This is a r/milliondollarextreme general bereavement thread. MODS, please leave this up. There were thousands of people that regularly frequented both Jow Forums and r/mde. This thread is about the politics of the internet.

r/mde is gone and this makes me very, very sad. I really wish they'd stop doing this to us.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I swallow cum tbqh

white power

make a discord server

ayway all they are doing is forcing people to scatter and that will infect over people. they are making the problem worse for themselves in the long run

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Gtfo loser

Fuck kikecord. I'm sure lots of people already have, and dozens of people are using them as we speak. No, there is no fixing this. r/mde was unique and wonderful, and while this isn't the end of the world, it is just very sad. It gets me right in the heart.

there were like 1k people on mde and apparently that's enough to warrant a ban. Fucking insane how far they will go to erase Sam Hyde.

They only did it because the memes being posted there were staying to spread to other places and making people laugh while subconsciously think

it happened because they made too much fun of serena williams, whos husband happens to be the cofounder of reddit

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r/mde was weird and i loved lurking. why do they hate sam so much? this will only feed the beast but i need more MDE in my life

Never Forget

they asked for it,

shitpost 3times as much in other subbreddits, places that mde sometimes talked about like cars, food, the future, technology

I managed to miss all of that. I saw a pic today or yesterday where she looked like a cross between evander holyfield and an orc. fucking massive traps on the negress. Need to find it again.

or just get a host away from america and dot ai dot bit domain name and host your own MDE form using vbulletin or phpbb.
ITs becomming clearer the solution is to detached from these sites and setup your own shit

Many laughs were shared, user.

Can't blame the reddit mods, Sam Hyde did shoot up like 6 schools.
Keeping it up would have been in bad taste.

actually why i started coming to Jow Forums as a poster and not a lurker

For real? Why have I never heard about that?
How does he keep getting away with it?

Can't have any of that wrongthink on a progressive, diverse website now can we?

I genuinely liked that subreddit, I fucking despise reddit as a whole and this is just another reason why. They shut down every sub that doesn't pander to their politically correct, left leaning views

You might say they're trying to hide Hyde.

>ITs becomming clearer the solution is to detached from these sites and setup your own shit
Sure, long term, that's one possible solution to a problem that is not going away on it's own.

i liked hyde till he put his shit behind a paywall which is of course jew behavior

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fuck off reddit you bunch of gays

Fuck yes brother

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True. And as much shit as we give the_Donald, they gather up all those disaffected souls.
It’s Reddit’s version of a hurt box

Bitchute is where sam needs to go. There needs to be more alternative to the main stream sites.
if the content is good enough people will go there.

>I genuinely liked that subreddit, I fucking despise reddit as a whole and this is just another reason why. They shut down every sub that doesn't pander to their politically correct, left leaning views

again which only makes it worse for leftys
now people can assemble in the dark and plot their moves away from lefty oversight

this tbqh
alex acted on emotion when seeing his wife get made fun of after probably hearing an earful from her at home for days, he snapped and went on a banning rampage, personally banning a dozen right leaning subs. It probably made him feel good at first, but he will feel the burn from that one sooner than later.

why did it get shut down? was there a reason given?

Too edgy for reddit. Full of jew and nigger hating.

real shocker that plebbit would ban it...

this. i use youtube less than I did before the infowars ban tbqh. A new forum will take its place.

by not being willing to have a discussion on topics they disagree with they are ensuring a civil war does occur.I checked to see dailystormer has a new domain name i even looked at their bitcoin address they have $250k usd plus in funding.
The left is creating their own demise they are too santimonious to see it yet. The short term will be them winning but then they will hit a wall and we gain back all the power

What happens to reddit when there is no one to complain about left on reddit?

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They turn on each other

Just go to voat you stupid cunts

>forcing people to scatter and that will infect over people
...are we the Jews now?

