Bin Laden's body was draped in a white shroud...

>bin Laden's body was draped in a white shroud, given final prayers in Arabic and placed inside a black bag loaded with 300 pounds (140 kg) of iron chains, apparently to ensure that it would sink and never float.
>The body bag was placed on a white table at the rail of the ship, and the table was tipped to let the body bag slide into the sea

alright lets be real, what do you think those Seals did to his body before dumping it in the ocean?

Attached: Osama_bin_Laden_portrait.jpg (294x326, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:,1597,172666-412,00.shtml

They did nothing because the whole thing was faked. Osama died in 2004.

Necrophiliac pedo orgy

Probably have him respect as an enemy. I am not sure Seals are patriots as much as they men who like fighting.

Totally fake

Truth is, Osama was dead from the start.

I hope they shit in his mouth
I seriously doubt any prayers were said wtf is this shit im reading

nah, this isn't the Red Baron; Osama did not fight honorably.

Citation needed

the guy who supposedly killed osama said 9/11 gave him the inspiration to do so

The Seal team leader cut off his dick and mounted it on his wall at home.

Sounds like an operation for Jow Forums authists. Identify the location of his body on the ocean floor.

none of this makes any sense
Obama is a liar and he faked this mission

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Why wouldn't they bring him back home?

If this article is to be believed apparently the Devgru (seal team 6) operators mutilated bin laden's corpse after they killed him.
But that's only if you believe the burgers actually killed him or not, for me it's 50/50.

Attached: devgru chads.jpg (750x467, 94K)

so the USA just pretended he was alive . . . so they'd look hopelessly incompetent for years?

they didn't do anything to it. with that kind of hi-vis operation they knew they were under intense scrutiny with POTUS and others watching in real time, they obviously were under a lot of pressure not to fuck up. its not like your COD fantasies where they light cigarettes and crack open a beer while taking pics with his corpse, as cool as that would have been.

They pissed on him
Still waiting for those tapes to drop though.

>According to U.S. officials, bin Laden was buried at sea because no country would accept his remains.

We'll probably never find out what really happened to Osama.
But I guarantee you he wasn't killed on orders by King Nigger (who clearly profited from the hoax to increase his ratings as President)
Osama was unironically red pilled on Jews and Greater Israel.
Listen, I hate goat-fuckers as much as the next guy, but if I were a devout Muslim I wouldn't want American bases near Mecca or wherever. The American military if filled with niggers and unironic homosexuals. Miss me with that cancerous shit.

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>under intense scrutiny with POTUS and others watching in real time
there were about 24 hours between his death in the raid and his burial, at some point the scrutiny was alleviated

If they really did raid his house, shoot him, and loot all of this papers and hard drives, looking for any plans for attacks or names and locations of other al Qaeda leaders, why would the government immediately announce it and possibly give a heads up to all of the terrorists still out there? Wouldn't they wait to analyze the information they grabbed, mop up any networks or kill any other leaders, and then announce what happened?

>the guy who supposedly killed osama said 9/11 gave him the inspiration to do so
They all got killed a couple weeks later when their chinook got blown out of the sky by the CIA.

His funeral was just for show. Not only was it not him, he was never involved, nor "killed" etc.

Gotta keep 'em afraid. Secure people don't give up their freedoms and privacy, and they don't approve of a government that wages wars of choice.

Attached: goering_war.jpg (960x454, 78K)

didnt most of the seal team mysteriously die in a helicopter accident not long after?

Another reason not to believe this low-tier hoax.

>digits of truth

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Now they're trying to meme his son as the next boogieman.


Bin Laden died of kidney failure in late 2001/early 2002.

highly unlikely that the SEALS stayed with the body after they landed back in Afghanistan. If anything, they handed over custody to the Navy who then flew it to Carl Vinson. Now, what happened to the body inside the ship is a different story. OP asked about SEALS, and I highly doubt the SEALS did anything.

What networks?

What attacks?

Its one fucking guy they used as the face of a few operations. Most of his fame comes from the US using him as an easily identifiable cartoon villain since americans get their way of thinking from TV. He probably hadnt even been involved in anything for years.

Checked as well

Attached: Trump Dab.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Time table we are given isn’t the same as the one they operate under. They were never there. dates, hours, intel, informants all get black ink shortly after.


Uh huh. Sure thing Obama. Whatever you say.

Funny how you didn’t take a single photo or video proving the most wanted man in the world was dead. Kinda think you might have done something like that.

>Now, what happened to the body inside the ship is a different story.
I love stories.



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holy shit even thier necks are jacked wtf

He was a boogieman.

US arrests 200 young Israelis in spying investigation - Telegraph

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Word around JSOC at the time was each individual on the raid emptied a mag into the corpse.

I captured and killed Bigfoot. But then I immediately threw his body into the ocean because I didn’t want his grave site to become a shrine.

I also didn’t take a single photo or video to share with you. So you’ll just have to take my word on this.

Please vote for me in the next election. I’m an American hero.

i'd like to imagine some bored 18yo corpsmen trying to take cellphone pics, but the reality is they must have had only very senior personnel present for every single minute that body was on board. One of my old supervisors when I was in the Navy said he was onboard when it happened. They went River City (no external comms like phone calls or internet) for almost 2 days as soon as the body was on board and after it was buried at sea. He said that they were ordered to stay in their spaces (work centers) for hours under armed guard until everything was settled down.

Uh huh. Sure thing Obama.

>his body

Pics or it didn't happen.

He was a CIA asset. CIA were pissed that DIA snuffed him. His family is extremely wealthy, and the new crown prince is fucking them over now. There's a reason (((ISIS))) came to life after his (((death))).

