I'm trying to convince npcs that homosexuality should be outlawed, can I get some help?
Reasons why gay marriage should be illegal besides morals?
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No one likes shit on their hot dog
Federal level. No. Up to states as roe v wade is NOT.
what do you mean? do you mean to take it up with the states first?
Nobody likes a gaping asshole
im writing a letter to us senators, im not using that terminology lol
ask them if they're ok with this
good idea lol
marriage is for men to secure property rights to a woman. It's the central institution of the patriarchy. With the no-fault divorce becoming ubiquitous in all states, marriages are completely unenforcible. In all cases, the wife can unilaterally decide to quit and take half of the husband's shit as well as a possibility of future earnings. It's all downside for men at this point.
I have no idea why faggots want this.
Marriage should not be recognized by the government.
Its a tax on the single
Y'gotta go ALL the way back to the beginning. Shamans and priests would pick two healthy people to marry and have children. The whole point of a marriage ritual is so that the tribe understands these two individuals are no longer a sexual option. Homos get married to rub it in peoples faces like the broken, fetish-addled weirdos they are.
read what you type before posting it lol
It's been proven if you show normies shit like this they become more right wing.
single people deserve it, whites should be having white babies, not staying single and blaming it on tyrone
Why should the federal government be in the marriage business?
Same with abortion.
Leave to states or the fed govt gets too powerful
i like your idea, but then there would be really shitty states, and the jews may not even allow any states to have it passed in every state
gay people rely on straight people to make more gay people. being gay is a glorified fetish.
ewwww WHY
That fucking pervert is going to go home and jack off thinking of that kid. That kid will remember this day, once the kid sexually matures they'll remember the day their parents exposed them to this filth. They'll know mom and or dad did nothing to shield them from the most perverse sexual deviants.
Real talk Jow Forums I'm a long time lurker, when I was 18-22 I was into the rave scene and some perverted orgy parties. I'm ashamed of it now, now that I'm dating a woman who has only had 2 partners before me. Talking with her I realized I had internalized what the marxists propagated- not forming relationships, fucking before the first date, and infidelity.
But at least my parents never took me to a fucking outdoor sex party.
the reddit spacing is killing me but at least your on the right track lol
because straight people might get jealous since they become the slave of a woman in their marriage...
It normalizes pedophilia.
Not an idea but simply not in the constitution.
Don't like the state law? Move.
Harder to move from the states
*the United states
I know I saw that study around here. They showed liberals 'right wing' material and their opinions didn't change. They showed conservatives 'left wing' material and they became even more conservative. The people doing the study were trying to prove that if you exposed people to different viewpoints they would be less partisan (the person writing the conclusion obviously was hoping to 'prove' that the 'uneducated conservatives' could be converted if they were exposed to new ideas). It ended up proving that exposure to liberals makes a person more conservative (although they never admitted this point).
Would love to read it again if anyone has a link
>I'm trying to convince npcs
It is rare behavior for a human. Psychological conditions this rare are almost always concidered to be some sort of mental disease/condition. It’s bad for society to ignore biological conditions that don’t help our society to succesfully breed. Now they are practically trying to make everyone gay. Also an extremely unhealthy lifestyle
It's the gateway to normalising pedophilia
stop with the reddit spacing poofta cunt
the point of life is to adapt and reproduce
gay marriage prevents reproduction and ends your blood line
I hate it when these BDSM leather petplay freaks show up to fur-cons. At least have the decency to keep it in the hotel room.
There is no such thing as gay marriage kiddo
Reasons why pedophilia should be illegal besides morals?
It is a public health concern. Spreads AIDS and other STDs on altogether different rate than heterosexual degenerates. The deconstruction of clearly defined gender roles leads to other problems like decline of family and community, the emasculation of men and the masculinization of women which obstructs workplace relations and hurts the proletarian wages. You may think the woman issue, especially in regards the workplace, an unrelated issue, but the rise of homosexuality is inextricably linked primarily to the deconstruction of gender roles, as in actually gendered social roles/instutions. The homosexual is a broken man, no true microcosm, and is barred from authentic transcendence too.
The government legalized it so they could trick gays into paying more taxes. You guys are retarded.
