> be me > bout an hour ago > leaving store walking behind black family > actual family dad was there > little black girl does something to her dress > dress is ripped > mom sees it > screams "what da fuck is you doin" > keep walking they parked near me > mom scream "why you fuckin do dat shit?" > mom scream "why you do stupid ass shit like dat?" > mom scream "you fukin destory errthang"
Is this normal in the black community? These people looked like they had jobs and shit, not your hood ass greasy nig, but at least a couple emplyed nigs.
No wonder blacks grow up fucking degenerate as hell.
On a related note, I often hear American blacks say something along the lines of "Damn white people let their kids get away with anything! My momma would have whooped my ass for doing that." It frequently becomes a contest to see who was disciplined the hardest by their parents. I'm always tempted to say "Well judging by your penal record the ass whoopings didn't work all that well, did they?"
Jace Thomas
He's a black man that loathes niggers and nigresses and spends a ton of his time calling their shit out and covering dumb nigger stories.
Joseph Kelly
Imagine trying to find a nice Black wife who isnt boring or doesnt hate their skin color.
I'm of the opinion that the community cannot save it, and that it doesnt even have the will to
Chase Hughes
So why does the nigger have a mexican name?
Dominic Ortiz
Yeah, all that physical discipline has yielded negative results. Brainlet parenting, and these bad patterns are now more than three generations old.This isn't going to fixed without extreme intervention.
Aaron Jones
save itself*. I can't type tonight.
There are plenty of Blacks from latin countries.
Oliver Anderson
she's lucky, sheboons usually would lay a smack down when their kids break things that belong to them
violence is the only way these people know how to solve their problems. if they understood shame or appreciated social order, they wouldn't behave the way they do in the first place. some people don't learn anything from a stern lecture.