Really puts things into perspective
man our k/d ratio is pretty good.
white people are the best at war, no doubt about it.
don't fuk wit us
>Afghans, Iraqis, and Pakistanis
lel. i voted for Bush in 2004 and I got what I voted for.
next time I'm voting for a leftist purge
Yeah, we really need to stop fighting wars for the benefit of Israel.
>crime they did not commit
Their existence is the crime.
Dead muslims. I celebrate this.
wow brown smelly people BTFO
This is why killing americans is an act of justice.
makes you think twice about attacking us huh? if well kill 2,000,000 over 2,000 imagine how bad it could get.
if americans are so good at waging war then how come they haven't definitively won any in decades
>this was surely posted by a leftist
>leftists are against patriarchal society
>leftists are pro-women's rights
>this level of cognitive dissonance
I'll never understand the left's fetishization of Muslims. The check nearly every box of shit they claim to be against.
That's a K/D ratio of 596.286.
Pretty good.
>not including our war dead
>implying all those middle easterners are innocent
I can smell the fucking commie behind this post.
More than you, chang
Except that it's bullshit. The total body count in Iraq is less than 300,000. The counts totaling over a million are the high counts. The average counts are less than 500,000. The most accurate count (based on records and not assumptions, etc) is currently showing 288,000. With that in mind.. there's only one number on that image that is trustworthy.
>canadians have won less than zero wars
Don't argue with those morons. They don't understand words like "mission", "objective", etc. The only determination they need is "what does the average moron (aka: public) believe?"
The hijackers were all Saudis too who you supply arms to kill kids in Yemen.
It really has been the most retarded 17 years in history good luck ever explaining it to your grand kids
Because we fought a series of Guerrilla wars which aren't easy, m8. We smashed Libya, ISIS, Saddam, and Al Qaeda
Who says they didn't get what they wanted?
womp womp
Apply Machiavelli and let the kids deal with the dissonance of being the spawns of the literal devil
So many reddit faggots on pol
Muslims are pols allies
Just not the degenerate Muslims that leave their countries
Pol is forever a NatSoc board , anti-Jew, anti-Isreal, pro-Palestine, pro-Assad
Everybody who says otherwise is either a glow in the dark nigger, underage, JDIF, or plebbit faggots
Fair portion of the deaths in Iraq are the result of sectarian violence. Regardless of what the west did or didn't do, no one has been forced to go and kill their neighbours yet many did.
People just quote statistics and dont think about them.
90% of those kills are sand niggers killing other sand niggers
>win a war
no one wins wars you faggot the way wars are fought these days means there are no winners just objectives to complete
>smashed Libya
Go back to lefty pol you fucking faggot
>millions of dead and displaced Muslims
>security situation in the ME in total shambles
>terrorist organizations and rebels running rampant and destroying entire countries
>more weapons than ever pouring into US allies in the region that they use to kill other Muslims
But of course no goals were achieved...
would be pretty easy just say the jews did it
Even counting the sectarian violence, the count is FAR less than the number shown there. The only organization that produces a count this high is IBC. Most of their numbers are speculation with no data to support their speculations.
For everyone pointing out how the number in Iraq is wrong. You're right. It's wrong.. but NOT because it's also counting terrorism, etc. It's wrong because it's a very ignorant organization doing the count. The most accurate count can be found here (and yes, it includes terrorism and such):
Look at all these scooter riders clapping and sharting themselves over hundreds of thousands of innocent deaths. Truly you're all NPC's and can't ascertain this monumental dishonor that future White people are going to have to bear for all time
>1 American Life = 586 Dead Sand Niggers
Honestly, that sounds about right OP
We got our revenge.
Their crime was being Muslim
Revenge for what???
juden raus
For 9/11 and other attacks on christians by Muslims
america is a black teenager he dindu nuffin he goo boy spreddin peese
If you want a list of everything that Muslims have done we're going to be here all night.
Pretty fucking sick of whomever made that infographic to include Saddam's kill count into the total.
Going to ignore OP's obvious bait and point out that brown people can never (NEVER) defeat whites.
That's a k/d ratio (of one white man woth an army of at most 10,000 at once) of over 1 million.
Black and brown people act like whites dont rule everything but...
Dont make us go 1,000,000 and 0 again.
Honestly a lot of those counts include sunni chimpouts against shia
You have to stop killing people if you win wars
The Americans died for a “crime” they didn’t commit either, faggot. Might as well put that in too, since you’re trying to appear impartial
>attacks on Christians
>for 9/11
Nigger are you retarded? Go back to Isreal you fuck
The salty yanks replying to this post...
10/10, leafanon. Well played.
>His default comeback is "Jew!"
>Actually defending pointless wars on behalf of other countries
Shut up faggot. It's too bad you didn't get the star appearance in a Juba video.
rookie numbers
>you only win the war if wikipedia declares it
leafs are hopelessly retarded
17 years and they havent tried that shit again. Meanwhile Europe. Fuck I love being American... Stay jealous faggots.
You realize the migrant crisis is literally because of the war right ...?
You realize it wasn’t “””them””” it was (((them))) and (((they))) turned your country Into a consumerist police state
>please leave pol and go back to tumbler
>pic related , your faggot hero
New world order population control,
War the only way.
>white people are the best at war
>if americans are so good at waging war
Thanks Israel!
What crime are they paying the price for?
collateral damage
Oh yeah, all those people died because of retaliation after 9/11, not because of anything else that was going on.
>murder 1.6 million Iraqis over some unplanned office space demolition
>"Amerikkkans are so weak and stupid they will fall if we attacked"
>warmongering is good
kike puppet spotted
>Really puts things into perspective
Feb 1, 2018 - KASUR, Pakistan – Child sexual abuse is rampant in this conservative Muslim nation, but it has rarely been addressed openly.
In Afghanistan, boys as young as nine are forced to dress up as women and dance for older men, only to be raped after their performance.
Oh noes, those poor child raping savages dindu nuffin! Perspective!
>we do the hard work of going to these shitholes and fucking shit up
>literally all yuroturks need to do is sit in their comfy homeland and shoot them on sight
>instead welcome disillusioned fighting-age sandniggers
We provided the rock, Europe failed to be the hard place.
>Afghans butcher one another
>Iraqis butcher one another
>Pakistanis butcher one another
>this is the west's fault
Not enough.
Their crime was being brown.
So what did you get for spending 7 trillion on killing innocent civilians ?
By the way thats more then what Hitler spent on conquering europe adjusted for inflation.
yeah the lesson is don't fuck with us.
i guess they didn't learn it.
Israel did the attack, a worse attack than Pearl Harbor, attacked the PENTAGON and in exchange we fought all their enemies for them for 20 years and gave them $3 billion a year.
Wow we really showed them.
Don't be a Muslim enabler
those shitmonkeys aren't innocent
they're fucking muslims
We can win any war save for a half dozen with the push of a button.
These slide threads are getting unreal.
"Pointless wars" are the national equivalent of sparring matches. You fight them so that when you are dragged into a fight that matters, your nation is not an out of shape slob that hasn't fought a war in generations.
Which do you want training your soldiers and forming your officer corp?
Veterans or military academy graduates taught by other military graduates in an intergenerational game of telephone?
>we are so usless and cucked that 3rd world immigrants can just casually invade our countries with nl resistence while we pay them to fuck our women and that is somehow USAs fault.