That's just what ((they)) want
So Hungarian women then?
I crave Asian pussy. I need an Asian waifu. Everyday that goes by without an Asian waifu is a day filled with pain and misery.
Asian women are goddesses, their beauty is unmatched. Every woman is a roastie compared to the elegance, chastity and beauty of the Asian goddess.
If I do not get an Asian waifu I will end my life, for a life without an Asian waifu is a life not worth living.
Pathetic insect
We are a hapa ethnostate.
disgusting lesbian
I've yet to see any evidence that hapas have a significantly higher rate of being incels than Caucasians in the West.
t. Unironic Chink
I'm dating my first Asian girl ever and I have to say it's really fucking nice to be with someone who doesn't see you as their 24/7 source of self validation. someone who doesn't need a reason to smile once in a while. I'm having difficulty describing just how much better it is.
You might be low test. Asians are ugly. Fix yourself.
god ...fucking. ...damn =)
Norman descent, but nice try.
I love Asian womans
I have been with 5 Hungarians in 4 days last time I went to Budapest. They're funny and very good looking.
>implying this is the average white girl in America
Wew lad
I crave White pussy. I need a White waifu. Everyday that goes by without a White waifu is a day filled with pain and misery.
White women are goddesses, their beauty is unmatched. Every woman is a roastie compared to the elegance, chastity and beauty of the White goddess.
If I do not get a White waifu I will end my life, for a life without a White waifu is a life not worth living.
fuck asians
It's 100% accurate believe us
no one said there are many white women left though lol
who is this semen demon
it's what I want too
>still not knowing roasties are the largest gold diggers in the world
This is an accurate statement
>I don't know how to read a table
go read that study I dare you
Enji Night
I definately agree fellow user, the other day I saw someone post a picture of a japanese girl with large breasts and it made my penis erect. The erection made me learn the truth that asian women are definately superior, I mean, the dopamine the picture caused my brain to release felt good.
those asians look like mutts
>Income needed by white man for a black female is 220 000 dollars a year.
thanks user, she's very cute
>tfw no hungarian thot gf
>a lower genetic female requires less material prospect to remain with a higher genetic male
that's a $300+ dye job with lowlights and highlights. I used to pay for my wife to get that shit. "Average" cant afford to maintain hair like that; it's like a fucking car payment.
>mullatos bad hapas good
going to japan for easy pussy but acting superior, yikes
Fuck off Toyota Motorola
>I do not know but you did not
Again, mutt education on display
Pls stop posting white roasties it makes me sick to my stomach. I already have to deal with white roasties every day in real life at least let me see Asian qts when I am on the internet
gook roastie detected
That "female" looks like a bleached nigger with fake blond hair
It's actually worse it's 220 000 + 62500 dollars a year.
Are female niggers really this much of a golddigger? Jesus christ, what sane white man would choose a niggress in the first place?
95% of white woman aren't this hot
no really thanks for proving to us all that, in the eyes of a yellow whore, niggers are equally attractive to asian men
THAT is fucking trad
Ha. Ha very funny and true, asian pornstars look better then images of white women put besides them. This proves all ehite women are whores. Plus they do not provide me with dopamine like th japanese with big breasts do.
Ha ha ha, I like this image.
>false dichotomy
Eurasiatic women are better than both.
Your countries are drowning in niggers and pakis.
Fuck all the white roasties you want. It won't save you from the hell you are living in.
I already have my Japanese waifu and comfortable life in a country with zero crime, zero niggers, and no degenerate white roastie culture.