TRUMP NO!!!!!!
TRUMP NO!!!!!!
the goys get the tweets. the jews get the action that bastard
The hell does this mean?
Anti-semitism is whatever the Jews say it is, and if you disagree you're an anti-semite. They seem to this will help their position, rather than just opening the eyes of the goyim.
"backing an approach that is favored by pro-Israel groups but that critics worry will stifle free speech on campus. "
*seem to think
>Marcus wrote in the letter that the Education Department, in its investigations into discrimination, would adopt the “working definition” of anti-Semitism that is “widely used by governmental agencies” including the State Department.
>That definition includes examples in which demonizing or delegitimizing Israel, or holding it to a double standard not expected of other democratic nations, are deemed anti-Semitic.
Say something negative about Israel = antisemitism
Checked the article, it's almost the same as the old definition, but this one includes "demonizing and delegitimizing the state of Israel"
>“Hate groups like Students for Justice in Palestine try to convince others that their attacks on Zionism and Israel are legitimate political discourse,” two of the group’s leaders said in a statement. “But as the State Department definition of anti-Semitism recognizes, these attacks are often a mask for Jew-hatred, plain and simple.”
Am I allowed to make references to gassing the kikes?
This is the jew Marcus who is behind this
>we want tax cuts to Jewish billionaires
Good job retards.
They are using this to go after universities for discriminating against Jews, Asians....... and Whites.
>it's just 3d chess guys
>he's turning up the heat on Israel
>in reality, he really doesn't like them
And this is his Twitter, which is as you would expect
On the one hand, he's not responsible for everything going on inside of his administration... but on the other hand he should stop hiring these (((Zionists)))
>oy vey antisemitism is bad goys
Well now that it's officially totally bad m'kay, kids will spend their edgy years by being antisemitic anyways, unknowingly redpilling themselves in the process.
Roses are red, the sky is blue, the graffiti (((artist))) is a Jew.
probably not.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I am a filthy goyim
And so are you
>trump answers to no one apart from the american citizens!
>trump declares Jerusalem capital of Israel
>trump cuts all aid to Palestine
>oy vey goy your anti Semitism definition needs changed
>I’ll do it master, I’ll use big words. Great words. Can I get off my knees now?
The most “powerful man in the world” is cucked by a fucking Hebrew. 10/10 America you silly cunts
roses are red
violets are blue
please turn my brain into goo
Unis are owned by Jews and mainly take in Jews & minorities, minus Asians and Whites.
>b-but 6 gorillion chess
>That definition includes examples in which demonizing or delegitimizing Israel, or holding it to a double standard not expected of other democratic nations, are deemed anti-Semitic.
>condemning killing Palestinian children is anti Semitic now
>That definition includes examples in which demonizing or delegitimizing Israel, or holding it to a double standard not expected of other democratic nations, are deemed anti-Semitic.
why do they always get everything they want?
So are Israeli Jews advocating for open borders in America anti-white now? Or does this only work one way.
Trumpcucks will defend this.
>The hell does this mean?
that Trump is a super cuck and he is reaffirming Voltaire's quote with law
>you should open your borders to refugees and migrants goys
>are you going to do the same Israel?
>no and you saying that is anti seeemeeeetic
Why are you surprised the merchant is a hypocrite
>demonizing or delegitimizing Israel, or holding it to a double standard not expected of other democratic nations, are deemed anti-Semitic.
>That meant the Office for Civil Rights for the first time was adopting a definition of anti-Semitism that some Jewish activists have long sought as a tool to curb discrimination on campuses. But some civil liberties organizations and advocates for Palestinian rights believe that the definition is so broad that it would label criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic.
This is pretty fucked (fuck the kikes) but at the same time this will fuck with a lot of lefties that like to make Palestinians their pet projects
By this definition Mossad and the Israeli government are the biggest antisemites. Nobody hurts Israel's reputation more than them.
IOW this will help in an indirect way to filter leftists from the school system
>why do they always get everything they want?
because they have the star of remphan on their flag, when the christians finally figure out they are giving money to the fake jews there will be hell to pay
you won't get the second coming giving money to fake jews
It's unfortunate most American's are shit-pants retarded and don't want to learn that jews are largely not semitic.
Goood, let them suffer the fate we did and have kangaroo human rights courts even though they have a 1st amendment to protect them.
>lefties that like to make Palestinians their pet projects
controlled opposition, they just throw a bandaid at the pile of corpses
Kangaroos are based, though. Didn't you see their new comic about the tennis negro, lad?
>“working definition” of anti-Semitism
This a Thing.
It's an unprecise pseudo-definition that Zionist Kikes push world-wide through lobbying.
They're Ashkenaz from the line of Japheth.
Not all Trumpkeks are anti-zionists
America is fucked.
The only thing we can do now is to keep them out of the european political arena.
kangaroo courts are not based tho, more like runny diarrhea
I prefer non-bible/Tanakh references
>Only 2 out of 467 Ashkenazi Jews showed typical Levantine ancestry.
>Remarkably, AJs exhibit a dominant Iranian (88%˜) and residual Levantine (3%˜) ancestries, as opposed to Bedouins (14%˜ and 68%˜, respectively) and Palestinians (18%˜ and 58%˜, respectively). Only two AJs exhibit Levantine ancestries typical to Levantine populations.
>This research also shows that most Palestinians have been living in the land of Palestine for at least 5000 years (Early Bronze age Levant).
