Only a sovereign Global Government with unlimited powers can save humanity from extinction

Sounds shocking? But it is the truth as argued by the Swedish futurologist Nick Bostrom. Private access to the coming advanced technologies that will pose existential risks simply cannot be allowed. Imagine a Unabomber setting a super A.I. working on the problem how to create a virus that will be close to 100% deadly, highly contagious, with a long enough incubation phase (so not to be detected before it's too late) and that spreads through the air and how to spread it so that maximum number of people will die. We could be talking about more than 50% of Westerners and Asians dying at one stroke. Or imagine a mad professor, or a well funded terrorist organization (or following Moore's law eventually a single humanity hating autist of the school-shooter type in his garage if the technologies are allowed to freely spread) with super A.I. and a nano-assembler. Mass produce millions (if you can make one you can make as many as your resources allow and designs and how-to-do manuals would spread via internet) of fruit-fly size bots from basic materials, programmed to seek humans and inject a deadly drop of botulinum into them. One strike like this and we will have the 1984 global surveillance state the hard way. People will opt for it out of their own free wills in fear of new attacks. Democracy and nation states will be replaced by a sovereign Global government before the century is over. It's inevitable.

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Sure but the people ideologically opposed to you get to run it. How bad do you want it now?

The globalists are creating all those things you decribed. You're giving power to the very people you would fear in normal life, you NPC!

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Humanity won't survive unless we reintroduce feudalism and make 99% slaves. may be, but fuck that.

Why are inventing the most vile things imaginable? Is there anything more evil than cameras disguised as flies recording people in secret? That's more evil than 10 genocides. That is literally making fun of humanity and life itself.

>Swedish intellectuals

Nice try, kike. Globalism is what’s causing these problems to begin with. The solution isn’t more globalism

Socialism = Slavery
by the time this is over, you will all be executed
now save us the trouble and kill yourself

>when you realize the government is trying to become an all knowing god that micromanages every aspect of your existence

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You are a retard. Socialism is people controlling their land. Capitalism is slavery.

God is a faggot that stinks of gay shit, just like your Jewish god worshiping motherfucker government of capitalism. Yes, you want to be god, by growth of your shit products and money you print nobody asked for.

white people produce yet you expect us to support useless niggers who will simply murder us anyway
you people will cause your own extinction with your denial of reality

Youre a fag. Socialism is slavery. Capitalism is people controlling their property.

>moore’s Law
I can’t fucking stand empty-headed pop-scientists.

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When did Communists import niggers you dumb nigger enabling Jew? Not in one country. Communists didn't even support anybody else. Fucking retard. I told you before and i will tell you again, Socialism is ownership of people living in that land. Capitalism is ownership of billionaires and government run by billionaires. You don't own anything, don't control anything, your Jesus faggot god controls everything in Israel, that low IQ shit faggot Jews, your holy land.

show true flag Talmudfag

Oh really, you control your property, WHERE? WHERE DO YOU MAGGOT CONTROL YOUR PROPERTY? You pay tax somebody else told you to pay, you go to papers to government, companies get build on your land you never voted for. You pay rent. What do you control you stupid shit?

this is bait

>Only a sovereign Global Government with unlimited powers can save humanity from extinction
but who will save humanity from said government?
A global government is retarded
A government with unlimited powers is double retarded.
We need more centralized governments with more powers but way far from unlimited.

AIs aren't magical.
They also don't grow on trees and neither do the resources and equipment to make a super virus or killer bots.

Letting privates do it instead is much better :^)

Imagine getting paid to smoke weed and go "dude... wait... what if-" and shitpost your baked thoughts online.

>CIA nigger starts nigging
Your glowing is showing

First we need to determine what government even means for OP. Is global government 1 guy sitting at throne of world or is government 10000 sitting at throne or is government everybody deciding? Buzzwords like government and state don't mean jack shit if there are no rules. A state doesn't even exists if there are no borders, so government can't exist without rules, there's nothing to govern about, unless OP means government is just tax collection, which it isn't. Governing should be something you do after you collected tax, something you do for people, what people wanted. If nobody asks people what they wanted then there's no government, it's just exploitation. Governments were created so people don't have to deal with that shit personally, but still demand shit to be done in benefit of citizen. Just collecting global money and not benefiting anybody isn't government, that's occupation.


wtf I love giving taxes to third worlders now

Good point.
I assumed he meant something like 1984

>we cant trust private people with that kind of power!
yeah but we cant trust the government either, theyre even worse then the average private person

most people arent interested in being terrorists or whatever. but every fucking government in the world is infested with satanic pedophiles so...

we are fucked either way. at least if we the people have our own super science techno gadgets we might be able to at least defend against or avenge whatever the governments going to do with their supertech

governments evil, period. the more centralized the government, the more attractive it becomes to evil. and decent people are largely naive so...