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it becomes boring, thing is people like confrontation and they will probably go out and seek it, The right just needs to be willing to let those people come on their websites and talk smack to them but when that happens weve already won.
I cant tell you how passively viewing Jow Forums has change my view point on things

I don't use reddit but I assume their MDE board got shut down? At this rate they're going to push their entire userbase to other sites as they try and cater to a smaller and smaller minority of shrieking SJW harpies. If they really intend to shut down their entire site board by board and all of reddit is going to eventually end up here anyway, then I wish shit was like the good old days when we could spare them the effort and shut their site down for them. I hate what the internet is turning into so goddamn much.

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one thing i do wish is that right would try to stop creating clones of lefty sites and genuinely create new stuff

are you one of those incels?

sounds like its time for a new internet

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Same here user

Too much "ironic" naming of the jew got them on someone's shitlist. The timing relative to Williams' chimpout is just expedient misdirection, and the "kill x (in minecraft)" jokes were the necessary excuse.

You know what really grinds my gears about the MDE ban? The normies won. Yes, people who have social lives, are quite successful in life (career, relationships etc) and have sex. So they get their way IRL and on Reddit as well. How fucking unfair is that? Where is the JUSTICE. WHY DO THEY ALWAYS WIN

All the discord servers keep getting shut down too.

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>I hate what the internet is turning into so goddamn much.
me too but i believe...no i know we ultimately win in the end
there are people in tech companies like google and facebook who dont like the bullshit being pulled and are developing solutions to them.

the only question is how far are they willing to go to protect their little worldview bubble
the discussion of gulag my left now is frightening. Its one of the reason i got a semi auto gun and 1000 rounds of ammo. I can see the storm all the way from on top of the mountain

right wingers and non sjw aligned people better get wise quick
bad bad bad shit is coming our way and the likely only solution is balkanization


>Fucking Internet newspaper
>Fucking works
>Fucking use it every day for years
>Fucking breaks by SJW
>Fucking one that isn't broken right fucking here
>Fucking "Whaaaaa I want new stuff"
post your suicide note on Voat

t.beta cuck leftist trying to be snarky but failing. why can't lefties do anything right?

Well at least Jow ForumsCringeAnarchy is still kicking. Not for long though.

Suicidal Sam Hyde will kill himself shortly after this and thank christ we'll never see his ugly face again.

They have to be next right?
They are literally why MDE got shut down.

hey screw u .......

Reddit is a private company and they have the right to dictate what content they host.

If you think this is bad just wait until next election. There will be a mass ban across the internet. This is just a little taste before the midterms.

biffany pigfuckhole strikes again

They got us banned didn't they? I'd call that a victory for them. Honestly we shouldn't have been using a leftist platform to begin with. Stick to pol and private IRC channels.

>Stay isolated as individuals and never form a collective
Okay bucko

I’ve started posting subversive comments on other boards pointing people’s attention to the Jews’ role in Iraq and Syria.

I miss grillposting tho

They just banned the 2nd Murdoch Murdoch subreddit a few hours ago despite only having 300 subs.

>If you think this is bad just wait until next election. There will be a mass ban across the internet. This is just a little taste before the midterms.


just think how bad it will get and realize it will be worse than that

thats not what he said, its either hide under a left platforms, use them and get banned, or setup your own platforms and channels

If you can't spell the board name right, then just fuck right off.

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im just going to pretend you're not a lefty and maybe a youngster but you're not seeing the big picture. they are parasites and they are nothing without us, if they " win " we all lose so they must suffer and look to us to save them OR we win and well we win

so it's win win, odds can't get better than that

I still really miss Coontown, PavementApes, and FatPeopleHate

Plebbit sucks worse and worse every day.

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okay so what is your plan then?

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Stay on reddit and far away from here.
Begone faggot.

Go back. You faggots aren't welcome on Jow Forums

understand you're in a war and stop being an effeminate normie and letting every setback convince you it's all over or discourage you at all

take it as it comes but understand we won't be silenced as long as we can gather ANYWHERE online and stop being so pessimistic. we have a year until shit starts hitting the fan again and our enemies didn't suddenly become wise or clever. we WILL win in the end

CringeAnarchy got MDE shut down?

