Why is Hitler a figure we must idolize?

Why is Hitler a figure we must idolize?

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Kys Jew. People support Hitler because he was right.

Without Hitler wouldn't war. Without war wouldn't american business. This is your personal jesus - american saviour.

he named the jew and did something about it

He tried to kill them all.



It was called the final solution.

>did something about it


there was no genocide or mass extermination of the jews. The final solution was just getting rid of them, relocation was the goal.

So why did Himmler tell high ranking officers in a secret meeting that he never intended to be released to the public that their goal was the extermination of the Jews and that they must never speak of it to anyone even themselves?




But Bibi is a Jew so he's lying.

He was based and did nothing wrong.

what is more likely?
As the allies advance on germany, with air superiority, Hitler would use much needed resources just to kill jews, when all he had to do was not feed or water them and they would die.
As the allies advance on germany they bomb supply trains and convoys leaving the camps without supplies, Hitler diverts all supplies to his people and his army, which is more important

I don't
he was a crypto-jew/freemason nigger
and worked with Charles Edward Saxe-Gotha-Coburg to orchestrate the war and genocide as many Germans as possible.
If jews truly hated him they'd ban his book from publication around the world because they own they own the media, and erase him from history like their forefathers did to the civilizations of the past

Well one explains why they lost...

>one country against the entire world
>they killed jews, thats why they lost

everybody knows of that meme why do you just name it instead of actually bringing in some arguments you npc retard?

And yet you completely ignored my link to Himmler saying that was their very intention. You are actually stupid.

but then he goes onto say a rabbi convinced hitler to burn all the jews.... fucking hell, their bullshit artistry knows no bounds.
Should show this video to Peterstein because he believes hitler was a neat-freak and that's why he ordered the mythical millions to be burned to death.
too funny

Because he tried to save Europe from pic related and the kikes who caused it.

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Thankfully the Hollerith computer was keeping track of the laborers in the camps

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forgot to mention, that's where the tattoo numbering came from, the one with only six digits

you're so stupid I don't know where to begin in your low sloping slav skull.

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Did you know that the civil war death count is estimated to be between 600,000 and 800,000? Does that mean it never happened? Also I'm sick of your evasive tactics you shitty leaf. Explain the Himmler speech or you are a faggot.

the meme of the jews, was "le ebil hitler wanted us all killed" when they went on hunger strikes for getting kicked out of a country they didn't belong in for their lecherous ways upon honest people.


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thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=_YbqNaXbmTs&list=PLgYLCPY8S8EneFQlgKBgdjREWH2-AdA_B&index=4

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Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans


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"We know the power behind Roosevelt. It is the same eternal Jew that believes that his hour has come to impose the same fate on us that we have all seen and experienced with horror in Soviet Russia. We have gotten to know first hand the Jewish paradise on earth. Millions of German soldiers have personally seen the land where this international Jewry has destroyed and annihilated people and property. Perhaps the President of the United States does not understand this. If so, that only speaks for his intellectual narrow-mindedness.

And we know that their entire effort is aimed at this goal: Even if we were not allied with Japan, we would still realize that the Jews and their Franklin Roosevelt intend to destroy one state after another. The German Reich of today has nothing in common with the Germany of the past. For our part, we will now do what this provocateur has been trying to achieve for years. And not just because we are allied with Japan, but rather because Germany and Italy with their present leaderships have the insight and strength to realize that in this historic period the existence or non-existence of nations is being determined, perhaps for all time. What this other world has in store for us is clear."

Germany's Declaration of War Against the United States

Clinton campaign tally shows 5 top donors are Jewish

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i'm just referring to the labor camp death report as collected by the SS and input into the Hollerith which reported those values and Russia had kept them for decades while a narrative was being concocted to explain how millions of people suddenly vanished but it had to have been by fire or the new state of israhell is invalidated.

mein neger

The real victims of the WW2 Holocaust were the citizens, sitting at home finding themselves on fire because of white phosphorus or nuke.

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Then why am I talking to you if you can't keep on point?

you're a hasbara troll, it's your job to hound me with prescribed propaganda because you're not allowed to think outside the box.
Pilpul doesn't work on me either

Took what he wanted, wasn’t afraid of anybody, and fought for what he believed in. He was a political mastermind and brilliant warlord. The world was scared of a unified Germany, so they destroyed it.

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Kike NKVD head Yagoda, kike Kaganovich and kike-married Molotov famine 6,000,000+ Slavs throughout the 1930's. Jewish communists exterminated tens of millions of Europeans before Hitler and Himmler came to power.

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>brilliant warlord
please tell me why he sent kids to die in russia during the winter, without coats even

The first head of the Red Army and quarter-yid-Lenin's chosen successor was Lev Bronstein. Americans know him as Trotsky. This rabbi claims he purposefully exterminated the best and brightest in Russia & Ukraine.


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jews gassed people do death and blamed it on the germans years later

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He didn't invade during the winter you fool and Stalin had just invaded Finland and Romania both had a defensive pact with Germany.