>t. kike
Dyke here
left had us pretty convinced marriage was still worth having. you can tell because every time we got civil unions and shit died down for a bit some (((hospital))) would refuse to acknowledge a civil union to stirr up unrest about lack of marriage.
By the time we got in everyone slowly started to realize the whole institution was on fire.
these days I still think gay marriage is a great idea, but only if you also criminalized gay relations outside of one.
You're pretty much on the nail. I think the OP is a kike honestly. like no joke, your side before I joined it had spent the last what, 10 years arguing over literally 2% of the population instead of bludgeoning down feminist marriage like it deserves to be. I have no idea why any redpilled person pretends to care about fag marriage. It was already dead before we got here
white couples need the least help from the government. meanwhile, tryone, achmed and poo in loos?
Marrage is a human construct. There is no reason thats not subjective
also.... EpIX LE NPC maymay!!! XDXDXD 8====D LOL 8====D SO KEWL
enjoy your future obesity and sexless marriage
you dykes pushed the marriage meme on faggots because you were mad that men were having wild sex orgies whereas dykes always end up sexless and abusive
dykes and kike's ruined marriage
Marriage is a HOLY Institution created between man and woman. Anything discussed outside of this realm does. not. exist. No offense but U can go slip quietly off into the sunset with UR civil union and be thankful U have the freedom to make that decision and not face a death penalty. Dead or alive dear woman... these words R true.
yeah stop trying to latch onto decent people like furfags
Well it doesn't say marriage is up the federal government, so I say it's a state issue and not federal.
>rave scene
You have AIDS. Not even joking. Get checked. Spare your gf
They should keep their faggotry to themselves and not make a public spectacle of it.
But if they want to shack up and fuck each other, fine by me. Better they do that, than breeding more fags by taking on "beards".
They want to have their own kids.
They want to have the same protections and status as a married, childbearing couple.
They want freedom from shame and a culture that loves them.
These are all things they were always going to demand. How naïve can you be to think that they would be content to stay in the bedroom as longs as people don't knock?
I see no problem here.
Tough shit. I want a lot of things I won't get.
I don't think they should be persecuted at all. That will just make them take on beards, breed more fags, and be undercover gays.
But they shouldn't be catered to or pandered to whatsoever.
Nor should they be allowed to adopt or raise children as "gay couples".
Children shouldn't be exposed to that or have it normalized or come under their influence.
If they want to be gay when they grow up, that's their choice.
Marriage is an antique form of social engineering to assure reproduction. It offers warranties and security to those in reproduction or to those who already have built a family.
Love is not what you see in movies, movies and fiction want to brainwash you into believing that marriage is about love between a man and a woman. That's bullshit, all "love" stems from either reproductive instincts(love of one's wife) or tribal instincts ( love of one's friends or country).
Two children of age 12 (boy and girl) walking down the street and holding their hands while believing to be in love is just a juvenile play on the reproductive instinct. Even having a degenerate threesome or foursome or whatever is another play on reproductive instincts, even though it's simulated. (No children could be born out of that, only by mistake or by sheer consent of the parties involved ). Once you remove hedonistic and brainwashing you see the world for what it truly is. Sex is for reproduction, not for porn/fun/money.
Regarding homosexuals, homosexuals have a short circuited reproductive instincts. Two men having anal "sex" cannot procreate no matter how hard they will try. Children need both male and female voices to become whole. Males have one type of energy, females another. Child needs both. You can tell easily if someone lacked one of the two figures throughout his childhood.
Another argument would be that homosexuals only care about themselves, you always see more liberals trying to virtue signal gay adoption rights than you see actually homosexual people asking for this. But this is another story
Conclusion : Marriage is an extra layer of security for those who are instinctually hardwired to reproduce and protect their offspring. You can't give that protection to someone who is either unwilling to reproduce or sabotaged by deficient oxytocin (mother's hormone) or other familily-life assets.
P.S : the slippery slope is real
>promoting a Jewish religion
>calling other posters kikes
Dat cognitive dissonance, tho
Lol. Holy. What a faggot.
state shouldn't be involved in declaring marriages at all.
