"Don't you understand! I'm a real woman!"
No matter how much makeup you put on a pig, it's still a pig. Why do trannys insist that somehow they're actually women when they're clearly men? No one is fooled by it.
"Don't you understand! I'm a real woman!"
No matter how much makeup you put on a pig, it's still a pig. Why do trannys insist that somehow they're actually women when they're clearly men? No one is fooled by it.
They don't even try to actually look like a woman
Growing out your hair doesn't make you a woman
They don't even wear clothes that a real woman would wear.
All tranny's are untreated childhood trauma victims, even worse their traumatic life is amplified so they do think it's a great idea to LARP as the opposite sex to forget who they were:
>Does Maltreatment in Childhood Affect Sexual Orientation in Adulthood?
>Study: Homosexuality Linked with Childhood Trauma
>The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles among sex offenders against children: an exploratory study.
Some women have benis
Instead it's a desperate attempt at attention
stupid people are born every day, why did you remain that way?
This particular one did tons of acid and essentially fried his brain. Now he thinks he's a woman
>Some women have benis
Believing that is actually true.
I met one that believed he was a can of cambell's soup after overdosing on horse tranquilizers trying to ebb the pain of being castrated and infected
To top it off, they want use to actually pay for their mental illness meds so they can go and chop off their penis.
They play themselves as the victim when they're attracted to pure drama. They feed off of it like a vampire.
Then when you try to point out the hypocrisy, they cry victimhood and why it's bad they can't follow you're daughter into the women's bathroom at target.
Our provincial government have a law that allows them to take kids away from their parents if the parents don't agree with the child's "gender confusion" if they don't agree to put the kid through hormone replacement """therapy""""
have = has*
This kid was the victim of Canadian """health""" system. After burning his dick off they pushed to have his parents accept treating him like a girl.
What further drives me up the wall is they act like they're lesbians now because they're "a woman". They actually believe lesbian women are attracted to this!
Ignore us and go affter your ever-dwindling supply of 'white' 'trad' 'girls'. Almost 1 out of 100 of you will succeed, surely those are good odds!
I'd kill myself too if I had my cock cut off when I was a baby.
Believing you actually contribute anything to society aside from your shitty music.
>No fair, the government makes me take care of my children no matter what stupid belief I have!
a chill just went up my spine, they're proudly exhibiting their childhood trauma in hopes to fuck up more kids along the way.
They are poisonous to any society
Well, "She" got jobs when most of us don't.
Deep down inside, you know you're living a lie. You're not really a woman, you're larping.
>Thinking your inferior seed will ever 'contribute' anything to society other than the whining remains of years of incelposting
you have no right to decide what people do with their children, because i'm sure you'd love to plug every hole the kid has because it's fun for you
Playing in a shitty jam band with 5 fags on guitars screaming "yeah yeah yeah" isn't a job.
Nope. I'm nothing like your cherrypicked examples, and I have always been a girl/woman.
just because you were genitally mutilated as a baby, raped as an infant, tortured as a teen doesn't give you the right to do it to other kids
>Why do conservatives have such rich imagination about child abuse?
If everything is a social construct and all interpretations are equal, then you are a woman if you say you're a woman.
Facts are non-existent in this ideology.
Believing you'll contribute anything other a warm body in the morgue once the novelty wears off. Are you going to keep dolling up every single day for the rest of your life to pretend you're a prepubescence girl?
Everything isn't a social construct. Man/woman is, however.
coming from a trauma patient i find that hilarious
>dolling up
Sweetie, I just got back from a literal walk in the park with my boyfriend, no makeup, andro clothing, and my hair yanked back in a ponytail. I'm part intersex, I don't have to doll up for anything.
Your dna says otherwise. You can mutilate your cock all you want and shove implants under your chest, but in reality, you're a fake. You're the margarine trying to get in a lobsterfest.
your whole self is a construct, nothing is real in your perceived world, you need to belittle all in order to lift your own pathetic spirits.
Fine by me, it's you who suffers, just stay away from kids or don't bitch when you get a baseball bat to the back of the head
Men and women are biologically different.
Those differences are not dependent on opinion.
Having a tiny dick doesn't make you "intersex" it just means that you are a normal kike.
>Sweetie, I just got back from a literal walk in the park with my boyfriend, no makeup, andro clothing, and my hair yanked back in a ponytail. I'm part intersex, I don't have to doll up for anything.
There's that fag talk again. "I have a boyfriend. He loves me." I'm sure that will be the case when you're in your 40s with a beer gut and a 5 o'clock shadow.
>nothing is real in your perceived world
First smart thing I've seen on this board today. Correctomundo! It's all an illusion.
No, males and females are biologically different. Men and women are social distinctions.