1984 isn't liberalism and it isn't globalism. You need to check basics. Globalism has literally nothing to do with authoritarianism and globalism doesn't wants to create any society. Globalists just want to benefit themselves, they don't care to brainwash you to be something as whole, they only brainwash you so you suck their dick. Fascists brainwashed people so they would work for country. Globalists brainwash you so you work for their luxury life and make them kings.

The Chinese government is fucking terrifying.

This confuses me, I want China to collapse due to them being theives, stealing intellectual property, being unfair, having no morale and being soulless.

Yet they are redpilled and may help us against (((them))).

Which side do I choose?

evil always needs to centralize control, econonomically and politically. they have to do this because they are outnumbered and so cannot effectively command decentralized systems.

globalism is evil, because evil people are the ones doing it for evil reasons. in principle it doesnt have to be this way. in reality it is, because we have to live on the same planet with evil control freaks

id rather the human race go extinct then let the jews have their (((world government)))

china has the largest per capita number of anti government protests in the world. not many people know that.

the chinese people dont like their government

>he thinks that an artificial superintelligence would have to use silicon technology as opposed to some other future computing technology
>he thinks that the atoms that make up our brains are somehow magical and special

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>Sovereign world government
>Sovereign world
Go tell God to get out of our business that we are sovereign citizens or whatever BS you’re pushing.


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came here to say this

the only way to save the world is to destroy it

yes, moores law is set to continue with i think sillicone graphene hybrid computers up next. full graphene computers, photonic computers, quantum computers, even bio computers and data stored on crystals, all on the drawing board.

but as to your second point maybe you need to look into quantum microtubules in the neurons and what theyre doing there and how a quantum state once created cannot be destroyed: period

Neither is what OP is was proposing, from the sounds of it.
>isn't globalism
2/5 of the continents in a single nation is close enough.
The enemy for which the government needs to limit the poeple's freedom instead of other blocks would be identified as potential terrorists.

A decentralized network is way easier to control in part than it is controlling a centralized one, since who is in control will be in plain sight.
Once you control enough of a network you might as well be in control of it all, while still being hidden.
Keep in mind that our governments are far more decentralized than how they were in the past.

Sounds like something a Swedish futurologist would argue.


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Not true what would be keeping this government from having the same or all combined problems of every government

Chinese are better than the jews, they may be more of a threat, but they are the lesser of two weevils.

how are our governments more decentralized now then in the past? especially in the us, founded as the united states OF america, not the bullshit united states IN america they call themselves now. its an important distinction because federal government was never supposed to be as powerful as it is now, the founding fathers very much concerned about the dangers of too much power in one place controlling distant land. kinda what they fought against in the first place kicking out the limeys. so the state government was supposed to be more locally powerful then the federal government which was only supposed to be for national defense and infrastructure.

it took over a century fo corruption to turn the us into the centralized federal bullshit it is now. infested by evil

but decentralized systems can also and will also be controlled and manipulated. still, it seems better. at least decentralized the hidden rulers we have now would have to work a lot harder. they couldnt just call up their pupper and give their satanic commands over the phone and be done with it. theyd have to convince people to fuck themselve over, and they are very good at that. so maybe we are fucked either way


Try and refute the logic in the original post. You can't. Bostrom's book Superintelligence has received vast praise from Elon Musk to Sam Harris. The virus thing could happen tomorrow. It isn't necessarily more complex than beating humans at Go. Could be easier. Compare to GM crops. It's a question of combining traits in one virus. Australian researchers came accidentally close to creating a virus of the type in early 2000's with no help from A.I.. Google it. Invent the said virus and then release it at major airports. What the fuck do you think would happen? And what would happen afterwards? Compare to the Patriot Act post 9/11. Now imagine a terrorist attack that kills 50 million people instead of 2300. Do you think free society will survive it? No f-u-c-k-i-n-g chance. People will be screaming for their governments to surveil every fucking square inch of the planet, you will have a fucking 1984 electronic eye staring at you from your bedroom wall 25/7.

And the U.S. government could already produce a genocidal swarm of robot insects that could genocide a megalopolis. Seek living things. Inject deadly poison in living things. It's not like it's a technological impossibility. Gladly we are at the moment only thinking of sending robot bees to Mars to surveil the red planet. The Government isn't doing the terrorist mass murder thing although the capacity is there already. But now imagine 2050 and the technology has advanced and spread to the hands of a radical islamist Saudi prince with 20 billion dollars of worth. Again one attack and in fear of another or another ten you will again have big brother's fist surveilling your rectum from dusk till dawn.