LGBT would never be a major issue except that it's currently being pushed hard by megacorp backed cultural marxists just to sow discord and distraction. trannyism is the big horror because of the commitment it inherently demands (which will create real lifetime converts where other those recruited through other branches would be disposed to flake out) and because of how they're trying to make it their gateway to pushing pedophilia.
it would fade back to the absolutely minimal numbers if we weren't attracting every wolf.
Stop being wierd
i remember asking my gay friends who were pretty open minded about this and they were all like "well yeah but..." and then changed the subject
1. A non-negligible number of respondents were miscounted as having been raised in LM or GF households. The sources of these potential errors—which we estimate to exceed one-third of Regnerus’s subsample of LM and GF—were the inclusion of individuals whose highly implausible responses to other questions call all of their responses into doubt, individuals who reported living in these households for a very short period of time, and individuals whose responses in the calendar data were incompatible with the original categorization of being raised in a LM of GF household.
2. A number of other methodological and modeling decisions made by Regnerus—decisions that have plausible alternatives that at minimum should be checked to assess the robustness of the patterns—appear to artificially inflate the differences between LM/GF and IBF households.
3. Once corrections to these potential coding errors and alternatives to these methodological choices are made, the putative disadvantage in the outcome profile of respondents from same-sex parent families (both single-parent LM and GF house- holds and two-parent LM and GF households) decreases dramatically—with some of the remaining differences not ‘‘sub- optimal’’ (e.g., whether or not the respondent identifies as entirely heterosexual and the number of other-sex partners) or a function of one or two influential cases.
88 out of 248 of the respondents that were counted as "Parents are of the same sex" responded that their parents were never in a same sex relationship while they were living with them though they had same sex relationships while they were growing up, ie their parents divorced and they ended up with the straight parent but they were still counted as having parents of the same sex
>a. Parents are of the same sex
219 active and 29 withdrawn panelists, from Page 3
>S8 Did you ever live with your mother while she was in a romantic relationship with another woman?
40 said no, from Page 4
>S9 Did you ever live with your father while he was in a romantic relationship with another man?
48 said no, from Page 4
Yes, that is the official study results
Same-sex marriage policies are associated with reduced adolescent suicide attempts:
A majority (37) states had already legalized gay marriage when the Supreme Court decided to legalize it:
Gay marriage makes older LGBT adults happier:
Then what would happen when a gay couple who was married moved to a state where it was banned?
I would like it to be outlawed. But it's never going to happen. Too many butt pirates in politics.
White gays experience a dramatic decline in new HIV infections:
HIV infection decreases globally by a third:
HIV infection rate in the US falls by a third in a decade
Full article so don’t bitch that I sourced the BBC:
UK HIV decrease:
AU HIV decrease:
HIV came from Haiti to New York
Bad for children.
Parental Sexual Orientation and Children's Psychological Well-Being: 2013–2015 National Health Interview Survey:
Nontraditional Families and Childhood Progress Through School:
Farr, R. H. (2017). Does parental sexual orientation matter? A longitudinal follow-up of adoptive families with school-age children. Developmental Psychology, 53(2), 252-264.
>I don't think they should be persecuted at all.
>But they shouldn't be catered to or pandered to whatsoever.
>Nor should they be allowed to adopt or raise children as "gay couples".
That's persecution dude, you've got a loose grasp on how society works. From their standpoint, anything less than preference is persecution because being gay is part of their identity. They want the government and private organizations to pander to their group. Demanding that they not do that is an attack on their group, and thus their identity.
Fact is, the core of society is the heterosexual household. Always has been, and probably always will be (inb4 artificial embryos, there is a lot more that goes into reproduction than just fertilization. Raising a child is a thing too). Homosexuals attack the family by dismanteling the societal machinery that facilitates marriage and childrearing wtihin the context of civilization, because that machinery excludes them when it function properly, and so they need to be repelled and driven back.
That means persecution. Do we go as far as societes have in the past? We'll see when we get there. First however, they need to be driven out of mainstream soceity.
It's an addiction, with vengeful Narcissists who have pushed their addiction on children. Sick men.
You could try to tell them the truth. That as a mental illness it was pulled from the DSM only because a bunch of SF queers made direct threats on the Psychiatrists at the national meeting. But the homo-fascists will deny, or divert, claiming that despite the obvious disconnect between nature's reality and the practices, the only reason it was considered mental illness was hate.