Trannys represent everything wrong about the west, the fact society is indulging these nutjobs shows how truth no longer matters.
This is why you don't send your child to school or let them have access to the internet
No, but having Androgen Insensitiviy Syndrome does.
I AM in my 40's. Mid 40's. When I was young, remotes still had wires and televisions sat on the floor in consoles. 8tracks were the rage, and my first song I memorized in whole was "Peaceful Easy Feeling" by the Eagles.
And males are men in 99,99% of cases and females are women in 99,99% of cases.
The remaining 0,01% is for some rare conditions.
Gender roles in society are what they are precisely because of biology.
is it just me or does it seem like the more trannys they put in public, the less they call for mental health money?
Has it ever occurred to you, you're just two fags sucking each other's dicks? Of course not, because "you're special". "I'm an intersex, transgender, otherkin who will rule in the socialist revolution."
when males LARP as females and females LARP as leaders they are signs of a society in decline.
yeah, i'm saddened by the indoctrination system. Many of the elders in my family are teachers and even they're sickened by it all
This is not a coincidence. When I lived in Oregon, it was tranny central. I lived in a city of 200k and there were at least 500-1000 trannys running around.
>socialist revolution
No thanks, I don't like retards.
as if I'm Tumblrkin. Cletus, get away from the stereotype book, you're looking silly again.
Gee, that's horrible. Must explain the whole of the Victorian Era, huh. Oh wait, no, they dressed with makeup and wigs before that didn't they. Muh White Culture don't'cha'know.
>I AM in my 40's. Mid 40's. When I was young, remotes still had wires and televisions sat on the floor in consoles. 8tracks were the rage, and my first song I memorized in whole was "Peaceful Easy Feeling" by the Eagles.
Do you remember when daddy shoved his cock in your ass. Did he tell you that you were his little girl? I'm sure.
Nope, don't remember that. Do have some cute pics of me in a dress at 3, 5, 9, 11 months and at 2 and 3 though. Apparently I was partial to orange.
>socialist revolution
>No thanks, I don't like retards.
Yet you suppose the fag agenda.
The suicide rate alone says it's a mental illness.
And it's not oppression.
70 years ago when a black family walking to and from church would have NIGGER shouted at them, the black suicide rate was UNDER the national average.
Y'know, because actual real oppression tends to galvanize people.
The only 'agenda' I support is the 'agenda' of when to pull some cookies from the over or to stop leavening the bread. More stereotypes, sheesh.
I'm thinking of Egypt, Rome and Greece. The world after those events has been in a slow and steady pace for the planned end of the world, but that's not important for this discussion. What my point was that when women are leaders (queens too), shit is wrong with the society because someone is always behind her. As for faggoty men, same rule applies because both women and faggoty men are beta-servants
>Nope, don't remember that. Do have some cute pics of me in a dress at 3, 5, 9, 11 months and at 2 and 3 though. Apparently I was partial to orange.
So you admit your parents dressed you like a girl. Jesus christ. Did it ever occur to you that other little girls didn't have a dick peaking out their dress?
Can we find this thing and put it in jail forever?
>I don't understand the difference between community support and no support whatsoever, or how that could make a difference
Wisen up some.
And back to my original point, all tranny's have childhood trauma to blame for their willingness to change to another sex
Maybe that's why I tried to put a drill press through it at 9 thinking it'd work like the hole puncher at school and just get rid of the thing. The doctor wasn't going to help me after all, he'd said nothing could be done.
I'm sure our tranny friend believe's he's perfectly mentally sane. Nothing wrong in the slightest.
Man /woman is a biological construct. Man /woman means male human/ female human. And human always implies societal interaction.
And there we go! Proof of the mental illness.
>wearing clothes is trauma
It's only trauma to bigots who think clothes have some essential meaning. Again...you do realize hose, for instance, used to be for men? That boys wore dresses? These things change over time.
It's not trauma.
I haven't met a single tranny online or IRL that wasn't molested as a child. Same for the homos too. They're sick and need psychological help but kike doctors make more money enabling their mental illness by giving them hormones and surgery to remove their dicks or breasts
Sources of trauma:
vaccine injections into the womb during pregnancy.
repeated ultrasound sessions.
infant genital mutilation.
xenoexstrogens in plastics like BPA and foods like soi.
being raped as a child
ignored as a child
abused by alcoholics
sold as a sex toy to pay for rent
child porn
raped by priests, coach, neighbors
and on and on
No, I do have some BDD sadly. It's getting much better though.
Erm...no. It doesn't.
>children not having fully functional thought processes means mental illness!
You'd have loved the eraser game all the stupid boys played. Apparently the whole of Gen X is mentally ill.