He doesn't have one. You know, that's another thing about setting up our own platform, we can select the true believers of our cause and weed out the losers like Mr. All talk and no action and guy who cares more about spelling than action

Sometimes I think I'm too Nazi for this place. I would go to SF but they're pretty cucked (low IQ and inbred).

If you want it to stop, you need to start your own websites. Seriously. As long as your content exists on reddit, twitter, youtube, etc, you exist solely at the pleasure of the enemy. They can crush you any time they want, for any reason they want. Or no reason at all.

Maybe Sessions comes through with an anti-trust case, but I doubt it. There simply is no room to complain about it being unfair. Obviously it is. That doesn't matter. Don't get sad, get angry. It doesn't stop until you're the ones in power.

This. We cannot be silenced. We are the contagion of ideas. The truth is irrepressible. Go forth and never hold back the truth, even if it makes your voice shake.

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Please inform all your reddit friends to stay the fuck away from here.

>im too nazi but the mde subreddit getting shut down hit me really hard

lol aight

>understand you're in a war and stop being an effeminate normie and letting every setback convince you it's all over or discourage you at all

who said anything about discourage, but youre the one saying someone is trash because they suggest not going on lefty sites and suggest going on other forums and going on irc channels.

I'm not ugly

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annnd putting words in my mouth i never at all even got close to. so is the other faggot your lefty plebbit buddy? lol

Sam is a fraud. You need to go ba.. OH WAIT YOU CANT. Fuck off anyway.
especially you

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You clearly dont belong here if you think Reddit is an ok model of a platform. Sam Hyde is a faggot anyway, the sooner he's forgotten the better.

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>BuzzFeed News emailed Hyde asking for comment about the social media bans. He responded with a racial slur.

You literally posted the same comment and pic in the thread about this yesterday. Shill much?

The YouTube money is gone

Remember r/coontown?

Sam literally pretends to be poor and looks like shit on purpose to make it easier for his fans to donate money to him.

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reddit is quietly ruled by a group of powermods (each holding moderator status on hundreds of subs) known as 'the cabal' (no seriously). they've been right in the middle of lots of past transformative events and are all, afaik, raving mad cultural marxists.


this is their current project. check the moderators and supportive contributors here if you're curious; they're mods of basically all the most popular subs. and yes, they have the full support/approval of the actual admins in basically everything they do.

reddit is ending for real this time. there have been basically constant cataclysms of violent swings to ever further leftward extremes, but this will be the one that forever closes the door on any counter-narrative voices (everyone BUT cultural marxists). once those auto-ban bots are installed in the default subs that's it.

It did hit me hard but not for the reason you think. Its a wake up call. We all had our fun posting nigger memes I'm sure but those days are numbered. While you to see a lot of 'right wing content' on the web, leftists control the rights to those spaces so it's only a matter of time before were all labelled enemies of the people. We need to group together somewhere where we are not constantly at their mercy.


this thread is full of them, if you look up we had a couple of retards responding constantly until they got pointed out

it's amazing how on an anonymous imageboard they can't learn to blend in at all

fucking sub was last bastion on reddit reeee

(((they))) took it from us

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nice spacing.

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Go to voat

This. I guess we need a template for a website that looks, acts like reddit and Facebook, but is yours and yours alone. I imagine a million copies of a discussion board, basic lying a copy of Reddit, but everyone has a copy. Data is cheap.

No fun in getting censored by a kike. It was a mistake to allow them into America and they should leave. All we get out of their presence is wars that serve their tribe and being bullied into silence by them.

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>I'm too nazi for this place, that's why I larp on plebbit and spell the board name wrong.
The board is named Jow Forums not pol, so᠌yboy, and I was serious you can fuck right off. You have to be 18 to use this board anyway, and you're obviously just an edgy faggot child. I have absolutely zero interest in anything you have to say; I have absolutely zero interest in your jejune world views and your naivety. I don't care to enlighten you, I don't care to engage you - truly I say to you, you can fuck right the fuck off my board.

Also, as always, fucking kill yourself you plebbit faggot.

genXfag here - they tried to censor stuff in the 80s (see: PMRC) and that made kids get more interested - is gen Z getting red-pilled by censorship?

literally who gives a shit about reddit