New thread since last one got spammed by bots to death.Don't give up anons we are onto something here.
>National Observatory "one of a kind" for sunspot observation in New Mexico get's shut down without any clues as of why. >A Cali solar observatory shut down due to fires recently. >Also an observatory in hawaii in late august on account of a storm is down as well.
> is temporarily unavailable. >For more information please contact the Royal Observatory of Belgium.
Even nasa is acting strange >ANNOUNCEMENT: We are updating the code infrastructure that provides access to SOHO data, images and movies. We expect the work to take several weeks.
“But for the FBI to get involved that quick and be so secretive about it, there was a lot of stuff going on up there,” House said. “There was a Blackhawk helicopter, a bunch of people around antennas and work crews on towers but nobody would tell us anything.”
lots more places getting shut down in a very short timespam
Christopher Nelson
Joseph Williams
Any proof?
Matthew Miller
Repost from previous threads. Not my hypothesis, but something to consider: >First, an interesting tangent:
>Last year, the Russians launched an unusual satellite. Once deployed this satellite changed it's orbit twice. About two months later it ejected a second satellite which proceeded to maneuver around the first. About two months after this the first ejected another satellite that up and sat there. The first then maneuvered around the second a bit. Such shenanigans all but scream "anti-satellite weapons testing." I don't believe this has anything to do with events at the solar observatory, rather-the point being-there is a lotta neat stuff going on up in orbit people are not even aware of.
>The solar observatory is not a single use dedicated tool. While usually reserved for observing the sun, it still remains a general purpose high resolution viewing device with many other uses, and a long, long list of projects wanting to share it. Two tasks I can think of for why it would be hijacked on short notice:
>1. Someone is going to be fucking around with one of our satellites, and we would like to keep an eye on it. >2. We are going to fuck around with someone else's satellite, and we need to keep an eye on it.
>In other words, this is Defense Department mission covering vital national security interests. While all these buzzwords are prefect for launching conspiracy theories, and Elvis sightings, and whatnot, perverse as I am to say: it is all pretty mundane.
>What could be going on may be just as they say, unusual sun spot activity. Sun spots tend to have weird effects in near Earth orbit, among other things. This would provide an opportunity to test satellite hardening techniques and technology in a hostile environment. So my pet theory:
>3. We are going to fuck around with one of our own satellites, yaddah, yaddah.
Of FBI involvement, yes. Not of anything else though. Not yet anyway.
Alexander Richardson
>Why would The-Guys-In-Suits-And-Sunglasses shut down a town? I presume the locals consist of contractors, graduate students, and professors who all signed agreements stating they could be kicked out without warning. Nonentities they are, not so much granny and her little dog too. Again, why?
>They don't want people puzzling over a solar observatory pointing to the southeast horizon, and tracking on something, at three in the morning, with no sun no where to be found, and where there is "NOTHING WORTH LOOKING AT CITIZEN!"
>Nothing worth looking at, except satellite porn.
>Or, maybe, Elvis. I ain't sayin' no moe
Logan Roberts
Badabemp Bump, wtf is going on?
John Adams
None, just my train of thought.
It links the wierd post office shit and the satellites, as well being withing GRU tactical norms. Do you disagree?
Jacob Butler
is the sun dying? :(
Jeremiah Jenkins
> Recordings of phone calls at the observatory and sherrifs office showing they have no idea what's going on either. Caller here. Need to clarify, the first call to the Observatory was to the Apache Point Obs. just down the road from the NSO and was not a call to the NSO itself, which has been evacuated by FBI. Tried calling the NSO and went through all maintenance departments but never got a response.
Camden Thompson
Daniel Rivera
Read through this thread to get caught up: Another one going on in /x/ as well: Long story short, many observatories are down, or at least their feeds are down, and one town in New Mexico was all but evacuated last week. The FBI showed up, and even closed the post office. Something is afoot...
Cooper Ortiz
Michael Williams
Don't discount that this whole thing is an exercise in seeing how disinformation spreads on the internet
I just remembered, SpaceX had a launch yesterday. Not sure if its related but given the relatively small number of space related events at a given time is probably worth mentioning in this context.
Ryan Long
Well, at least the shill fucktard finally gave up.
Cooper Reyes
What did they launch? Another cargo ship for the space station?
Jayden Russell
Can any anons from past threads make a list of all the cameras , sites and observatories that got shut down past those 2weeks up to date?
Christian Morris
aliens are trying to make contact with us to warn us about judes
Matthew Lewis
Solar observatory cams, all offline, links gathered and confirmed by sweanon from last thread. weird shit going on..
There are 19 other observatories around the world dedicated to studying the sun. So they closed one for unknown reasons, why does it matter.
Gabriel Wright
Out of everything I’ve heard it sounds the most realistic. It’s hard to know, they’ve kept such a tight lid on this. You’d think there’d be some leaks given this day and age
Nolan Parker
Can you explain why all these are offline then? Just scheduled maintenance? hmm..
Andrew Gray
It just got really hot over my house. Somethings up.
Even if it were just one(it isn't) are you not interested in why the FBI would be involved with "evacuating" the observatory? Especially since it was explicitly "evacuated" which generally indicates some kind of imminent danger.
Jose Ortiz
Is there a way to tell when those cams went down? We know that went down today, and the nasa cam went down yesterday. What about all those other cams? We need a precise timeframe!
Gabriel Turner
don't forget to mention the websites especially the nasa one in the thread and the observatories already specified especially the nasa one
Angel Johnson
>FBI does standard media blackout I'm really liking how rapidly we are approaching the GiTS timeline.
Julian Smith
>Tetsu Anan of Kyoto University, Kyoto Kyodai with expertise in Plasma Physics.