>It's only trauma to bigots who think clothes have some essential meaning. Again...you do realize hose, for instance, used to be for men? That boys wore dresses? These things change over time.
>It's not trauma.
You literally put your cock in a drill press. You're definitely suffering from trama
>They're sick and need psychological help but kike doctors make more money enabling their mental illness by giving them hormones and surgery to remove their dicks or breasts
bingo, the industry is very well aware because humans have known about trauma based mind control for longer than recorded history
More African-American families, particularly in the South, are home schooling because of the lack of black history in public school curriculums as well as the disproportionate disciplining of black students.
>No, I do have some BDD sadly. It's getting much better though.
Why have you purchased a gun or some high strength rope?
i made a list specifically for you
I was 9, I thought it'd harmlessly remove it like you could use a hole punch to punch out a chunk of paper by punching hole next to hole next to hole. That isn't quite the same thing. I couldn't figure out why no one would help me remove it, it clearly didn't belong there.
that's a cool dress
dbl checked
and never occurred to you that no one else but you had these thoughts, that maybe, just maybe these thoughts were not normal. Or was there a lineup behind you perhaps?
I could qualify as ignored as a child, but that's the only one. The intersex condition is considered to be the likely cause for me, though. The ignoring just made it hard for me to talk to anyone about it after I got betrayed enough times.
No, a cute bunny theme for my PS4, why do you ask?
> I was 9, I thought it'd harmlessly remove it like you could use a hole punch to punch out a chunk of paper by punching hole next to hole next to hole. That isn't quite the same thing. I couldn't figure out why no one would help me remove it, it clearly didn't belong there.
We recognize people who try to cut off a limb or mam themselves as mentally ill. Lacking of awareness that mutilating oneself is wrong is a definite sign that things aren't alright.
>disproportionate disciplining of black students.
Disproportionate crime leads to disproportionate discipline.
In the 70s? No. Nothing but cult-churchgoing upstanding Republicans as far as the eye can see.
Adults, yes. Children? Not even vaguely.
My father married a tranny prostitute , that's when i found out i wasn't as "progressive" as i thought i was
>No, a cute bunny theme for my PS4, why do you ask?
Why can't you just admit you're a homosexual who's a power bottom? There's really no shame in it. The fact that you believe you're really a women seems to stem from you being ignored. This is the ultimate cry for attention.
so you think wanting to put a drill press through your dick isnt mental illness? Its Natural?
I've seen myself as nothing but a woman for 40+ years, user. Its all I know and have ever known.
No, it's a lack of knowledge due to the nature of not understanding every permutation of cause and effect because I was, you know, a little kid.
> In the 70s? No. Nothing but cult-churchgoing upstanding Republicans as far as the eye can see.
Let me guess, grew up catholic?
if a child tried to use a chainsaw to cut off an arm that would be mental illness
it was a joke, nevertheless the point of the matter is people who aren't thinking about changing their sex are almost always from decent upbringing or at least a boring one.
Sorry about being neglected but also having been genitally mutilated after birth could have been the most defining because if done within days of birth will stunt testosterone production for life. Much like gelding a calf so it doesnt become a violent bull
I imagine this happens often when people live close to Brazil
>No, it's a lack of knowledge due to the nature of not understanding every permutation of cause and effect because I was, you know, a little kid.
At 9 I knew to be careful with knifes because I could cut my finger off. When you say you lacked understanding of cause and effect in consideration of their own body, that's a warning sign. There are clearly other underlying mental illnesses going on other than just thinking you're a woman. Normal people don't do that. Normal children don't even do that.
no 9 year old is that retarded though. like if you still thought the world worked like that at 9 you were already lost
No, Church of Christ non-denom. You know, the backwoods USING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IS OF THE DEVIL, EVERY CHRISTIAN BUT US IS DOOMED TO HELL kind.
>No, Church of Christ non-denom. You know, the backwoods USING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IS OF THE DEVIL, EVERY CHRISTIAN BUT US IS DOOMED TO HELL kind.
This explains why you didn't get the mental health treatment you needed. I'm guessing they thought doctors were the devil and psychology was witchcraft.
Meh, it happens. Ultimately I don't care what the reason is outside of hoping others don't go through it, it can be rough. But I'm happy.
Don't confuse modern 9 year olds with the internet and modern media to guide them. Think 9 year old with two girl friends who are family, no one within a solid mile in any direction, and one channel that played 1950s reruns. There's a league of difference user.
Because it legitimately is a mental illness. And the worst part of it all is there doesn't appear to be any sort of cure. I'd be fucking loopy as well if I had a constant gnawing desire to be the opposite sex.
Mental Illness. No sane boy tries to remove his dick