>Australian cartoonist Mark Knight’s Twitter account disappears amid Serenagroid "racism" chimpout
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Eat shit you fat baboon.
Fucking based Aussies. Truly great stuff.
We don't have freedom of speech in Australia
How do you draw a cartoon of a boon throwing a tantrum without it being 'racist'?
It looked just like her.
Meanwhile, an Asian journo can tweet about her hatred for white males and wish they had cancer and keep her job in Jews news
Knee stat us
I love you aussies
Ah, they sent the wetworks dropbear squad to get him. Poor cunt.
The dummy is a nice touch.
wtf i love australia now
>Muppet portrayal (by the way, he's the new prime minister)
I really don't see what the problem is, desu. It looks exactly like her.
FUCK ME now the cartoon makes her look like a sheboon Wakanda Princess
Australia is the gift that just keeps giving.
You cunts are the real greatest ally.
cheers cunt
Might get a subscrition to the newspaper.
Unironically looks like Tyson in a wig and dress.
Cheers cunt
that's a fucking man, man.
>someone married this gorilla
new one
That's just it, leftists can't handle the portrayal of anything that they hold sacred in a satirical light.
Another version for all the family
While I agree with this, Jow Forums culture going mainstream has irreparably harmed reality.
In a way I don't mind, but normies were never meant to live like we do. We can handle it, normies can't.
They aren't out of the honeymoon phase of it all. Just wait. shit will get crazy in the next few years.
I'm starting to believe in meme magic. Used to joke and make fake images of japanese porn games on steam years ago, and now it is coming true.
I honestly believe it and always really have. centuries ago there were stories of people praying in unison and it working occasionally.
Meme magic is no different. Now if we created kek or just revealed him to reality is another matter.
What a fucking cuck, I love how he tries to pretend criticism of right-wing Australian politicians and Trump is taboo, it's a delusional false equivalence that ain't fooling anyone, much less the lefties that are shitting on him.
>dems r da REAL nazis!!!
If you can't create, report. If you can't report, create lol
Any germans lurking? Saw this video the other day is it available in your country?
There's like 10 versions if you search merkel snake dance just wondering if free speech is still their or if germanys go full jew vs mudslime
Kek always was.
My fav
Your yarmulke is showing shlomo
How is this racist? Have the accusers never seen political cartoons?
There's nothing more yarmulke than accepting leftist narratives like "hurrrrr nazis r bad!!".
literal orc
they share a lot of policies
>built like a doping Barry Bonds
It's a travesty what she has done to tennis.
Such as?
They unironically are.
If you are a National socialist, you are a literal leftist.
Wrong. By being so afraid of making the actual equivalence of Democrats = leftists = communists you are pretty much letting them win with 0 resistance.
absolute authoritarianism with extreme violence and negation of rights being acceptable against dissidents.
The nazis were right though. thats the difference.
>absolute authoritarianism with extreme violence and negation of rights being acceptable against dissidents.
Nazis weren't the only ones who used authority or violence to fight dissidents. You are using the same logic leftists use to label Trump supporters and cops as EVIL NATZEES. And by parroting the same flawed logic, you are helping legitimize leftist narratives, good job.
Caricatures will no longer be tolerated.
Stop This
They weren't the only ones, but they did do it, and it is a clear parallel to modern day lefties. Get bent with your "stop using your brain" tactics.
The nazis were right, history has vindicated them. And as an ideal the left is a total opposite. I don't know how saying the Nazis were right and lefties are scum is giving purchase to lefty narratives.
You sound like a kike, and based on you using a memeflag you are one. Don't post again until you remove it moishe.
The last fight of the boomer fags, cuckservatives way behind in the polls. Election within months. Pathetic.
It would be funny if it worked though.
Why cant burgers handle aussie bantz?
>They weren't the only ones, but they did do it, and it is a clear parallel to modern day lefties.
A better parallel to modern lefties are gee I dunno, the same groups that used the same banners, followed the same masters and preached the same "nazis and fascists are bad!" while working to dismantle the nation from within.
>I don't know how saying the Nazis were right and lefties are scum is giving purchase to lefty narratives.
Again, by being so afraid of naming the actual equivalence (modern ANTIFA commies = old ANTIFA commies) you already let the far-left win even in your own brain. Nazi brownshirts appeared because ANTIFA thugs started beating up NSDAP rallies. Sounds familiar? Of course the leftist kike "education" system never taught you that eh?
>Communists and National socialists are complete opposites
We have an absolute Low IQ brainlet here.
Unsurprising, since you are running a memeflag.
Sunni and Shia absolutely loathe each other and have been killing each other for centuries, are they both not Muslims?
