Crazy shit my intro to US history teacher has said thus far. 4 classes in

Crazy shit my intro to US history teacher has said thus far. 4 classes in.

>"There was an African Roman emperor."

>"Art and culture in Africa at the time was on par with anything that was happening during the renaissance."

>essentially said the reason Africa is such a shit hole is because Europeans enslaved their "best and brightest." And weren't able to advance technologically or economically.

>"Christopher Columbus was a moron."

>Equated Christians burning witches as "sacrifices" to God.

Her justification for this was to parallel how Europeans thought human sacrifice to Gods was the act of an inferior culture, claiming "well, Christians did it too!"

>constantly minimizes the Islamic slave trade. Claimed that as long as you converted to Islam, you could not be enslaved, according to the Quran.

>Claimed Islam was brought to North America before Christianity

>"muslims in the Islamic empire were actually very tolerant of christians, until the crusades were started and they accused them of being spies and kicked them out."

>claimed Islamic slavery was different from European countries, because the slaves were allowed to stay in their countries, as opposed to being taken to another country.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Underage b&. This is a sophomore level class.

Quietly but audibly chuckle every time she says something retarded. Pretend you don't think she can hear. She'll grow ever more anxious suspecting that literal nazis have infiltrated her class and eventually flip her shit. Be sure you have your phone ready to record it when it happens.

Sadly its a prerequisite at a CC.

Caracella was a mullato so he is technically right for the first point.

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I can verify, at Duke you have to take shitty middle school tier history/science at first because half of the south is retarded.


She made it sound like he was black.

This professor is from Oakland CA. Claimed she lived there when it was the "murder capitol of the world."

>southerners are retarded

She certainly thinks so. Assumed that none of us had ever been 50 miles out of our towns, and justified her cursing in class because, "people curse alot more in cities."

You might not believe it, but everyone else there does. Get the fuck out of there.

>essentially said the reason Africa is such a shit hole is because Europeans enslaved their "best and brightest." And weren't able to advance technologically or economically.
Or, and get this, the best niggers enslaved to lesser niggers and sold them off. But that cant be... Dey wey kangs!

lol, Severus was "African."

Attached: Septimius_Severus_Glyptothek_Munich_357.jpg (800x1059, 163K)

Well at least the first one is technically true. But like said, just make a face everytime she says something ridiculous. You better be prepared to back your side up though or you'll just look like an asshole.

looks like a typical Sicilian to me

Ohhh another good one! She claimed that the middle class during the renaissance era was EXACTLY the same as the middle class today. Basically stating they both bought frivilous BS.

This, ironically our modern immigration policy actually does this though by selecting for the wealthy. End immigration for Africa!


That's the exact moment I stopped being surprised by your story

Let me guess, she speaks of Europe as a single entity with no different nations, cultures and histories at all.

I once had a mandatory art class, taught by a short haired lesbian that would rave endlessly about the genius of DuChamp taking a urinal and passing it off as art. That was the moment I decided to drop out, and I see I was completely justified. Several years ago btw

Ask her how you can get your money back.

Try talking to her her about this man and his exploits.

And the next generations will too :)
Before you know it your race will be worshipping mutts in a desert shithole and teaching that self-preservation is evil :D

She just loves to degrade Europeans and chrsitians in general.

I have two similar experiences.

>black teacher that ignored curriculum to teach black history.
>jewish teacher that turned world history into holocaust history.

In both classes, all students failed finals. Both teachers received complaints from us, the students. Both were forced to give us additional time to study the actual class materials before retesting for finals.

Bad teachers only care about farting through school till they hit 55-60.

People look generally disinterested for the most part, I even saw two people look at each other when she said something particularly ridiculous.

The JWO is in the process of imploding. They know it too, that's why they're so hysterical lately. Just watch.

Attached: Oy!.png (499x641, 328K)

I like this idea, and look forward to the inevitable Jow Forums thread about it. Good luck, user.

You're history teacher is a absolute moron preaching black radical nonsense. I keep seeing these nignogs pop up over the internet in the past 5 years like a virus. All of them align themselves as the true islams and gods people.
Living in a world of living memes, around every corner.

Shes a typical european/christian hating jewess.

Dude are you taking the same fucking history class as me.

I have a black professor and he says the same shit.

I started recording the lectures so I can release the daily EXPLICIT anti-white rhetoric.

>I started recording the lectures so I can release the daily EXPLICIT anti-white rhetoric.
Post webms please

Apprently there were 4 black emperors. You see white people recreated the art to hide the fact they were black. They did this of course after the race idea was invented by whites to oppress other cultures

If you think im being ironic. I have heard my professor say this argument.

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Im waiting for me to leave this school. I have 2 years in and theres no way im jeopardizing that. I will post his name too when the time comes

>"Christopher Columbus was a moron."
This is true. He had trouble getting fishing beccause he disagreed with the planetary size estimations of an ancient Greek (which were pretty fucking accurate), not because people that the world was flat. If America didn't exist he and his men would have died.



I love it when datamining threads become this unnatural.

Just call him a liar

Video tape it op you stupid faggot.

Then post the insanity for the world to see.

cool story senpai

Its a she, but if I can figure out a way to rip her lectures from the schools video hosting site, I will upload them to youtube.

>data mining
Please be wrong, user

There are things one says that everyone knows isn't true but helps others feel better. It would be difficult to explain to black students that their ancestors accomplished virtually nothing in thousands of years of history and have always, and will always, be far behind the civilized world because they're brutish knuckle-draggers.

So we put on a smile and tell them out of sympathy that they were kings long before anyone else.

Theres like one black person in my class and I think she already dropped out, lmao.

buy this book and give it to her

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>"There was an African Roman emperor."
Do you mean an African-American Roman emperor?

>>"There was an African Roman emperor."
Yes, the Romans had colonized North Africa. He was a white Roman, not a black.
>>"Art and culture in Africa at the time was on par with anything that was happening during the renaissance."
>>essentially said the reason Africa is such a shit hole is because Europeans enslaved their "best and brightest." And weren't able to advance technologically or economically.
Their best and brightest weren't slaves, the blacks enslaved other tribals that they conquered and sold them to jews.
>>"Christopher Columbus was a moron."
How many oceans has your professor navigated by starlight?
>>Equated Christians burning witches as "sacrifices" to God.
No. It was a last resort punishment for someone unrepentent and a way for them to experience pain and repent before hell