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Other urls found in this thread:

Communist problem in a country is like a roach problem in a building


a communist would shoot the liberals so people stop mistaking us for them would starve them faggot

Liberalism allows communism to spread. Hence you are grouped with all liberals

The left will use the coming storm to make their play

stand fast

I've been waiting on a good civil war.

>Trump's rhetoric is coming home to roost.

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>oy vey shut it down

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Nothing on the homepage about this - OP is a lying sack of rotting gay dogshit.

Die in a fire

If civil war breaks out, we need to support our gov & troops, and kill all liberals and leftists, especially the twitter ones

>Liberalism allows communism to spread
Liberalism is what holds communism back. Welfare bribes keep the lower classes comfortable, preventing the overthrow of capitalism.

The president needs to announce free fire zones

>threatening republicans with guns

Oh no no no

And in a properly governed society you wouldn’t have been able to type that. Communism is a festering pestilence on the mind and should never be allowed to spread let alone take root

>international capitalism reaches it final form
>welcome to communism
Fuck commie and capitalists natsoc is the patricians radicals ideology we must launch a revolution for our volk and slaughter the jew, liberals , commies and any other degenerate that stands in our way

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>I am coming with a gun.

They should have let the commie faggot come and mowed him down in a hail of gunfire. Why miss the opportunity?

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>thinks capitalism and communism are different

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To the brave user that reported that commie fuck to the F.B.I TYFYS
I can't wait to see the mugshot

>I'm coming with a gun.
Why not have the full tweet reported?

Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.

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This is what you deserve.

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>welfare bribes keep the lower classes comfortable
>so make a revolution
>to leech from the rich
>and make welfare equal for everyone

let the games
begin then

plaid fag

Some of us have no desire to follow idiot authority from the left or right. If you want to tell me what to do, I will tell you to go fuck yourself.

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If we use this logic you shouldn't use anything related to Jews.

Recently, a California Republican Senate candidate also survived an altercation with a leftist (incompetently) wielding a switchblade recently 9/9/18 as well as GOP offices in Wyoming damaged with arson.
The left is starting to push their luck. Almost like they WANT to provoke the DotR.

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as long as you seize her means of reproduction first

Anything invented by jews for the goyim, that's correct.

Here, bump

Oh the DC Police are on it thank God

I'm sure Jeff Sessions will be all over this.

It's not like the DC police can't be trusted, they are so open and transparent.

Why is the font in the screencap so weird?

shopping for fonts....

Well the leftist media will lightly cover any left on right violence. It seems they are trying to provoke a response from the right before the upcoming midterm elections so the media can shine a spotlight and go SEE! They are ebil nazis! Don't fall for the left wing bait.

looks like some bullshit just for the headline. pass. op is clearly fake and gay and a faggot

Please God let this be our Reichstag fire moment.

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How does it feel to be a pawn of the neoliberal elite faggot?

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Or a russian browser

this happens every day

They are really asking for it..

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Too bad the leftists aren't there yet. Maybe after Trump wins a second term they will go ham.

Wow, it's like the democratic party is full of human garbage. Who knew?


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Dude the DC Police are some of the finest in the country I have full faith they will help out conservatives in danger

Neoliberals try to discourage and fuck up gommunist movements internationally user. Open Society Foundation included. I haven't decided if that is because neoliberals fear white people taking the classpill or because they are even more wicked and distructive than unironic gommunists.

my fucking shock
Every. Fucking. Time

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Whenever you're ready commies.

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>"I am white"
>talking about another jew using white power symbol

Who's jewing who here?

what the fuck?

get fucked commie

First pic is related to whom the commie threat was tweeted to. Then this jewess chimed in. Bitch gotta snout like Seabiscuit. Maybe she can play Roach in the upcoming Witcher series

Pol is always right...

Attached: (((FellowWhitePeople)))).jpg (1047x1738, 323K)

This is a Jow Forumsster LARPing faggot desu.

Communism is just Facism disguised as Socialism.

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Wow I haven't used this one in years user.

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It's funny how so often they use those exact words "fellow white people".
Not simply "as a white person".
It's almost as if they receive training for it.

Fellow white goys- uhh I-I mean people

>"fellow white people".
I know what you mean user but can you bros really not tell that is
>an actual jewish woman who is saying that ironically because she is responding to a retarded claim
Or more likely
>a Jow Forumstard LARPing as a jew

>how does he keep getting away with it?


>a Jow Forumstard LARPing as a jew
Sure but there are so many examples of it that your point is moot.

Not going to happen probably.

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I wasn't trying to take anything away from what you were saying. And the hand rub gesture they do for instance, I was reading a book the other day, totally un-political and it mentioned that gesture in relation to Jews specifically.

I was only trying to point out that this wasn't the predictable case of 5th column shilling.

>every time

wait. some retard posted on twitter that threat too.anyone with the screencap?

Liberalism is communism.

can you really not detect satire?

can you

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noice, thanks user. the cap in the article is shit, but this is perfect

Dey cray cray

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>not posting the real version

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Hope he likes prison rape

"it may be the greatest story never told"

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after a couple of red lines our patience might run out and eventually the right is going to maybe think about doing something

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I would've loved to see his scrawny ass show up and get dogpiled before firing a single shot.

No you are faggot liberals dear

Pretty sure that's a larp

And then you'd shoot the ancoms and syndicalists because unions are counter-revolutionary, then the Trots, then the Maoists and Stalinists would shoot each other, and we'd all be better off without you.

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Democratic socialist aren’t anymore communist than Republicans are national socialist. Plus people make threats on the internet pretty routinely.

why do they hate trash cans so much?

The good thing about all this is : The jewish trickery is exposed in all kinds of media.

neo-liberalism is communism for marxists who understand economics. neo-conservatism is neo-liberalism for people who understand the laws of power. prove me wrong

Putting trash in cans others it and privileges clean streets over people's right to litter everywhere, also PoC are often unjustly targeted by laws against littering.

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Hygiene I think is what they don't like. Their mind is a garbage dump basically.

Communism in the modern world is dead. We have a 40 hour work week, better working conditions, and an average of 16 days off in the US and it's even more lax in Europe. Conditions in developing countries are consistently getting better when they stop going to war with themselves, and the countries that aren't developing generally have restrictive economies. China and Russia have fully embraced state capitalism. Communist parties that unironically think that Karl Marx wasn't in idiot are never going to win an election and get less votes than meme parties in places like the UK and US. Social democracy in Scandinavia has shown that you don't need to seize the means of production or abandon basic economic thought to fix capitalism's problems. Can we just move on already? The world is talking about more relevant issues like global trade, immigration, the environment, internet freedom, drones, national sovereignty, corruption, and copyright. You don't need to live in your special utopia to have a good life.

If you want "real communism", leave our society and go to a German anarchist commune or hang yourself. Just get the fuck out of our lives.

Commies hate the freedom of choice afforded by markets because they are dumb and make bad choices.

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