Was it a missile?

was it a missile?

Attached: 1536698310320m.jpg (1024x672, 233K)

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Fired from what exactly.

an israeli submarine

pentagon|wtf never existed , 9/11 was CGI+ mass hysteria and mass drugging\MKultraing of the poeple of new york

with this picture, and the scale of the semi trailers at the bottom. it does look like a small commercial plane could make that size of a hole.

There would be a crater if it were a missile

There is literally security camera footage of "a concorde-like nose" flashing into the side of the pentagon. Purely coincidental that it was the side with the paper trail concerning the military's part of the 2.3 trillion declared missing but I digress.

>no cctv footage release except gif related
>some untrained dunecoon being able to maintain steady flight that low with that large a plane

Attached: pentaa.gif (400x300, 3M)

Ive seen the Pentagon schlomo, but nice shitpost anyway.

yeah, and it pushed through all those layers of the building too

Stolen missile from the Kursk.

>he thinks NY exists
It's a series of Hollywood sets originally created for the film Spider Man.

It was a small unmanned plane which just happened to lack wings.

you saw a hologram , point a spectrometer at it and you'll see that the light is discrete,narrow wavelengths because the image you see is produced by a laser as opposed to what you'd expect from a 'real' building where you get continuous wavelenghts .

It was my dick sorry guys

Look, I'm down with the idea that 911 was a conspiracy, the government allowed it to happen, and even explosives were used to collapse the towers.

Why would they use a missle instead of the planes? What happened to the planes and all those passengers? Wouldn't it be easier to just use the planes than to use rockets and then have to also dispose of the plane and bodies?

Anyway, tt was a carefully planned operation

US arrests 200 young Israelis in spying investigation - Telegraph



The ground with a missile launcher.

9/11 was about the utter failure of American security, the coverage was about preventing the mass hysteria that would naturally arise from Americans realising how vulnerable they are. Even to this day there are obvious cover-ups; everyone here should know the motive and perpetrators of the las vegas attack.

that nasally voiced teenager has me convinced

The ground floor does not have those layers. Literally no resistance right out to final inner wall. The rings are only on the upper levels. Have a look at satellite view.
Your argument is one of many deliberately planted, debunkable bits of disinformation, planted to discredit the truther movement. Yes it was an inside job, yes that wall was targeted specifically, but it was a plane, no missile.

Correct, see

It was God's wrath.

Attached: 1482344157033.jpg (800x1020, 179K)