The man is a literal retard.
The man is a literal retard
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>Orange mad bad
Why would I believe anything written by Bob Woodward. He organized the biggest fake news story in world history (Watergate)
If your debt is in dollars then printing money literally lowers the debt via inflation, shill.
fake news
Yes, don't artificially increase inflation to gain money. It's bad, it's not for you.
British education
no wonder the economy is so shit lmao
Printing money = bad.
>believe us goy, look
>this isn't an anonymous source, goy.
>we quoted a BOOK this time, goy.
are we sure kikes have IQ above 80?
I will remind Jow Forums that a vast majority of people here unironically think we should get rid of the federal reserve and put politicians directly in charge of the printing press.
These people think there are absolutely no downsides to giving elected people full control over printing money with no oversight.
of course this is what happened, that's why the economy is booming right now.
>believing a Woodward book
Literally mental retardation to believe any of this. But please, go on.
When the Federal Reserve prints money, that money is pumped into the economy via loans to banks or through buying sovereign debt. This 1.) Lowers the interest rates on US bonds, and results in a cash reimbursement to the government on interest collected. Literally, printing money is how you lower the national debt.
>These people think there are absolutely no downsides to giving elected people full control over printing money with no oversight.
The people experience inflation, so why not let them choose to inflate or not.
Trump? Trump doesn't have squat to do with the money aspect, it's the (((FED))) and they do what they want, when they want.
Remember a few years back when Fed Head Ben 'Shlomo' Bernanke said "Yes, the FED did cause the Crash of '29," then laughed?
What kind of sick fuck laughs about tossing the economy into the crapper, making life miserable for 130 mill Americans, with about 2 mill dying from starvation?
this. mmt is real and it's good
>Trump said this
>source? Lmao this book written by someome who hates him its true whatre you a nazi?
Mild bobby sauce.
Actually wish this would've happened. Every completionist coin collector in the world would be pissed.
Fire and Fury was hot shit for like 3 weeks.
Omarosa's book was hot shit for like 2 weeks.
Woodward's book is just 1 week old and it's already dropped off the news cycle.
Who will write the next rambling, unsubstantiated tome that proves nothing they believe is true?
Fake news
But printing money is literally how we've been paying off debt for the last 50 years.
Literally what happened in the QE programs. Printed money and bought US bonds.
So precisely what Obama and Bush did after '08?
>(((According to Bob Woodward's book)))
Reminder that Obama printed more money than all presidents before him combined and used that money to bail out the investor class. He now makes $500k per speech despite being the most ghost-written president in history.
This, how stupid is the journalist? This is essentially the literal definition of inflation.
While this sounds retarded as fuck, since it's the text book response retards give to monetary issues and obviously leads to inflation - it's also precisely what most of the western world (including the U.S. under both Republicans and Democrats) did with "quantative easing".
If you really wanna fix the U.S. economy by printing money, just print Euros and Chink Bux and flood the markets and ruin their economies and then tariff the shit out of them.
He should have said "mint", yes.
LETS JUST PRINT MONEY AND GIVE IT TO ((THE BANKS)) is how the Federal Reserve controls the economy, and the world at large, and how they solve economic problems like the one a decade ago. It would be different if any currency was actually pegged to something physical like I dunno gold but it's all fiat tied to human belief in the Rothschild's global financial structure. Why not just print money? If the jews say we owe then 6 quadrillion dollars in debt later then just give them a shiny nickel and claim it's worth that much. Or, just get rid of the bankster jews. Either way IT'S THAT EASY. what are they gonna do about it cry for the next 2000 years about how the goyim stole 12 trillion dollars and never paid it back?
Actually this is good.
Dollar is getting to expensive abroad.
>can't explain why he's wrong, just feel like it
>hurl insults instead
The retardation of the common amerimutt at it's finest.
the only sucky part is that this drives down the value of americans' paychecks and makes everything cost more.
Unless you plan on nuking the Fed and returning to Gold standard anyway.
This. How is this a bad idea its not like we can get the money from corporations we lowered their taxes so they could buy back their stock. The money HAS TO come from somewhere
>Printed money and bought US bonds.
They were bought with fake money by Jews. Now they get all the interest on fake currency. translation, they are making money off nothing.
Wow you guys literally voted for a fucking RETARD. Seriously I just cant even. Hilary was way more qualified but you were too sexist, racist and homophobic to do the right thing. Now you have a fucking dumb orange cheetos who whine like a baby and is buddybuddy with dictators. GOOD JOB RETARDS
LOL why do you idiots keep believing fake news? How retarded are you?
>when I don't want to admit that my side is terrible, I just point the finger and say that the side which did the exact same thing is horrible
>Printing money
>is a literal retard
No he's a jew.
>The man is a literal retard.
Strawman, The media bent over backwards defending Obama and his bailing out of the investor class. They fact that they are only now mad highlih
This can actually can not lead to inflation if the money gets absorbed into the economy.
Look at Japan.
Abe has been really print happy and Japan has near negative inflation still.
The federal reserve needs to be destroyed. The Rothchilds owns it.
We need to go back to the gold standard.
we could also point out how gay you are and that no one should listen to a faggots opinion
tl;dw? Billionaires are going to take us to space and beyond, economy will grow 15 to 20% because king nigger fucked us for 8 years.
