Thoughts On Alex Jones' Permanent Suspensions

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I think this thread is my 30th example of marketers opinion-farming Jow Forums. Thanks. Soon your bullshit parade ends.

How so?

You'll see.

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Q predicted this. Never fuck with Q

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Why not tell me now? Unless you're just another mentally ill fuckhead that thinks posting bullshit with nothing to back it up is worthwhile?

I'm excited to see what will come of it.

>Why not tell me now?
Because then you'd have time to formulate a counter-strategy.

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Softening the idea of unpersoning for people so when a serious political dissident get the same treatment it will be tarred with the same brush.

How long until they ban Alex Jones from InfoWars?

he will quietly exit the stage and start appearing in clubs and pubs doing standup

The false flag is all going to plan. Tucker on Fox news and others are talking about Alex, which will draw more people to HIS sites instead of main street’s. Kikebook, jewgle, and twatter will be just fine. Alex will always have a platform. Congress may or may not pass legislation banning censorship or making these corps regulated like utilities, it doesn’t matter either way. Either these corps have the power to control speech or big government gets even more power to control, either way conservatives lose. All the while, this will make Israel’s Alex Jones more popular than ever. It’s all going to plan and the goyim are doing exactly what is expected of them. This includes you summer newfags who don’t know or care that Alex is a kike shill, because you’re stuck in the good/evil paradigm of main street kike corps vs alex jones

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How long before they ban Alex Jones from shemale porn?

He decided to retire, so (((they)) had to make it look like "THEY SHUT MEH DOWN!!". Things started to go downhill for him after Trump got elected because the premise of his show\business depends on the president not being /hisguy/.

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1488, ya fucking leaf.

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Dissident left gets shut down next and it’s beutiful.

How can he ever recover? IT IS OVER.

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frustrating but correct
fpbp, unfortunately

Isn't a permanent suspension just an expulsion

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Good. He's a charlatan and his cult followers need to get crucified.

>when its everyone but the jews


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>he honestly believe are opinions are worth anything
Back to the blacked threads with you.

did you hear him say the Rockefeller's aren't jews

Its very clear jones isnt interested in doing anything but reading headlines. So it wouldnt surprise me that he would say that.

sorry rothchilds

You know damn well us goy npcs on a Mongolian basket weaving anime appreciation forum don't have "thoughts". We lead silent unsentient pointless cockroach lives. We need people like Alex Jones to tell us what to think.

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Clearly the water filter man has fallen foul of kek. What must he do to redeem himself? Digits guide him

yea but he was cool back in the day even named the jew even when it came to 911 now hes done a full 180

Cooper had him pegged from day one. Listening to jones y2k skit made it clear what hes after.
Jones was never our guy. It took way to long to figure that out. Cooper is six feet under and jones is pushing vitamins.

This he’s in his late fifties and wants to stop playing this character. So they are erasing him from media sites, so people will forget about him.

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Hang everyone in Silicon Valley, the media, and Washington

yea but he used to have his place at least its sad he is Shaun hannity+ now

Q said not to trust him.

He's a hero.

Owen Shroyer said that Mossad & Israel did 9/11 based and redpilled

How so?

in fighting between two different controlled ops

Use your brain.

Why did you do that to me?

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Quite honestly, if he can't return to the realms that people frequent the most, he and his operation will most likely be an afterthought come next spring.
By mid 2019 he'd be long forgotten.
And this is very likely close to the actual truth of the matter.

Q predicted shills would say that

A good example of why private business is not benign, capitalists exert real power over people, and a Bill of Right must be written and enforced over the private sector, "property rights" be damned.
Too bad Jow Forums would never take this to heart.

yea 10 years ago now hes all about the mainstream conspiracy theory

How about instead you back up what you're trying to say?

off topic. give me a real good reason why I shouldn't report this

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the lefts version of Alex Jones

will never be banned by any social media


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Alex Jones is a coward and a hypocrite. Fuck that nigger.

Follow your heart.

yea but im not a shill lol

Because your head is full of fuck?

Because you're a faggot with a tiny penis

Q predicted shills would deny they’re actually shills

danm he must be a prophet then Q peace be apon him or he belongs to the same organisation that runs the shill and is self fulfilling