Austin Ortiz
Jayden Hall
Do you see how many observatories there are. A hell of a lot. It is not that crazy to think that 5 might be having some kind of webcam problem or maintenance.
the observatories got shut down in a timespam of 2-3 weeks , and the Nasa website most likely this week. About the other's i don't know but this shit is getting deeper and deeper.
Oliver Johnson
None of you niggers are important enough to need information about this. Go to sleep.
Dominic Murphy
only in 6 billion years
Thomas Thomas
how many of them can you watch the sun with? Not all of them I'd bet..
Elijah Jackson
Brainlet we are talking about Observatories that are specially equipped to look at the sun. There are only a few of those. Read what the fking thread says before shitposting
Nicholas Campbell
If there are only 19 of them (strange you would know that exact number) then the 5 cams from ALL being offline is a huge portion of them.
Seems strange that 25% of all observatories that focus on the sun would all have malfunctions all at the same time, especially when they are global and don't share the same infrastructure at all.
Ryan Perez
What makes this observatory "one of a kind"? What can they and only they see? Are there reports of any other solar observatories being raided or shut down?
I have a personal interest in this since I was in Alamogordo last year for a family thing and visited Cloudcroft/Sunspot. Even hiked Dog Canyon and could see the place.
Julian Lewis
Or it could be that only the most advanced cams got selectively shut down for whatever reason.
Andrew Anderson
They don't share any of the same infrastructure. There is no reason they would all go down at the same time. No reasonable reason outside of it being deliberate, that is.
Cameron Ortiz
It's more than 5 god damn cams just read what the fucking thread says jesus
Charles Phillips
The point [powergap] your head
Jordan Rogers
It literally says on the National observatory of New Mexico's website it's one of a kind and it explains why.just go to the website and read
Dominic Gutierrez
>the observatories got shut down in a timespam of 2-3 weeks Do you know this for sure? What if that user posted cams that are dead for months, just to fearmonger?
John Taylor
>National Observatory "one of a kind" for sunspot observation in New Mexico get's shut down without any clues as of why. >A Cali solar observatory shut down due to fires recently. >Also an observatory in hawaii in late august on account of a storm
Did not find anything here, but could have missed something:
Julian Brown
I've heard we are going into a severe solar minimum. Maybe a little ice age. The solar minimum has started . I'm no expert; but I've been hearing about it for about a year. Winter is coming (Maybe)
Eli Anderson
Alright boys if I don't return from my lift I've probably been v&. Stay /comfy/.
Aaron Sanchez
yup. Adapt 2030 brother
Logan Powell
True enough, but does not explain why the FBI showed up and also evacuated the post office.
Jaxon Torres
I doubt this is related to solar activity, the interesting solar events of the day occurred early this morning(or so we've been told).
Isaac Thompson
Yes that alone is worth extensive questioning. Alright I'm really leaving now.
Starfag here. There is absolutely no way to predict a massive coronal ejection let alone where in space it is going to fly off too.
The last one that hit was in the late 1800s and it burned the telegram lines. If one hit today it would black out half the planet instantly. It would also destroy the equipment and tools we would need to replace and repair the infrastructure damage. We would be looking at 20 years until shitposting was possible again.
Cooper Parker
I understand how some of this stuff works. I can see the Russians utilizing a Novichok agent, but I think they already used that play with Nikolai Glushkov and it backfired. Something this high risk and high reward is going to more operational care. I say Ricin because its effective, readily available in that locale, and is easily made by anyone, and fairly hard to trace all things considered. This could be the vanguard of a larger operation, or a warning.
We've been here since the 90's
Justin Jones
List of previous threads for any anons coming in now realizing that there's something worth waking up for: Thread 4 - Thread 5 - Ayy Thread - Thread 6/7 - Thread 8? -
we will simply use chalk and shitpost on the walls of ruins
Nolan Hall
Don't forget /x/
Connor Hill
neat. But why would it only black out HALF of the planet? Or do you mean it as, the first half instant, the second half over a stretched-out period of time?
Luke Phillips
I'm such a tool. Forgot this thread - And these two threads
Austin Roberts
The Suspicious Observers channel has daily updates.
Hope the guy is wrong; but we seem to be on target with the solar cycles. Any knowledgeable input from our brilliant autistic patriot brothers would be great. Adapt 2030 bump
Adrian Hughes
Shit, /x/ is talking about this too? We need to organize some sort of inter-board pact of opportunity. Show others how deep our autism can truly go.
Luis Jackson
Yo, dawg we floatin in from nibiru an saw you star boutta be fucked dawg. We finna boutta get blazed an watch u ball go tits up ayooo
The great thing about /x/ is that thread will be there for some time.
Nolan Ramirez
/x/ will start talking about tarot cards and skin walkers it’s best not to invite them
Isaiah Johnson
And the shitposters around here will blame da joooos. Nothing new about this...
Asher Reed
Any real 4channer worth their salt instantly accepts other boards as brethren. Except /co/ and /tg/ of course. We need to stage a D-day on those boards to save them, or just cut the chaff and remove them.
All other boards are brothers in arms with likemind values and aims.
I had the idea that the combination of our rotational movement, gravitational force and weakened magnetosphere, it would somehow spread the cme all over the planet
Jason Ramirez
>"one of a kind" STOP SPAMMING THIS LIE
Adrian Jenkins
It's a massive bunch of charged particles that will fry all electronics. It is not a sustained thing, it is over in seconds.
Joshua Long
good observation it might not be the main objective but they sure as hell can learn a lot about watching Jow Forums speculate, it's fun too
Juan Nelson
>/po/ is brethren Fuck you.
Thomas Moore
I'm probably the guy that started that lie. Apologies, but it was described as the best of its kind on its website, I ran with it. Still a surreal series of events with an FBI lockdown and no word coming out about it though. Still could be the observatory itself is critical to some ulterior end.