Capitalism rules, Socialist Jews suck.
>thinking trump doesnt understand economics and the national debt
honestly this little snippet of the woodward book is further proof its all bullshit.
Yes, let's trust the jews. I'm sure it will work out this time.
I agree. The only reason we ever even heard of Bob Woodward is because of a disgruntled FBI agent.
He is completely correct. You print U.S. Dollars at no interest, and pay the debt that the central bank claims to own. Even if it's fake news, it is 100% legal and correct, but the bankers will obviously freak out and then finance your enemies...
Yup the man who wrote the book is a retard.
instead of talking about this how do we make it happen. how many of them arer there how do we stop them from transfering it to their heirs.
>You print U.S. Dollars at no interest
But you literally can't do that because the Federal Reserve loans out the dollars it prints to the US on interest
Except the Federal Reserve can only print Federal Reserve Notes and then loan them at interest to the bankers. The Treasury can print U.S. Dollars without interest to anyone.
Those are Federal Reserve Notes. You are confused.
I expect that Trump was being factious.
Hahaha amerifats unironically elected a fat retard who wears makeup as president
same book has the president in a heated argument with staff on why lightening McQueen has doors. from the cars movies.
it's worse fan fiction than what Jow Forums produces.
>debt tied to the dollar
>devalue the dollar
>devalue the debt
South Africa's debt in 1994 was 90% GDP, but tied to the Rand, so we devalued the Rand to pay it off... and now debt stands at 40% of GDP. No one even noticed
>Apart from the Kikes
>These people think there are absolutely no downsides to giving elected people full control over printing money with no oversight.
>elected people have no oversight
>the unelected federal reserve Jews have oversight
Please explain to me how you aren't the most mentally broken deceitful kike on the planet you worthless shitstain fucking liar
>loan $1000 to a bank
>eventually bank pays back the $1000 plus interest, so something like $1,100
Please explain to me how this lowers our debt? The banks literally lose loney through this process unless the value of the dollar increases greatly somehow
>there's anything wrong with printing more money
Trump is actually right in this case if he means print actual US treasury notes and tell the (((federal reserve))) to fuck off.
I lol'd
It's called Quantitative Easing, a.k.a. printing money, and it's actually used to lower debt.
Federal reserve loans 1000 to bank. Bank pays back 1100. Bank takes 1000 dollars and loans 1 dollar to 1000 people with interest. Bank makes 1400 dollars from those loans. Pays off debt, pockets other 300. Gets another loan. This is a completely simplified version, but basically how it works.
Yes he is. Woodward is ridiculously stupid.
Lol the book that was discredited before it even came out?
this, pretty much. inflation isnt even necessarily a requisite.
inflation also isnt always "bad" in that wages going up is inflation.
what's wrong with higher wages?!!
and no, it doesnt mean prices have to go up by the same amount.
potentially but not necessarily.
You think the bank will let that $1100 sit there?
What do you think banks do?
So every president before him does it, but because he actually said it out loud he's the retard.
>watergate fake
>fucking tapes of nixon admitting to it (and other shit)
confirmed brainlet-npc
Literal Simpsons
>lol trump is so stupid we should just have endless deficits then default on our debt.
This book is fake and gay, but printing money is legitimately the way we pay off public debt in this clown world system of kikenomics
No it's not. The way to pay off debt is to arrest the bankers and their families, try them before the public, seize their assets, and use that to fund the rebuilding process.
Ask Obama about the trillion dollars coin they wanted to create in 2008.
LOL I wonder what Trump supporters will say when he calls for more QE.
>Trump before the election: The DOW numbers are a big fat bubble
>Trump after the election: DOW is SKYROCKETING and that's a good thing.
>Trump before the election: The fed should raise interest rates.
>Trump after the election: Please don't raise interest rates.
If this is true, yeah Trump is a legit retard.
We don't care. We're still going to come after you regardless of your cover stories.
OP you're posting this kind of shit about a guy who was a major businessman for decades and is now the president of the United States, I think you and Bob Woodward are the retards here.
>money should only be printed to help the ultra rich!
Quantative easing to infinity, those yatchs arent gonna by themselves boys!
ah yes because when they DO print money they just call it a fancy name like quantitative easing so I guess trump should have said that and he wouldn't be a retard?
I said it's the way we do pay off public debt, not the way we SHOULD.
Let me ask you a question:
Do you think Donald Trump is as dumb as the media makes him look?
maybe he just wants to spend use QE on something besides propping up stocks
Looking at the federal reserve and the economy separately in this situation though, the economy has had a net 100 dollars taken from it. This means, as I said, that unless the dollar gains in value, it is the economy's loss every single time.
Ok mofo, we will behold when the burguers will be forced to pay MCshit with one kilo of dollars.
It wouldn't pay off the debt tho. The more important point is to round up the Jews and hang them by the neck until dead.
All of them.
Long as the economy continues to grow printing money adds real value into american hands. It doesnt matter if the dollar ever crashes as the longer america is receiving goods for paper money the better we will be.
>printing money adds real value into american hands
Jews aren't Americans.
>according to
>economists and mainstream were talking about minting $1T coins for black jesus to hand to the fed
>calls trump a retard
the best thing about trump is hes actually just doing everything Obama did just better and watching libs lose their fucking minds over it