Babies from Turds!!!!! Dicks are designed for the Colon!!!!
Sick Addicts
How Does the Gender of Parents Matter?
Australia gay parenting survey:
Closeness to fathers best predicts quality of health for sons raised by gay dads:
Gay dads with kids earn an average of OVER 250k a year:
For instance, the table shows that the average AGI of different-sex couples is about $115,208 and about 19 percent had income over $150,000. Different-sex couples with dependent children had slightly higher incomes ($122,150 compared to $105,983) and were slightly more likely (21 percent compared to 16 percent) to earn more than $150,000. This pattern in which families with dependent children are higher income is also true of FF and MM couples, but is particularly striking for MM couples, for which the average income of couples with children is about $264,000. Almost half of MM couples with children earn more than $150,000. Differences between same-sex female couples with and without children are much smaller.
Children of gay fathers and lesbian mothers were reported as showing fewer psychological problems than children of heterosexual parents:
How many gay parents choose adoption?
I don't really care what they want.
I'm attempting to balance what's best for society while not going "authoritarian" -- on principle, not because I care what gays want.
Is being gay a mental illness?
Yes. And your lies and threats don't work so well on user, so I don't have to pretend, not that I would in person either.
>ie their parents divorced and they ended up with the straight parent
1. Bi isn't straight
2. Why did so many respondants end up with the straight parent? makes you wonder.
> individuals who reported living in these households for a very short period of time,
So same sex-relationships have a tendency to be transient? Imagine my shock.
>decisions that have plausible alternatives that at minimum should be checked to assess the robustness of the patterns
Might be fair, but this is vague and doesn't quantify its doubt. It could be a slightly inflated for all we know, the source won't say, it merely implies a large inflation of differences.
>Once corrections to these potential coding errors and alternatives to these methodological choices are made,
What were these changes
Post source or this doesn't really say anything, it simply implies a lot.
Gays don't vote for what's good for society because they're not part of normal society, they don't bond to breed, their psychological make up is not healthy.
Being homosexual is either a biological problem or the result of a trauma and thus a mental problem and it always comes correlated with a wide variety of personality and behavioral issues.
Basically nobody should want to be gay, you shouldn't want there to be more of them, and it in no way benefits society.
These are objective and provable facts and they're well documented out there.
So it's a matter of public safety,public concern and public health to reduce the amount of gay people out there. It benefits all of society.
Of course killing them or trying to convert them can be inhumane, so that's a debatable subject.
But at the very least aiming to prevent more people from growing up with those traumas is a very reasonable no brainer.
Well homosexuality spreads via abuse at young age by other homosexuals and now we see the rate going up as it is being more socially accepted and trusted into young people.
There's simply no justification for normalizing and promoting homosexuality, and the reverse should be attempted, it should be properly labelled as a bad thing no different from drug abuse or all other sorts of disorders that affect the individual and those around them negatively.
And there is no reason gay people could make use of marriage since they do not reproduce, and should not adopt children as it puts them at risk of abuse and growing up under a deviant family is unhealthy.
In short there's no reason why homosexual people should be granted marriage and there are plenty of reasons why they shouldn't.
I'm talking about real shit here, cause and effect. Practical stuff. Talk about equality or rights or ideals are boomer tier nonsense, meaningless made up shit for children and women.
You can tell it's unbaised, they titled the page "rainbow." And everyone knows that college campuses are only full of real researches who are deep into the truth of the matter on all..
They blocked a Mathematician because he discovered a formula to explain Darwin's argument for male variety, because it would get in the way of feminist theory?...
Ehh fuck it.
You're an addict, dude. Just like every addict, you're sure you're not, and you're desperate to not be told you have a problem.
None of those BS studies you keep spamming are legit. The Australian dyke mom one, for instance, was self-selected, aka NOT a representative sample. The Regnerus study blows anything even remotely positive about faggotry out of the water. Try citation bluffing elsewhere.
Nice abstract faggot.
>Studies of family structure and children’s outcomes nearly universally find at least a modest advantage for children raised by their married biological parents.
Btfo by your own source. What are you doing.
