Hello my fellow Pol-ers

Hello my fellow Pol-ers
Is anyone else upset that Donald Trump did not “Drain the Swamp” like he said he would?
I can’t be the only one disappointed with his performance.
Join me in voting blue in November?

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Lol trump is draining the swamp by removing democrats


I like how they just make shit up thinking anyone would fall for it.

Fuck off. Nobody's buying your commie bullshit around here. Eat nigger cock.

This is a JIDF thread. Sage

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The absolute state of JIDF niggers

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it will be impossible to completely eliminate the corruption. at least he's confronting the issue and not ignoring it while criticizing everyone else's ethics like dems. the latest obummer speeches demonstrate how much they refuse to talk about the deep state and conspiracies

Drumpf BTFO!!!

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>Hello my fellow Pol-ers
fucking kek literally
>hello my fellow white people
get fucked kike

As far as I know, the democrats are proving themselves to be the swamp by infiltrating his cabinet and trying to pull a soft coup.
So yes, he hasn't done a proper job draining the swamp.

What ever happened to term limits for government officials?
The only thing Trump has done since he got in office is bitched about how unfair the world treats him.

The Dems have completely assumed the role of Establishment/Swamp and they are proud of it.

He confronting what? He hasn't done shit but gotten his own administration arrested.

Hello my fellow Sharebluers
Is anyone worried that their next paycheck will bounce?

You sound like a kike.

7/10. Such an obvious sage thread that people will think you’re a shill when really you’re just trolling. Not bad.

Thanks for the update, CIA

Sure he could be doing more, but there is NOTHING that could EVER make me vote blue.

The guy is a fucking TV salesman. What did you even expect lol

All criticism of Trump is fake news. Listen only to Trump and Putin.

Because Trump is leading the US to economic ruin?

Honestly people will vote for him just to watch leftist retards screech and howl. The more articles like this the more it feeds into the right wings schadenfreud.

What dumbfuck from US and the rest of the world don't get is that they are ruled - period. Doesn't matter who they (((vote))) for, its all rigged.


6/10 bait or fag shill. Sage grows in all fields

the fact that people fell for that line, when it's the same shit every politician has always said, is fucking pathetic
don't vote in a fucking midterm based solely on party preference btw, you cunt, vote based on which candidate in your local and state elections is actually better at their job, which is something that doesn't actually correlate with their political party and you have to use your brain to figure out what's the correct thing to do

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trump isn't up for election this november you fucking moron, you're not even good at pretending you're american

i hope they keep going with this angle


Forget politics. There is no such thing, it's a ruse.

Get out of their grip, get armed and prepare - for the storm you expect comes.

>wapo acting like they know what Trump supporters think

Stay tuned faggot. The Democrats are getting gutted low key. Soon you'll see orange jump suits and perp walks.
>Never forget to ask more questions about 9/11

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>Is anyone else upset that Donald Trump did not “Drain the Swamp” like he said he would?

Swamp is being drained slowly but surely being drained

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This of course, applies to the entire world - they control it all, hook and sinker, Russia, China and who the fuck ever included.

When his time comes and he faces resignation or impeachment, do you think this draft dodging coward will simply resign or fight?

Well if he's not draining the swamp, then what's the big deal. Leave him alone then, he's obviously not as crazy and reckless as you say.

FUCK MAN, the hypocrisy and idiocy is staggering in this world.

>it's happening soon I swear, I know I said it last time but this time it's for real!
shut the fuck up


If he's not even trying to fulfill his promises, leave him alone?

I smell jews...

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man this must have sounded really smart in your head

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>voting blue
>draining the swamp

Pick one, and only one, you double nigger faggot.

Name one thing he's done that's affected your life in a negative way other that making you mad and pissed off.

Trump is just a different kind of swamp.

How many have been indicted under the current Republican administration is just over a year so far? Republican party is nothing but hookworm infected hillbilly scum.

>Soon: Ohr
These are pretty huge scalps. All while the entire power of the intelligence community is working to undermine his presidency (and even his candidacy).

Imagine what Trump could accomplish if Congress wasn't cucked and the Deep State wasn't doing everything in their power to drag him down? And Sessions has dropped the ball hard as well, though he's doing good on the things we expected him to do (immigration and refugee policy).

many more...

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>he'll never get the nomination now

Trump is a horrible president and human being, no question about it.... he's also exactly what our government needs right now, a big kick in the fucking ass.

Hillary wouldn't have just continued the same old has-been out-date-paradigm crap that gets us nowhere.

Trump is literally the best thing that could have happened to us.

Sorry, I'm new here. Is this the room for the weekly shareblue meeting?

Nah faggot, it really is in the process.
Your Jew news doesn't let you glimpse the blowout taking place. The cogs turning and soon after the red wave, comes the prison sentences, the Ginsberg dies and the Democrat party is blown the fuck out just in time for an epic winter freeze that keeps the faggot communists stewing online for Honeypot dragnets.

