Trump won. Why would be losing faith in democracy?
Because in a democracy the media can just brainwash fluoride headed people to vote in the desired way. And also they can just bring in foreigners, give them them the right to vote, and train them to vote against the native population. watch this
>women get to vote
3 words; Trump versus Hillary
Autocracy is rule by one.
Oligarchy is rule by a few.
Democracy is rule by whoever shits out the most babbies.
Let's imagine 3 political parties.
1- National Socialist White People's Party
2- Islamic National Front
3- We Wuz Kangz Party
If whites make 1.8 (i believe this is what the average white person makes) babies/woman, shitskin towelheads make 3, and nigger apes make 7, whose party will win?
Mussolini himself, founder of Fascism, literally wrote about this shit. He described "democracy" as a sham, a system that is too easily manipulated.
Notice how France gives citizenship to Apefricans living in its former colonies? This wasn't a big deal when all of French Africa had maybe ~15mil niggers (compared to 50mil whites in France proper), but these niggers grow at an exponential rate. Today, the former French Africa has 220 MILLION niggers (not even counting 60-70 million Arabs) while the number of actual Frenchmen has remained stagnant, at around 50 million.
Remember, EVERY SINGLE ONE of those NIGGERS is eligible for FRENCH CITIZENSHIP.
It mostly boils down to you being a faggot.
In my country, Muslims are using our own democracy to take over our country, as they are in Sweden.
Democracy always leads to politicians having the incentive to push for an ever-expanding suffrage — while offering gibs to the newly-suffraged for votes — until the electorate ultimately gets so large that those capable of self-rule are outbumbered by those that are incapable. At that point you are stuck as the gibs-dependent idiots are a permanent majority.
in democracy you only have the illusion of choice and that illusion enables people to pour more resources into self destruction.
Your father is right.
It's not the "muhnoritees", it;s the elites who practice social engineering and subvert democracy, making it unviable.
Democracy is a lie and only harms the natives of a country. Survival and democracy cannot co-exist.
This board has never had faith in democracy
Unless you mean representative voting in general in which case you're a retard
Democracy is fucked, you can't convince traitors fast enough to peacefully join you as the shitskins outbreed you at the same time. Traitors only wake up when shitskins are too many.
Democracy has proven itself to be a meme. I'm not blaming the Founders. Over the course of our nation's history, every safeguard against democratic tyranny has been removed.
>Two minutes after the OP
This is what a retard comment looks like
people who seek to become elected officials do it for the lobbyist checks. their platforms are fake bullshit to appeal to their voter base and they won't ever risk their gravy train to try to rock the boat and enact real change.
situations like ours are an inevitability in representative democracy.
in your heart
in the streets
No one ever said that you have to hate your enemy in order to kill them.
What the following quote is often misattributed, it's still truth:
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner".
Lives in the USA - NOT a Democracy
Patriartocracy > Democracy
Only Heads of Households should be represented in government. Everyone else, including single men and women, are a burden on society.
Gangrape is democratic
The world witnessed the voter fraud in Sweden. So they all go, well Sweden was pretty much the only reason why we accepted you fucking commies, now they're filled with somalis counting votes for their own benefit, so fuck it, commies ain't human! Kill em all.
Atleast that's how my friend feels.
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting what's for dinner. Always a fucking leaf.
All societies inevitably lead to either communism or national socialism. Not necessarily exactly but a form of socio-political system that is similar in spirit to them. All great civilizations have gone through this before their utter collapse or destruction.
Democracy doesn't work when the media monopolies can manipulate public opinion
>why would people who don't want niggers and spics in their country want to get rid of a system that flooded their countries with niggers and spics and allowed said niggers and spics to vote away the rights and wealth of the original inhabitants
Gee I don't know...
What? Literally every democracy is destined to fail and become an oligarchy
DEMOCRACY = Let the majority decide !!1!1!