>It is rare behavior for a human. Psychological conditions this rare are almost always concidered to be some sort of mental disease/condition. It’s bad for society to ignore biological conditions that don’t help our society to succesfully breed. Now they are practically trying to make everyone gay. Also an extremely unhealthy lifestyle
the purpose of marriage is procreation and that was the intended purpose of tax benifets
homosexual pedophile rapists shouldnt be allowed near children and therefore shouldnt be allowed to get married
sci-hub.tw to read the full text
Most studies do not find an advantage to kids being raised by straight parents:
>A second critique of the literature—that the sample sizes of the studies are too small to allow for statistically powerful tests—continues to be relevant. The mean number of children of gay or lesbian parents in these studies is 39, and the median is 37; both numbers would be slightly lower if studies without comparison groups were excluded.
>A third potential weakness of this literature is the narrowness of family structures under study (Tasker 2005). Of the 45 studies listed, only 7 examined the children of gay fathers, and only 2 of these 7 studies had a more traditional family control group built into the study.
>Among the convenience sample studies, several of the most important have been based on samples of women who became parents through assisted reproductive technology (ART; Brewaeys et al. 1997; Chan, Raboy, and Patterson 1998; Flaks et al. 1995). Because individuals who become parents through assisted means can be identified through reproductive clinics—and are therefore easier to recruit than the general population of same-sex couple parents—the literature on same-sex couple parenting has tended to feature studies of the kind of women who can afford ART: white, upper-middle-class women.
Wanna talk about flaws in methodology?
Literally your own source.
About 20% of gay couples do have kids, though.
it should stay legal. you'll make it cooler by outlawing it.
I'm not suggesting that convenience samples are the best way to look at it. Frankly, there are no studies that compare married gay and straight couples in raising kids from age 0-18 because the laws are too new. That said, Regnerus proves nothing because he deliberately misclassifies over 1/3 of his study participants who he claims were raised by gay parents when they never lived with their gay parent. He is mostly comparing kids who lived with a straight parent and had divorced parents and one gay parent (NOT planned gay families) to married straight families. It is not an equivalent comparison, at all.
pro-heterosexuality is pro-cuck and i'll tell you why. you want more men to compete with for women which makes you a cuck. if you're pro-fag, you eliminate competition and get all the women
i want all men to be gay except for me. i want a monopoly on all the women
if you are an incel, you should be pro-fag. it eliminates male competition for women
Still begs the question why so many children went to live with the straight parent over the "equally-capable" homosexual parent. How is the homosexual lifestyle condusive to parenting?
You're selfish and an idiot, unless you have a plan to raise all those children yourself.
Because society was biased in favor of heterosexuals. This data is mostly older. These surveys were conducted in the 90s and 2000s I believe when gay marriage was not legal and a lot of these kids were raised in homophobic areas where gay parents were denied visitation and access to their own biological children.
who said i want children! fuck no. i just want to smash poon until i die
having children is a selfish pursuit. you're doing it to preserve your bloodline
ugh her arms are so hyper extended that they look broken. ANYWAY I went to an arts school, an abundance of queebs does bump you up from a 7 to a solid 9 in the eyes of the ladies, especially if you're not a beta male.
one or more parent(s) subsequently came out as gay or lesbian and left the family or had a same-sex relationship. The result was a family that endured added stress and often disruption or family breakup. Including such children among those labeled as having been “raised by same-sex parents” is so misleading as to be inaccurate, since these children were generally raised by opposite-sex families and only later, after a family disruption, did they live in households with one or more gay parent(s), and only rarely did two parents of the same sex, in a stable, long-term relationship, actually raise the children together.
Notice how they control for stable, long-term relationships with the intention of raising children? How many stable, long-term relationships with the intent of raising kids do gays have? Not that many actually. Now how many want kids?
If your argument is essentially NAXALT "but what about these based homosexuals in a long-term stable relationship who want kids" then you've basically proven my point.
>gay parents were denied visitation and access to their own biological children.
Nigger what. I don't think rich white lesbians were denied access to their ART offspring.
Unless you mean the gays that were NOT having long-term, stable relationships who lost their children after destroying a family. Yeah, I guess they didn't get visitation rights. Good thing.