>No, no, no it won't happen Kike CIA black helicopter

The technologies will be a reality, already are to a considerable extent, and if allowed to spread and proliferate will eventually end up in the hands of people who will use them to mass murder on unimaginable scale. The rest follows.

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>Which side do I choose?

Your own. Whites need to band together and start playing the same games. If we did, and we worked together, we'd win.

>muh centralization
>muh state
You can't use money without central bank. Somebody has to create money, every Joe or Brain can't pull money out of their own ass. The problem isn't centralization, problem is that people don't vote for laws, but instead vote for political parties, that's the problem. Problem is collective doesn't owns land and property, but instead government and capitalists own that and they rent it out to people for taxes, credits and cash they self print. You are spiraling in your own shit and when you done enough of what they demand you get rewarded, then you claim you are free, but you been doing what they want from birth, never even tried to learn anything outside their demand.

>how are our governments more decentralized now then in the past?
Monarchies were a thing you know.
I was thinking mostly about Europe.
Everything is decentralized to extreme, with lots of external restrictions to what a politician can or mostly can't do.
It's so stupid you can't repel a boat without being near arrested and checked by tens of supranational organizations.

>they couldnt just call up their pupper and give their satanic commands over the phone and be done with it
That's exactly what's happening though.

>only (((we))) can stop the human extinction we've fostered for centuries.
I will live to see the jewvermin go extinct

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Chinese are studying how to fuck you over like Jews... Neither group has your interest in mind, Sven.

we need an ai police force. like a really chill ai thats pro human going after rogue ais and taking them down.



it looks like a kike

its not decentralized at all, thats just a smoke and mirrors democracy show. its not real

Can few people in the government do what they want? No? That's decentralized.
>thats just a smoke and mirrors democracy show
That's true and not in conflict with what I said at all.

Bitcoin uses dollars you absolute retard. You exchange and buy for dollars. You complicated financing with bitcoins, didn't create anything new. Bitcoin is just another shitstain of dollar. If you want independence in money then work for bitcoins and then get them, surely you won't be independent by dollar banks printing dollars and you buying bitcoins for it. Independence isn't connection to dependence.

Why the anger? Who’s hurting you? Tell me and I’ll beat there ass brother! We are the rightful kings of the world!

Doesn't matter. Most won't. The global surveillance state follows the first attack or the first scare if not earlier. And post 2050 or so most people will prefer virtual realities anyway, so won't consider losing their outer freedoms a big deal. If there is a Jewish spybot on the wall so what? They will be free inside their minds in Gerudo Valley or on Tallon IV.

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Lol, stop flying with your robotic flies and filming my ass when i am shitting on toilet.

I heard a couple of programs on the radio recently about people creating genetic hackspaces. Places with all the equipment to do gene splicing and editing and then inject it into themselves. Now what could possibly go wrong there eh? The equipment is becoming so cheap and readily available and the info is all there online and in books. Scary stuff

Imagine being this. Brainwashed

How much is a bitcoin worth?

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I'm a wretched phone poster atm so I cant be bothered to write much now but a centralized bank is absolutly not necessary for using money. In a free market like USA used to be any Joe could use any currency he wanted and did.

>AIs aren't magical.
>They also don't grow on trees and neither do the resources and equipment to make a super virus or killer bots.

Nor didn't everyone have a supercomputer in his living room in the 1950s. 60 years later billions of people have a far more powerful computer in their pockets. This will apply to A.I. and other technologies unless they are controlled. Today there are no controls. And what the control requires is the death of free society. The argument was not made in frozen time.

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One of the smartest threads on Jow Forums

This tech doesn't even seem that far off with how fast 3D printing has come in just a few years. I'm not in the "surrender liberties" camp but I'm more than willing to cry wolf on this until we have some sort of defenses in place. I don't think that people like Musk or Hawking are just full of hot hair when they discuss things like this.

Even without advanced AI we could still have to deal with slaughterbots like that meme video that came out last year:

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Nukes didn't exist before '45 either, I don't see terrorists with them now.
AIs won't find a way to make a deadly virus out of scraps, nor how to cultivate and spread it.
Not to mention the government will have far more powerful AIs, so new viruses in blood samples will be way easier to find than to make.