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>still no coats

"I may say this today: If this wave of more than 20,000 tanks, hundreds of divisions, tens of thousands of artillery pieces, along with more than 10,000 airplanes, had not been kept from being set into motion against the Reich, Europe would have been lost. Several nations have been destined to prevent or parry this blow through the sacrifice of their blood. If Finland [for one] had not immediately decided, for the second time, to take up weapons, then the comfortable bourgeois life of the other Nordic countries would quickly have been extinguished.

If the German Reich, with its soldiers and weapons, had not stood against this opponent, a storm would have burned over Europe that would have eliminated, once and for all time, and in all its intellectual paucity and traditional stupidity, the laughable British idea of the European balance of power. If the Slovaks, Hungarians and Romanians had not also acted to defend this European world, then the Bolshevik hordes would have poured over the Danube countries as did once the swarms of Attila's Huns, and [Soviet] Tatars and Mongols would [then], on the open country by the Ionian Sea, force a revision of the Treaty of Montreux [regarding the Dardanelles strait]."

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I'm asking a very simple question. Why did Himmler tell German officers in private that this was their secret goal and that they must lie to the world about it and then you link me stuff about the numbers being off and call me a Jew. You can't even answer a simple question.

Have you considered that evading a question is something Jews are often accused of? How can you be this oblivious.

"If Italy, Spain and Croatia had not sent their divisions, then a European defense front would not have arisen that proclaims the concept of a new Europe and thereby powerfully inspires all other nations as well. Because of this awareness of danger, volunteers have come from northern and western Europe: Norwegians, Danes, Dutch, Flemish, Belgians and even French. They have all given the struggle of the allied forces of the Axis the character of a European crusade, in the truest sense of the word."

Germany's Declaration of War Against the United States

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He invaded the Soviet Union in June (summer just in case you didn’t know retard) also he wanted to push south (oil grain, factories), not towards Moscow. You can blame Franz Halder for fucking up Barbarossa and focusing on Moscow.

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>needs to ask

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I don't get bogged down in your 6,000,000 Holodomor projection number. Hitler had every right to intern and remove kikery from the continent. One day Americans will get revenge on the eternal enemy of mankind for ruining their country and JIDF will have another 6,000,000 (real or otherwise) to whine about on here.

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Oh, so are you justifying their final solution or denying that was their intent? Because what you are saying is completely irrelevant to what I said.

Americans ending German oil shipments and maintaining sixty Red Army divisions through the Persian corridor forced the Wehrmacht to overextend and push down towards Baku. The UK also blockaded potential oil shipments from Venezuela. The Stalingrad flank collapsed because the international combined land forces didn't have enough heavy weapons. Hitler had to transfer thousands of 88mm guns west to protect German women and children from RAF night terror bombing.

The Wehrmacht had fewer tanks, men and artillery than the French Army alone. What Hitler achieved given his circumstances is and will always be incredible.

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So you are lying now? I've never said 6million Jews died. Why do you assume my position?

Roughly half a million inbreds died in camps and another few hundred thousand were killed by military/police/villagers. Jewish communists had exterminated tens of millions of Europeans before Hitler came to power and even Churchill was redpilled on this issue.

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That's the standard narrative. Hitler had every right to intern and remove them from the continent.

Agreed 100%.

You aren't being clear and I find it very interesting. You've adopted the same argument tactics you accuse Jews of. So again, are you justifying their final solution or are you a retard that must bring up irrelevant facts to any discussion?

There are others in here who have mentioned very interesting points, yet you focus solely on those introducing arguments you vociferously proclaim strawmen. Interesting choice.

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And yet their secret goal was to exterminate them and lie to the world about it.

But if they won't show me the respect of addressing my point which I made first then I should I constantly change subject for their sake?

>because he was right.


Himmler and Goebbels wanted to wipe out every last drop of Jewish blood from Germany. But Hitler was soft on the jq

Jews will usually equate the expulsion of their people with genocide. The death of European Jewry could mean anything from expulsion(usually the case) to genocide.

Ah, so their intention and actions don't matter because Hitler liked some Jews.

a tattoo example: A-7899
and another: A-25404
The first digit is the alpha code for the camp, the rest is the serialized numbering system for each new arrival, all courtesy of a company that would later become International Business Machines

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This, a thousand times this

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he was a bretty gool dude and fought globalists and doesnt afraid of anuything

lmao faggot, he WAS a globalist with his "United States of Europe". The EU was his dream you self unaware CUNT

Well, a European Union that was strictly white and under the complete political and cultural hegemony of Germany... so an even better EU, actually

Esoteric hitlerism will be bigger than christianity in 1000 years. screencap for proofs.

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>Hitler invaded in the winter
Ah another Jewish enforces education meme and another useful idiot leaf to spout it

a modern day patrick little


Sand nigger muslims are vomiting their nazi-communist shit...


THIS. Ten thousand times this.

Because he was the most recent great force on the Jews. He also drastically improved Germany.

Damn he just gets more right with every passing year. Amazing.


>Why is Hitler the figure we must idolize?

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No. He wanted nation states to exist. He was fighting what we've been getting in the West for 70 years now.

Donald Trump is a much better role model than Adolf Hitler, and one applicable to American traditions.

The nazi fags are retarded and bolstered by shills. DT is /ourguy/.

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That is the gayest tribute to the orange clown that I have ever seen.

sieg heil