> The majority of people are stupid low IQ sheep
The only solution is democracy to keep people happy, but you need fake democracy with hidden leaders leading the puppet president for example. This is the only way to achieve anything, however the hidden leaders today are ofcourse massively corrupt and shit anyway
Not quite, democracy is destined to fail by becoming an ochlocracy (anarchic mob rule) which opens the door for a king to rise
I haven't lost faith in a democratic republic but i have lost faith in corporate media and any career politician who voted for any foreign policy blunder like iraq
Democracy works fine in societies with intact philia and no vote for women and layabouts
I've lost faith in people in general, which means Democracy is a dumb idea. Time and time again people vote against their own interest, even when the best option is obvious, just because they're either afraid of change, afraid to be seen as "wrong", virtuesignalling or willful ignorance. A democratic country will slowly go down in flames as long as the populace lives in relative peace until they're right up against the edge of anarchy or chaos, and then it's too late to change anything.
Democracy is shit, dictatorship of the majority/stupid
democracy is boring and it gets nothing done
Aw it means peace
Because unmanaged democracy is too gay to ever work with crony capitalism running the show
Because democracy only exists to provide a "mandate" for deep-seated interests of the government-corporate-media complex. When they don't win they just subvert democracy, just like they're doing to Trump
Democracy could work in an ethnostate, but otherwise too many races bickering for power.
old men crying that they dont get their way believing they have the man power to win a violent conflict. im going to argue they have lost to many milenials (boomers die by the day and millenials go homeless and die by the day because boomer niggers ruined the economy) and if they have to rely on genZ well lets just say you wont win
its the eve of a new world being formed and old men are to stupid to stand down
when we got diversified
>with capitalists running the show
Which they always will, by the way
Because it's a powerful illusion, that you can remove the other side and then make the country orderly
the democracy that aristotle is talking about is very different from what we have today
I never had faith in democracy. We aren't supposed to be a democracy, this country was founded as a constitutional republic were not everyone was allowed to vote. And for good reason because pure democracy is nothing more than mob rule.
I lost all my faith in democracy when the nuclear power referendum ended up with a yes again in 2011.
Also after I started working and I was forced to interact with lots of people daily, I realized that 80 to 90% of people are completely useless and retarded in general. I wouldn't trust them to choose how to name a fucking variable, let alone choose the leader of a country.
It's me i'm having a super fun time
Democracy is inherently dysfunctional system, only ones benefiting from it are kikes and government leeches.
Read Hoppe.
They're eligible for the health care, education, and welfare systems of continental France, which would instantly bankrupt them if every nig decided to move to Paris. Right now it's like 1% of total francophone nignogs in Paris.
The frog has boiled itself, mes amis.
>witness the outcome of democracy
>wonder why people are losing faith in democracy
Do not believe the shills' lies.
tl;dw? Billionaires are going to take us to space and beyond, economy will grow 15 to 20% because king nigger fucked us for 8 years.
Capitalism rules, Socialist Jews suck.
Democracy was always a front for the hidden powers.
He's still right though.
Democracy??? Yea thst doesnt exist leaftard.
Because the unelected Supreme Court runs the United States, not the elected Congress nor presidency.
democracy is just a jewish ideology that puts money and profits above everything else
Every Democracy immediately devolves into bread and circuses shit show where you have, as in every system, the rich and powerful at the top. People who control money, popular opinion, the armed forces. These people have true power and gift the rights and privileges that we all hold dear.
I am Machiavelli as fuck at this point.
The rules of power are the same in every system. All we ever argue is the organization of who gets what and who deserves more.
cuz the lower half of the iq spectrum is liberal
In every country throughout human history and in the world today there are two groups of people - the rulers and the ruled. This is true for all countries that have ever existed and is just as true for the western "democracies" today.
The fact is, user, that democracies only exist in the wishful thinking of philosophers but can never in fact, because in the real world the conditions for a pure democracy cannot exist. In order to form a democracy out of a large group of people it is necessary to create organisational structures. The people who run these structures form a new ruling class, or "political elite", that then dominate the political decision making process within the country in question because they have the ability to control information, to punish dissent and to pick their successors.