Those things need to be mass produced.
A random fag can't produce a relevant amount of those in his basement.
It's be the equivalent of 3D printing a gun, which is nothing new since guns can be made out of pipes.

yeah you clearly really dont understand

> In a free market like USA used to be any Joe could use any currency he wanted and did.
and they will again, because they cant stop this. cats out of the bag

crypto is the horrible dystopioc future the idealistic think will save them. and its coming

Think of the flimsy WMD rationale for the Iraq war. Now imagine that is 2050 and US government is paranoid that rogue states like Iran are developing weapons that they _know_ could take out hundreds of millions of Americans and that are far more difficult to detect or stop than nuclear weapons. How can you take the risk and allow them national sovereignty?

One of the key points is that the coming advanced technologies won't need the raw material intensity of nukes. Information is enough. And information is very difficult to contain forever in a free society.

And it's not about any random guy being able to produce genocidal viruses, it's enough that thousands will have the potential capacity and that one time will be one time too many, so that eventually the only solution is to surveil ALL or accept the occasional Black Death as the price you need to pay for freedom. That won't be accepted. People will choose safety over freedom. There is no freedom in death. It is the survival instinct that life comes first. You have one single attack that kills millions and the threat of more to come and there is absolutely no chance freedom can survive, people will be panicking out of their minds and fanatically demanding Global 1984. It won't have to be forced but will be welcomed with open arms. You will answer it won't, if there a pile of bodies the size of Tokyo or New York it will. It's like a shock to your brain and you won't be the same. No one will. It will be a new world with new thoughts. Safety above all else.

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private citizens are never going to be getting their hands on this tech anyways. theyre not goign to sell hunter killer drones at walmart dude

It wasn't invaded for chemical armaments at all, since they were completely fake.

One time is one time too many already.
You're forgetting that progress doesn't only go towards apocalyptic weapons of death.
We are more likely to become completely immune to virus than to AI than to die from a super deadly virus some terrorist made.

the solution isnt more tyranny but the destruction of high technology and monitoring of centers of construction of tech infrastructure for destruction

>than to AI
thanks to

fuck off cia nigger

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Terrorists today could build killer drones with kalashnikovs and explosives. Attack a rock concert or a football match, kill thousands. This could happen tomorrow. There are no safety measures in place against it. It is rather out of good luck that the sunni radicals seem to be of low IQ and weak imagination, and that therefore much worse things haven't already happened.

But let's say a 9/11 with drones happens. What do you think will follow? Things will remain the same? Accepting occasional killer-drone attacks (or a wave of copycats) will be the new normal? Drastic restrictions on freedoms and increased surveillance. That's what will happen. It will be the same logic with the more advanced technologies, but with 1000x times the scale.

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unironically this

But if we killed all the Jews we'd probably solve most of the issues


This is a war. Not a game.

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It's inevitable, sure, but not because it NEEDS to happen (it may or may not, that's irrelevant), but because the temptation to use these emerging technologies to subjugate people way before they are in position to use them will always find its fruition. The state is in a privileged position both when it comes to gaining access to the tech, and when it comes to implementing it on a large scale. The moment it becomes POSSIBLE to have global surveillance and all that shit is the moment it will become a reality. It took the chinks a couple of years to implement machine vision to create a large-scale tracking network. You can picture what happens once they (or anyone really) get their hands on a super AI or a nano-assembler. And it's not like there are democracies left out there to replace anyway.

This is why the governments that would enforce those restrictions must be brought down before we get to that point.

This makes me fucking wet

>purchases fly screen
How will the globozio forces ever recover?

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>The moment it becomes POSSIBLE to have global surveillance and all that shit is the moment it will become a reality
Literally already happening

the option of blowing up a fuckload of people at once has existed for the private citizen since the invention of gunpowder in ancient china. drones just make it more complicated, easier to send a dude in to explode. and thats what they do.

anyone can go buy a gun and slaughter people. and yert basically nobody does.

the government does though, all the fucking time. lets just trust them to have exclusive control over this power even though THEY WANT US TO SUFFER YOU FUCKING MORON


Christians have been talking like this since the mid-70s


>anyone can go buy a gun and slaughter people.
That's why we should ban all guns, or some terrorist might do that.

Sounds familiar right?

is Op pic real of fake

exactly my point

Insects are already biotech engineered for such purposes anciently and here we are

>Only a sovereign Global Government with unlimited powers can save humanity from extinction
Imagine licking this much boot...
Good slave.

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yeah but man improved on the insects instincts...i love the future. flying cars when

oh great another government paid operative declaring the evil vile war mongering murderous government is the only one to trust with the fuckheads future armageddon extinction scare...


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