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Sessions: Activated
Fuck these kikes so hard up the ass they will be feeling it into the next generation like their precious holocaust
Bout goddamn time
>Normies forced to visit Jow Forums redpill threads
Fucking finally
>find no proof because they don't investigate
>can't investigate because they have no proof
It's all so tiresome
>implying sessions will do anything
>too retarded to compete in free market
>government has to intervene to protect right wing feelings
This but unironically
"After my investigation Facetime and Tweeter have done nothing wrong. I will now crack down on pot and porn as the Presidents base wants me to do"
I do not like Jeff Sessions, but I'll be his boyfriend if he brings the absolute pain to the Marxists in Silicon Valley. He needs to go after academia, and all these BS, leftist non profit political groups as well. I add Hollywood too, but I think they're already getting their shit pushed in, (thanks Steve Bannon)
mr magoo won't do shit
This is how AG can fix that major disappointment he became. Break Google into 10000 little pieces.
>that'll make them stop calling me a cuck
that old fart aint gonna do shit
Lol pizzaparty gaters btfo, again
post YFW tech companies not only get anti trusted but RICO RICO RICO
No body will probably be broken up, but this might lead to restrictions in how companies can enforce their own EULAs and having to show legal and just cause to end an account etc.
That or arriving at a form of "Internet Bill of Rights", either would be better than the current one-sided flea circus this has become.
actually Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter are FUCKED and Trump is going to make Teddy Roosevelt look like a walk in the park.
Never forget the 6 million websites
pic checked.
kek btfo kikes
social media ruined america but at the same time made it better.
Why was this guy in the documentary "The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes?"
He was at some gala with Bill Browder and other DC elites.
All one of them. That's why.
He’s planning an investigation into a nice nap. He fucking sucks. I’d have had 10 people swinging from ropes already.
Yaaa were totally alone in the universe. No question.
Uh oh. Someone told Sleepy that Silicon valley likes to smoke the devil's weed.
this is one of the first threads, i noticed a great lack of NPC's.
net neutrality shills BTFO!!!
kek is good!!
NPCs don't question authority
It's just a CME, goy.
How will he know where to start?
The ones w/ public funding?
Life log btfo
il show you a coronal mass ejection
I'm already banned or censored from everywhere but Jow Forums.
What is everyone crying about in this thread?
Are yall queers or something?
You are fucking retard blaming Communism for what private company billionaires are doing to eliminate competition or who they don't like. YOU RETARD NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT THOSE AREN'T YOUR COMPANIES. You just a fucking site, you play by their rules.
Hahaha shills like you are so angry. The narrative will never be in your kike hands again.
I CME'd twice last night
>Not Being Asleep
Pick one
A multitude of reasons. I would actually wager money that the executives of these tech companies will be charged with crimes against humanity and genocide for using their platforms to manipulate and social engineer society.
how the fuck you not know weistein case is a rico case?
who his buddies desu?
Man what a larp
Because i dont follow the stories of whores wanting to try and jew money
This. The heads of these mega-tech corporations should be tried with war crimes at this point.
We could build the entire case with /RWT/ and 30 mins of weaponized autism.
These Silicon Valley kikes will be hanging upside down eviscerated when Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is done with them.
The CPPCG was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 9 December 1948[2] and came into effect on 12 January 1951 (Resolution 260 (III)). It contains an internationally recognized definition of genocide which has been incorporated into the national criminal legislation of many countries, and was also adopted by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which established the International Criminal Court (ICC). Article II of the Convention defines genocide as:
... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily harm, or harm to mental health, to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
I DON'T JOIN THOSE SITES, YOU GOY DO. I have my own sites. I don't need to bend some stupid capitalists into doing what i want. I don't want those stupid capitalists to even exist. You think Republicans are any better? Democrats and Republicans do shit to benefit their own pockets. They don't give a shit about you and your white ethno states and nonsense like that. To create ethno state you first gather people, then become independent totally from others and work inside that group you created, then you slowly build small towns of white ethno nationalism and grow bigger. You will never accomplish anything by trying to bend liberal sites for you by joining their clubs. Create your own sites and clubs.
Explain pls. No memes.
>Aiding and abetting foreign governments
Does that sound like a stretch?
Oyyyyy veyyyyy
Too bad. These sites are gonna be completely neutral and open to all ideas. Even yelling nigger 50 times on livestream. Fucking kike faggots pushed too far and now we have to take your companies from your hands.
Ah so true larp
>muh globalist kike group laws surely matter in the US
I love how the JIDF always try and claim that Israel isnt in control of these tech platforms.
So then they shut down
Now what?
The companies won't shut down moron. They will be under new management and split up. Algorithms won't be secret anymore and manipulation won't be possible for the jews anymore.
LOL! Who woke up Sessions?
Strike 1
Strike 2
And it's Jeff Sessions so strike 3 you're permanently suspended.
The only reason why Alex Jones even uses any site is to create money. You really want such traitor to represent your movement? He is where money is. That's like Syria, there are no sides in Syria, just different kind of larpers who larp as terrorist, democrats, good and bad, but they all bad, they want to destroy Syria so American investors can purchase land cheaply and build like saints with their money investments stuff there to be boss.
It isn't Jews directly, but they are mostly Jewish or Freemasons.
And the new management is?
Come on, Be south africa expropriations here
>Ungu bunga charmin dem social media grounds very rich need money for corn syruop and hip replacement me is white imperialist so okay after sharting pants
Doubtful. What is their anti competitive behavior??
HAHAHAHAHAHAH. You mad that you kikes won't be able to shut down any video on youtube anymore? Or ban people for no reason.
Not one bit.
LOL JEFF SESSION, you guys keep falling for the jeff sessions meme. He is only investigating them to give them the all clear
The problem is capitalism, especially growth. Those companies should have never be allowed to grow outside of city or grow beyond 10000 people in a city. I know i speak total blasphemy for capitalism, but that's the truth and why you have problems with those companies now. Unlimited growth is the shitstain on west and it will turn your food, race, nature and every day life into shit for some faggot's profit.
lets not get ahead of ourselves now.We should wait till Trumps term is up.
You are retarded. YouTube isn't your company. How would it be if Trump's companies would be controlled by liberals where he had to place Somali flags next to his American flag?
Even more proof: NSA guy says
People are choosing to supply their data CHOOSING
I could admit you have a point in theory even as a lolberg but on the other hand they act in collusion with the state and you have to admit that.
>we could build a case
why don't we?
The survival of (OUR) democracy not yours.
ADL and SPLC are getting shut down too.
he's encouraged people all these years to download and rip his content. Hand it out for free to get the message out.
There IS no real America
You don't own NOTHING
>no reason
Lol I went andharrassed that normie until they cried
Why is I banned?
>implying Keebler can ever redeem himself
it's been almost 2 years you brainlet. nothing can recover the time lost
lol imagine thinking this would ever actually happen
this is as likely as trump building the wall
>private businesses are communist
I don't know who invented this narrative that Jeff Sessions is doing nothing but I feel like the only people who say that "nothing ever happens" are kike shills like you.
Along with Rockefeller foundation. They flipped the term fake news and are using it against non bilderburg mainstream media.