Communists and National Socialists are both sects of the core leftist ideology.
Only the kosher burgers.
Regular 100% Beef burger bois love aussie bants. Ya cunt.
Yes, those would be better parallels, but someone else brought up nazis specifically. Its like you kikes don't have brains, or only use them for obfuscation and don't understand distinction.
There is no need to shine a light on old antifa commies, because new antifa commies are a 1:1 parallel, you don't need any sort of insight to see they are the same exact group.
You keep trying to change the topic to other things to support your narrative (that everyone already agrees on mind you). Just stop with the obfuscation. Someone asked how nazis were like antifa, and I answered.
Fuck off goldberg.
>hurrr the movement that is all about preserving the nation, tradition, people and culture are LITERALLY the same as the movement that wants to eradicate nationalism, impose a new culture and replace the people with foreign masses!
The only brainlet here is you.
Actually looks more like an east German commie police. But I get it most people will percieve that as a "ITS A NAZI!" When commies were 100x more on their game when it came to censorship.
>someone fucked that gorrilla
East German stasi agents never had red armbands with a white circle where a swastika is supposed to be.
>Someone asked how nazis were like antifa, and I answered.
Well, your answer was wrong and retarded, so try again.
In theory vs in practice you simpleton.
Say I wanted to save mankind and made a manifesto to that effect, then I killed everyone. Did I save them, per my manifesto, or did I just kill everyone?
holy kek, please let that be real
If I wanted to move to Australia, how is the pc culture/media there? Is it as insufferable there as it is here?
melbourne CBD is an LGBTSJW hell-hole... outer suburbs are still based
sydney CBD is full of chinks and liberal cucks, the outer suburbs are mostly bogans
rest of Australia is still good
cool ya cunt, happy to hear it.
oops, meant for
I'm still happy for you m8.
Cheers cunt, you yanks are alright m80 i tell u wat
uniornically right.
Smoothed skin
Lighter skin
Depicted as infantile rather than as a bully, which she was effectively being threatening a man who only got paid 370 for the work.
Wasn't it the guy who created Reddit?
Yeah. This paper is just boomers pretending to be Aussies.
Based mutti Merkel.
What? I’ll fucking kill you, you roo gobler.
>Have the accusers never seen political cartoons?
Probably not, desu.
Yea. You can’t make this shit up.
Had a laugh at this at work. But Aus already lost to PC, we'd never have show like fast forward or full frontal anymore or even actual comedians.
He's actually buffer than he was in his prime.
I cant stand her.
How long she had been playing?
>Sharapova gets caught taking legitimate medic, While this gorilla juicing up for hears.
>Affirmative action in sports? IDK...
Why does she need drugs? Can't she just lose weight? Tennis players should only be 23 bmi max. Any extra weight added past 18 bmi should be pure muscle.
Ok so she's 1.75m
1.75*1.75*23*2.2046 = 155 lbs max for her height
Her extra weight comes from fat and not muscle unfortunately. She should look 40% thinner without any change in mass since muscle is half volume of fat.
I think he's trying to show that nobody cared about his cartoons before he did it to a black woman.
cheers fat cunt
cheers kangaroo fucker
stay out of inner Melbourne and you'll be fine cunt. Even most of Sydney is based as fuck. See North Cronulla beach race riots in 2005
Melbourne and Sydney are both zionist puppet states at this point. Just hand them to Israel and Australia will be rid of most muslim shitskins and sjw cancer
Sydney outside the inner west is fine. Shire/Northern Beaches/Hills etc are great.
Cheers sepo cunt
Based this aussie newpaper knows how to get more readers
>it looked just like her
that's why it struck such a nerve
>uses the term "based"
>for race riots
basedgod disappointed in you son
damn. this pic is sad. were so pathetic now.
I'm looking for the original of this to show someone; who's got it?
>How to save print all in one page.
PC is the new order and being anti PC gets people talking. Print media can redeem itself if it goes after the PC faggots.
>Read a book
Gee, you sure don't sound like a leftist at all.
>Hurr durr you don't agree with me because you aren't educated enough, read my propaganda
The rise of Nazi Germany follows the exact same course as most left wing uprisings, they advocated for social justice (for the volk), implimented huge state welfare schemes, shut down private businesses and nationalised everything else of importance.
Following the fall of Nazi germany and their atrocities coming to light, the left was desperate to distance themselves from National socialism, thus they infested academia and started pushing this "far-right" nonsense while blaming nationalism and heavily ignoring the socialist portion.
Interestingly, I don't see many people around here praising Mugabe, for his literal national socialist policies.
She looks like an R Crumb cartoon.