In olden times, kings and queens claimed that they had a divine right to rule. Today our rulers claim to possess a mandate from the majority and use this claim to justify their reign. Both of these claims are lies. That the latter claim is a lie is easily demonstrated by the fact that there are innumerable issues on which there was either no democratic choice given to the voters, or, in which the people said they wanted one thing and the government simply said "fuck you" and then did another. Examples: The Iraq war, immigration policy, all sin taxes, free trade / globalisation, open borders, the migrant crisis etc.
"Democracy" is and has always been a scam.
>losing faith in democracy
nigger have you seen democracy in action?
>we are a republic though
Two party dictatorship and power centralized in washington. The two party dictatorship sells their power to shady individuals for money and favors hence the swamp. Democracy is and always a mistake.
>excusing his own parasitic behaviour
No, become a monarchist, that way you can blame or praise the same face for decades and it can't easily escape without abdicating.
When will they give sixteen-year olds the right to vote?
yea thats the gay part of democracy
well, op, although you probably already left, it's because these people believe when you let everyone do whatever they want the people with the most force will become in charge, either the most intelligent or brute force rather, and they'll take advantage of everyone else. so you need a gorup of people to protect against that, but they could also go into power, so you also need a force to protect against them within that force where rights come in. each individual should have rights that are rotected so one person in the group can't just take over the protecting force and turn it into a militarry force for their own gain. pol lacks realization of individualism as a protection against totalitarianism because they use identity politics as a reaction to the left's brainwashing, but in the process lose their individualism which liberty is tyhe on;y real excuse for an organization to protect against any particular threat that will take over said democracy. so they switch their stance to a more totalitarian government to compensate for this lack of realization.
Lurk moar faggot
This. It suppose to be self-evident, but the canadian has probably lived in a bubble until now.
Its only a matter of time.
A principality is a monarchy. You have one ruler who needs to look squeaky clean and wield an iron fist.
If a ruler is parasitic then he is a weak ruler wasting the treasury on frivolity. A monarchy can be a tyranny or a benevolency. To the ruling class everyone is a parasite unless they maintain the status quo.
The People are generally loathsome and I don't want to be ruled by them.
what would a dictatorship to be controlled by the jews too?
People are realizing just how much communists have subverted our civilization.
Just wait until the trade war is in full swing and people can’t afford all those things that allow us to continue our western lifestyle like iPhones, computers, cars, etc.
Civil war is right around the corner and you’d be a fool to ignore it.
I never had any faith in democracy. Im 38 and never voted in my life. I do not consent.
I'm fine with democracy and would like to see further improvements our system, some of which happened.
Some people here that are disillusioned with democracy seem to have even far less control through said democracy than 1 voting share on various topics and choice of representatives, though.
I plan on killing Jews, pedos and tyrants and stealing their shekels
Failed propaganda.
Jews thought they could ignore nature through the use of propaganda.
Of course this is retardedly stupid.
So now no one has any faith in the media, government, law enforcement, the judiciary, or any other authority figure.
And when it fails on this level. On this scale. There is no going back.
Speaking of Italian political philosophers, is Machivalli's position better or worse that Saint Aquinas' and why?
Russian patio campaign. Most people still strongly believe in democracy. It’s been the shining jewel of civilization since Ancient Rome.
Time to round up the Jews.
Because democracy allowed hedonism, faggotry, white genocide, and fucking communism to appear in the western world, that's fucking why.
>One day my spirit shall rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right.
>It’s been the shining jewel of civilization since Ancient Rome.
rome wasn't a democracy
It's a march straight towards chaos as the wanna-be alphas posture towards anarchy so as to seem more authoritative themselves, in a deceptive mating ritual.
Modern "democracy"
>you will give us what we want through voting, (and the subsequent changes in law)
>or we will take what we want by force.
What we have isnt "democracy" its tyranny.
Even if jews didn't exist democracy would fail. The VAST majority of people (even whites) are unfit to make political decisions. The gentry was bred separately to rule over thousands of years.
It's not about genetics, it's about systems of authority. It has a lot to do with religious practices interfacing with the culture and the society.
Because he's a kike puppet just like every other president has been since JFK.