Fuck white women

First of all I’d like to start off by saying, yes I’m a Virgin, BUT IM ONLY 16.
White women are betraying us white men by the thousands. Instead of hearing our calls to reproduce, they instead choose to mate with chads, Tyrones, and worst of all, INDIANS. (Pic related).
Personally I wish that America, China, and Russia, would just dump their nuclear arsenal into sub Saharan Africa and the Indian subcontinent, just to stop those darkies from breeding our women.
With the 20 or so nukes remaining, I suggest dumping those on Israel and Syria.
Realistically though, our best option would be a mass deportation of darkies back to their home countries. The West should focus on building those countries ground up so that they don’t come here.. or better yet.. leave them ALONE, and let them kill each other off.
While I may be a virgin, I did have my first kiss, only to have her be stolen by a shitskin. God I hate shitskins so fucking much.

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Other urls found in this thread:


How do you think we felt when whites bragged about "BLEACHING" our women and ruining our purebred African dna?



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We tried sending you back to your homeland, but you didn’t respond to the incentive.
It’s funny how blacks in America are usually 25% European.

fuck off, this is a serious discussion.

I’ll have you know I’m 5’11” and 120 pounds. I’m not a fatass and I don’t go for fat women. (Fat women are usually the ones that show any remote interest in me but i deny them any thing)

Go to a traditional Church - Latin Mass, Byzantine, orthodox, ...
Meet rad trad virgin white girls
Marry young
Lots of kids

"But I'm not religious"
Your 9 white children will be

What church can I go to that Isint cucked? In my area churches are usually majority nonwhite

>mfw this won't stop your religious wife from joining a book club and then being convinced that she can do better
>mfw this won't stop her from divorce raping you
Christianity isn't enough to fix a system that is designed to destroy men

Its still hot as fuck and black girls are easy.

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wow, discrimination!

18+ board
you're also a pussy already so just kys

>tfw there are no africans in my area
i want to bleach so bad

that pic isn't for real right? it's ironic right?

>OP posted it again

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you two have to be bots... i will eat my fucking hat if you don't both say beep boop as you power down at night

either a bot, JIDF, or that CFR hambeast


you sure post a lot OP:


23 times in the last 5 days!

>18+ website

Why do asians keep larping as niggers and white people on Jow Forums?

Sees one black person with a white woman and suddenly they're taking all our womins.

DR women are easy, all you need is enough cash to keep them comfy and they'll put up with anything

Underaged b&

Because they have penis envy and mongolian flaps. Dangerous combination.

Damn, maybe I should stop advertising Jow Forums by using this Name. It's embarrassing to be lumped in with faggots like OP.

Beep boop daily reminder that every black woman is happy being a bedwench to the white man and even carry the mixed child out of wedlock. In contrast more nigger babies get the coathanger annually then niggers die to illnesses or accidents.

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underage, gtfo

Reported faggot

you must be at least 18 to post here


Women go for the most confident men. So you must be a little bitch, sort yourself out.

do you live to please black women?
are you the biggest onion boy cuckold in pollack history? or are ((you))?

i fucking feel you op. I'm a young 18 yo white male and am TIRED of white girls. All they do is belittle you and run to their nigger bfs and destroy the race. So glad I found a based qt asian gf to settle with. I will marry her in the next to years

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Triggered fragile black boi, your race is doomed because your women have fully abandoned your black simp asses. Your prettiest and most successful women all get bred by the white man and you are left with the hambeast Aquafinas

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Lurk more faggot
Underage and b&

Enjoy your ban

i'm as aryan as god himself.. you, my little subverting friend, are 'of your father the devil', and I'm not sure your suggested strategy of race mixing ourselves into a better future is going to gain traction here

Underage B&, rot in hell faggot

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>nuke Indian subcontinent
we could just nuke you back, plus i'm slightly impressed pakis are allied with China now. your country's foreign policy is fucked now.

let me speak on behalf of all white people, that you blacks can have her

>I’ll have you know I’m 5’11” and 120 pounds.

All of your missiles are caked in so much shit they probably can’t even get off the ground.

I'm 12 and what is this

> a white american
Im laffin.

>I'm only 16
This is an 18+board
Kindly fuck off back to Plebbit. Don't come back

Fucked hell lot of white women here in India. How does that make you feel ?

she got POOED hard.

God I wish that was me