>You'll see faggot. Get the lube.

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Swamp is being drained and Wall is being built just in ways that are unconventional and not expected. Cuckservatives like McCain and the ilk vacating. The military is being used to build the wall or at least a metaphoric wall by militarising the border

We can just extort or outright steal reimbursement from Mexico after wall is built.

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only thing he is draining is Israelis nutsack

he slammed the inflation rate through the roof and sold american industry out in a poorly thought out bid to try and get china to drop their tariffs, managing to make sure that america can't reap the trade benefits of having a weaker currency vs china, which would have lowered the trade deficit instead of having it literally hit record levels

>a big kick in the fucking ass.
I wish he was this. I wish he was keeping campaign promises and establishing term limits, or restricting lobbying. Instead the only thing he is doing is starting wars on Twiter.

Yeah sure. Let's support our enemies that want to enslave us because the one man fighting for us hasn't been able to defeat them yet. Makes perfect sense.

Fuck the Commies, fuck you for suggesting the idea. Would rather vote Libtardian or even *GECK* Replicat. The whole DNC should be thrown out of a helicopter, with OP going last, on a bungee cord we cut loose after a few bounces.

yeah, definitely isnt the swamp using the courts to destroy their rivals. no, not at all. thanks wapo. you are the kind of propaganda i like!

Each and every "indictment" has fallen flat. You know what an indictment is right? It's an "accusation" and guess who's doing the accusing? The Democrats.

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Only a Jew could be so funny so quickly

>Trump is a horrible president
Don't cuck so hard. Trump is doing amazing, especially given the circumstances he is under.

Give them the finger and stop voting at all.

Because it's all fake.

Take the law into our own hands, we will. Nay. MUST.

This is coming sooner than people believe....

...not so much to USA as they are still in a coma, but to Europe definitely. It's already here...

Sage, clearly shill

Mueller was a Republican retard.
If Hillary Clinton is such an evil mastermind in control of our intelligence and our courts, how come she didn't win? Why did she even run?

>Not a Trump supporter
>that means shill

His post made perfect sense, brainlet. Get fucked

sage is not a downvote you fucking mouthbreather

And not destroy China before it inevitably ends our dominance? You're funny.


And OP is a faggot.

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2 genders
2 scoops
2 terms
3 supreme court justices
Sage troll threads.

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tBh jokes kinda write themselves...

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So they admit there is a swamp ?

We would be much better off with Cruz as president to be honest. Trump is an embarrassment

>be dems
>get in the way of the President any way you can consistently since he has been in office
>omg guise can you believe he didn't drain the swamp yet?!
Just what were you expecting? Fail. Super fail. You rekt yourself. Nice job.

Any article that is about the outrage or feelings of a group of people is not news. It's probably not even true, in a strict adherence to truth.
For instance, you can write an article that says "Moms Outraged as School Refuses Trans Teacher", and it doesn't matter if it was just two moms and the trans teacher was a convicted child molester - the headline is true.
Anyway. Don't be such a cocksucking faggot, OP. You're annoying.

It will take for the goon to assault Assad again, as his masters tell him.... for the mutts to get uncomfy... it's all a staged show....
Every nation plays it's part like a good poodle...

except that people are not dogs

Lots of blood coming, and I ain't mad one bit

oh shit. he has not kept up the globalist status quo like he should. the fucking monster. why cant we have the cool nigger president we used to? sure he beat carter in being the ultimate malaise president, but who cares? we had a nigger in office!

I fucking swear these people are so far gone and unconnected with the world.

It’s just embarrassing.

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>Doesn't drain swamp
>Eh, lets just vote for the swamp instead


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>Mueller was a Republican retard.

Not who I'm talking about "retard".

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yeah because there are no republican swamp creatures. fucking idiot

>(((Opinion writer)))

>implying I won't vote all republican this November
Can you imagine the whining when they fail to take either the house or the senate? Will be delicious desu. If democrats wanted moderate votes they should have nominated Jim Webb, instead they mocked him and said he didn't belong on the party. You can go back to plebbit now.

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Pol-ers? Lmfao you're the worst shill in history.

when did trump ever say he would drain the swamp?

Then what are you talking about? Clinton paid for an investigation ? OH no... the children!

go to bed kid

but he wasnt trolling anyone. why you mad?


shill, i bet hillary is so scared so she has to hire retards like you

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Politics are dead, fools. The only place still showing that stuff on TV is America.
But believe me, it's dead.

It will die everywhere in the coming year....
we are going back to the Dark Ages again.
It's the final redpill..
it's all fake.

Politics, voting.... it's the biggest fake ever.

Politics are fake. "They" bought and rigged the entire globe
That's the truth. So stop wasting your time on pol

Get ready for what comes next because it won't be pretty

scared of what? She isn't going to be running for anymore elections. It's time to find a new scapegoat.

>Hello my fellow Pol-ers

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now show just 2016