Anyone seen this shit? My sister is watching a Netflix original show called The Good Place and it features no young white male characters, and the main two hot white chicks are dating a bonehead chink, and a nigger pretending to be an intellectual.
Another Netflix orginal promoting racemixing
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Nobody here gives a fuck about netflix that shit needs to die.
>being surprised by racemixing agenda on netflix
>not cancelling every Netflix account in your vicinity
why are you surprised?
Netflix = subversive propaganda
Would you complain if it was not featuring no white female characters, and the main two hot asian chicks are dating a bonehead white male, and a nigger just being a nigger?
You would think that black males would make up 50% of our population with how Netflix features them
you stupid nigger its an ABC show, netflix is just hosting it.
It looks like this chick is actually indian or something, she just looks kinda white in the show and speaks with a posh british accent, so she doesn't count I guess, but Kristen Bell is the main character and is definitely dating a black guy.
>U.S. & Canada markets
>Sue Chang
White men are the biggest race mixers, tend to yourself before pointing fingers. What’s that one bible quote?
and those mixed kids become outcasts to both niggers and whites and have no fucking history they can feel they relate to at all, so they end up as degenerates who do things even worse than those around them just to prove they fit in or they end up depressed losers in most cases.
but hey, a very select few actually become something normal, so hooray racemixing!
hope they enjoy now being suspectible to both races genetic defects, because that is what happens. whites cant have sickle cell? haha, not anymore. you want to mix with jew? hope you enjoy putting your fucking kids at risk of over 112 genetic/hereditary disease along with your race's genetic disorders!
if you faggots want to do something, you need to start getting black women in a frenzy over this shit. point out that those liberal women are pushing black men to only go for white women and ignore black women, and that they are trying to destroy the black race doing this
It's a good show actually and it gets redpilled by episode 7. If you watched it you would see all the parallels of a liberal utopia turned into hell.
These two characters don't fall for each other in btw
Stop buying Netflix subscriptions. You need to cancel that stuff and start living more simpler lives. Stop consuming (((merchant))) degeneracy. We need to go back to a time before smartphones, TVs and radios. When families used to lounge in their living rooms and play board games and tell stories.
just stfu. If you can't take the heat get out of kitchen cunt
Doesn't matter. At the end of the day, you're still paying (((them))) to produce it. The money that you pay (((them))) can be funneled into making and producing more lie-propaganda trash. You need to starve the beast, not feed into it more than you have to.
If you think The Good Place is bad, don't watch Godless!!
It's an American Western film set in the pioneer days that features MULTIPLE extremely prominent interracial and gay relationships.
Never mind the FACT that people at that time could be LYNCHED for interracial relationships or faggotry, Netflix doesn't give a shit about historical accuracy when they've got a chance to shove social marxism down our throats through their original programming.
>These two characters don't fall for each other in btw
Yes they do. They fuck repeatedly in S02.
so fucking overrepresented
This. The kikes are seeking to destroy both races, ultimately. If (((they))) don't do it through so-called (((love))), they do it by fomenting race wars.
Why are jews promoting race mixing among dirty ugly niggers and (((((white women))))))
You know, my parents watched a bit of this show, i did too when they did and i thought it was pretty good. Never realized this until now
This is actually a really good idea. A few well-placed fake social media accounts of "Strongk Black Womyn" complaining about examples of the pattern of black men only wanting white women in modern television could actually get traction.
>t. diversity fan
plot comes to the revelation that 'black intellectual' is, in fact, NOT main-character's soul-mate & the multicultural paradise is actually Hell.
not sure about this one dudes. I mean... most Netflix fare is junk food and some of it is outright propaganda but this one? dont know
>Anyone seen this shit? My sister is watching a Netflix original show called The Good Place and it features no young white male characters, and the main two hot white chicks are dating a bonehead chink, and a nigger pretending to be an intellectual.
It's honestly just like real life outside of the two-street piece of shit town's Jow Forums lives in. The amount of actual racemixing going on between white women and non-whites is fucking staggering and Jow Forums doesn't want to admit it. I've see other anons on here post the same advice a few times and they always get shouted down by all of the sub-human snownigger untermensch on here but I'll repost it anyways:
Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and start building:
>IT infrastructure
>mainstream news
>tech company like YT, Facekike etc.
White men have ignored the tech revolution by largely being best-goy wage-slaves and open source contributing retards and now all of the huge (((companies))) have blown them the fuck out. If you can't fight back in the culture war you can kiss your precious white women good bye--either way it's the future you chose.
You belong in an oven Shlomo
Worry about your own slutty Semitic sisters.
nice memes kike
Watching Handmaid's Tale at the moment: it's a leftist fantasy with what appears to be some kind of christian extremist government that oppresses women, jews and fags.
The main character is a coal burner and she only likes brown men. All white men are evil characters.
Do you ever not think about black dick you fucking faggot?