Jews are not semites, they're largely Iranians mixed with European bloodlines like southern Italians and Greeks too
welp looks like im protest voting. this is the last cuckout Im dealing with
Look on the bright side Jow Forums, liberals hate Israel, and now they have millions of "anti-Semitic" tweets in their twitter history.
either this is 4D chess or I hope trump gets impeached now. what the fuck??? so we are all committing anti Semitic hate crimes non stop here? Fuck this nigger and fuck Israel we have free speech
You mean TRUMP YES!!!
You can't talk bad about Israel goy, can't talk bad about anything relating to Jews. Jews are always right by default, being, you claiming they are 0.01% wrong is you being anti-Jewish.
Just fuck my shit up.
anti-semitism isn't a crime in this country. they just want to use it to crack down on BDS, which says that it's fucking working.
>Not being allowed to criticize a foreign country.
Is that, legal?
no, but will you do something about it?
Trump is a neocon, that's what.
>when everybody hates you so much you constantly need to make new laws to ban people from saying what they think about you
lel, jews...
God fuck it's disgusting I can't believe anyone can look at that kike and think it's people
Because you're retarded.
>they just want to crack down on protesting and boycotting
shut up kike
yeah I'm sure this explanation will matter to anyone
so posting about how you don’t think Israel should kill random people to steal their land is now confirmed as anti Semitic meaning any website can ban you for it and it’s justified. it doesn’t need to be a crime to affect real life. they obviously did this for a reason
>That definition includes examples in which demonizing or delegitimizing Israel, or holding it to a double standard not expected of other democratic nations, are deemed anti-Semitic.
toplel, that's LITERALLY all criticism of Israel, if you ask kikes.
>wow look at how Israel treats Palestinians
>oy gevalt what did you say goy I hear you criticise Israel's impeccable human rights record yet I don't hear you criticise the human rights violations of Russia China India Indonesia Cambodia Uganda Papua New Guinea Burkina Faso Wallis & Futuna
>you're focusing on us just because we're JEWS admit it goy!!!
kikes are not semites (levantine jews)
palestinians, arabs, bedouins are semites.
but almost all Americans don't understand this and that's why kikes rule and the rest drool
that's why I posted this with proof:
Nope, unless said "foreign country" is the one calling the shots.
I’m pretty sure you would be called a liar and anti semitic for saying they aren’t real kikes
that's why I'm here, it's politically incorrect to tell the truth and I don't give a fuck what people say about me when I'm doing it
Just as long as every Dumbftard understands that THEY TOO WILL BE GASSED FOR TREASON, when the time comes.
So, make sure you "M.A.G.A." morons do die for you cause. For rest assured, you WILL die -- one way or another.
>unnamed conspirators
they aren't real jews they are a cult of psychopaths who worship satan
Now that straight up outlawing it has failed, their current strategy with bds is to basically say "sure you can protest and boycott, but not as a member of this university!" It won't survive the courts, but they'll get a few years of getting what they want.
I don't disagree. Deplatforming is a huge issue and needs to be dealt with. But with these changes, the left has skin in the game. Frankly I don't understand why the far right doesn't come out in support of BDS more, unless they think they'll make it look less attractive to normies or something.
sabbatean-frankist satanic jews worship themselves as god, and they're the ones who own all the banks and most of the land in the world
same here, but now we will be banned and censored from revealing this truth to people on any other website. I can only imagine one scenario where this isn’t horrible and that’s trump wants liberals to be called anti semitic for their hate of Israel to get them to hate Jews but idk. this ruined my day I feel like shit now.
what does bds mean?
>9000-D chess, r-r-r-right g-g-g-guys?
You people are pathetic.
>(((/ptg/))) approves
>but now we will be banned and censored from revealing this truth to people on any other website.
kek, too late
all of my SM accounts were shutdown and deleted, so I'll keep prattling on here like an insane street preacher
>The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement works to end international support for Israel's oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law.
It's lefty shit that mostly lives on university campuses. Jewish lobbies have been trying to make BDS illegal for a few years now.
your "greatest generation" sold them everything even their childrens and their own lifes for a good sounding name and a pat on the head
Sad thing is the Democrats are just as into this kind of thing. No escape from ZOG through the voting booth.
keep up the good fight leaf. maybe spamming about how liberals are nazis now for liking Palestine more than Israel can red pill them. this still feels like we are losing tho, am I wrong?
>why the far right doesn't come out in support of BDS more
this. But on the other hand by polarising the issue it makes the leftists care even more about BDS. The more they associate Trump and Nazis with sucking kike dick (this fucking timeline...), the more they'll see hating Israel as a priority.
oh that makes sense. now they might feel weird being called nazis when they call everyone else nazis. would be funny I guess
Fuck kikes
I deny the holocaust
Zion Don is a fucking fool
Is he trying to make everything Antisemitic? I don't know what's happening behind closed doors, but he's been getting the Jews and Isr*el under the public spotlight for a while
>this still feels like we are losing tho, am I wrong?
I don't allow the creeping black cloud to cast its shadow on me anymore, decades of that shit drove me insane, but I won't say this administration is making me happy with moves like this
More like
>be a hypocrite regarding Israel = antisemite
But sure
how do you do it? I’m always thinking of like every possibility that can happen and usually I’m pessimistic and think everything is going to shit
The more the Jews push censorship the more I hate them and the more likely I am to start killing them.
Well the reason they care is because BDS is fucking with their money. Lefties have been pretty successful so far in moving university investment funds (pensions, 401ks, endowments, ...) to non-israeli shit. You can tell that it's working because congress has tried to pass several anti-BDS laws. They tried to make anyone who took government relief for hurricane Harvey forbidden to boycott israel. And now this shit.
Literally all of this is about money for jews.