Former devgru operators matt bissonnette and robert o'neill are both claiming they were the ones who shot and killed Osama bin who killed bin laden again?

Attached: robert o'neill vs matt bissonnette.jpg (618x410, 58K)

Osama is alive right now. He's celebrating 9/11 where he was framed by jews for a false flag attack and he's laughing in front of a hot dog stand in Times Square New York.

Okay, pol tell me what the point of 9/11 was? The manifesto al Qaeda released during the aftermath was a stereotypical rant about the injustices America and Israel have committed against Muslims.

remember when every few weeks a new bin laden tape would come out? those were literally the fakest shit ever

Neither of them killed him. Everyone that was on the raid, including their fucking dog, got blown out of the sky a couple weeks afterward.

It occurs to me that because of conscription, every Israeli has military training and indoctrination

>be amerimutt
>fake a raid on a pre-bought property
>enter airspace over the compound
>get shot by AA and crash
>be chad pakis
>scoop up the wreckage and allow chinese engineers to study it
>be chinks observing the (((stealth))) technology
>use it to make helicopters and 5th gen fighter aircrafts


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Patriot act
More wars for Israel
More blood sacrifices to saturn
There's more but it's basically those

>be pakistani
>be of no consequence to anything at all, ever

nah i'm good thanks

Khyber se ho kya?

Why the fuck didn't they bury him in bacon with his cock glued inside a pig?

Fucked his dead asshole. Check em lads.

Assuming they actually had his body, history has shown the quiet burial at sea was the right way to go by the fact that he hasn't become a martyr.

Stop calling me to verify my 16 digit iTunes gift card number. I know you're full of shit.

Kys faggot
Kys pajeet

he's still alive
deep state
also, buy my supplements to help you erection
tranny or no


Tell me where you're from? Probably a punjabi lol

he died long before they supposedly capture him. he died from diabetes related complications, he was already on dialysis. amerisharts lied about killing him to save face.

Data mining thread.

Bin Laden died right after 9/11, retard.

Did anyone ever see his dead body? No

Did you see Sadaam and his son's bodies? Yes you did.

they both fired at him simultaneously and both rounds arrived at the same point of impact together.

Or one guy hit Bin Laden first severly wounding him and would lead to his death but the other finished him off so now they both argue over who was the guy that gets the bragging rights

Iraq was attempting to back their money by gold and wasnt controlled by a central bank.

For reasons unknown, it was decided in the 90s that we were going to be in the middle east for a long time.

9/11 wasnt orchestrated but facilitated.

Lol you’ll always be a left wing faggot. You don’t even know how you think. You’re still that shit who needs others to think for them

Hopefully involved bacon

They're both CIA shills that just sell books and general propaganda spewing on network news.

Pesky auditors at the Pentagon found $2tril+ missing. NYC attacks were orchestrated and allowed to happen in order to distract from the missile strike on the Pentagon. NYC attacks subsequently provided a casus belli so the MIC could steal more money.

The hijackers and Osama and such were legit and thought they were fighting jihad or whatever, but they were just being used as pawns by the CIA/deep state.

didnt all the seal team 6 members die after that raid?

they were both from different timelines and somehow one ended up in this timeline instead of his own.


Also, the phone calls from the planes on 911 were fake. Cell phones can't reach a cell tower 5 miles up in the sky, traveling 500mph. Also, building 7.

>alright lets be real

Former CIA asset Tim Osman died of renal kidney failure many years before the infamous SEAL raid,1597,172666-412,00.shtml

All video footage of him beyond September of that year are doubles (they often were not even the same double)

The hunt for bin Laden was used to justify US military presence in the middle east with its citizens

how young are you? they weren't using cellphones you mongoloid, commercial airlines had satellite pay phones back then.

I know they had on-board phones, but they all say that cell phones were used.

What in the goddamn...

>Cell phones can't reach a cell tower 5 miles up in the sky
wow the twin towers were 5 miles high?

>be inbred indian muslim rape seed
>known globally for weak men beating women, raping little kids and terror acts on innocent people
>submitted slave race to the chinese
>exists solely to bring China more goods and he brags about it lmao

500,000 chinese men expected to arrive in POOkistan and take a woman as bride and your money as paycheck.

These guys are a level of manliness few will ever reach.

From the planes, dipshit.

there's a lot of back and forth on the topic, with no real conclusion. realistically what happened is they used the in plane satellite phone and the braindead media started saying they used their cell phones.

>Supposed hated enemy commited hated acts against the country you've sworn to protect
>give proper burial of someone who lived in honor
Nah, Bin laden was just a ghost. They didnt kill him. They created him.

>what do you think those Seals did to his body
When they killed him they shot him so full of holes you couldn't identify him visually. That's why they never released a photo of the body.

you realize the planes had to come down to approach and hit the towers right? I doubt the planes ever reached cruising altitude at all

>implying they didn't decapitate him and attach a pigs head to his corpse

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They'd still be moving too fast.

nonsense. this isn't one of your silly animes, it's real life.

he's making a reasonable request for a citation of a claim that lacks any explanation

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I think the whole story about his capture and death is fake and gay.

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>assblasted europoo

Guess its true what they say, birds of the same feather flock together

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They only looked hopelessly incompetent if you're a fucking sheep idiot.

They used the pretext of osama to attack and destroy various countries, securing resources, protecting their opium fields making trillions in the process. The scum running the operations have benefited beyond your wildest dreams.

>buttplug shaped like Mohammed shoved up his ass
>koran used as TP during diarrhea placed with him
>rotten, bloated pig carcass slit open Bin Laden put inside as coffin, sewn shut
>own penis cut off and put in mouth
>whole thing tossed into pile of pork slaughterhouse offal for final resting place

It’s like no one is listening to this