Be Latino

>be Latino
>say “nigga” a lot especially to my black friends
>40 year old white as snow pothead neighbor that hangs out with us tells me not to say it because I’m not black
Why do white people think they speak for other races?

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>40 year old
he grew up in a time where you couldn't do that. Nowadays I hear all the white kids saying it nobody really cares anymore but its really embarrassing if a non-nigger says it

I dunno I say nigger or neger all the time.

Punch him in the mouth and call him a faggot ass nigger

>Works every time

Cool story. You can call people "niggas" back where you fucking came from

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fucking amerigoblins

>back where you fucking came from
The funny thing is if we all went back to "where we came from" OP probably would just be moving a little south of the border and your ass would get shipped all the way back to europe

America is stolen land. He IS where he came from.


Anyone replying after this is a retard.

Fuck off you cunt.

fuck off spic

You have to be pretty fucking retarded to still believe this public education nonsense, faggot. Lurk more, post never.

Anyone who thinks the phone-posters are all joan shills is a fucking retard, too. Kill yourself.

Good bait.

I never said anything about that.

Kys. Europeans settled in America pretty early on and built it themselves. They didn't take over Native American "metropolises" as you think.

Because you're a level above the niggers and should act accordingly.
If you talk ghetto there's not much difference between you and niggers, at least mentally.

Tim Pool looks good when he grows a moustache

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Jerk him off and then have him cum in your mouth. That'll show him.

Exactly (though "a level above" is an understatement). It's more like an Olympics athlete ridiculing a Special Olympics participant.

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Just tell That boomer to fuck off

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My girlfriend is white, mainly french and german with swedish thrown in as the rest, after her brother took one of those ancestry tests I assume her family makes up

Mainly been blowing loads into her nonstop after she's been on birth control, her family is richer than mine so if I "suddenly" get her pregnant it wont matter because I can leave and dump her ass while ruining her lineage

Feels good being a mexican american because I can reap the benefits of living in first class while serving non of the repercussions

Lol same op but if my neighbor told me some shit like that I would tell him to fuck off and if he really has a problem tell him to come over to your property and make you stop saying. Problem solved

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Better than having a Brazilian to you saying Fuck off boludo fag.
Vá se foder.

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I hope you die op

Your 40 year old neighboor is right you know. You can say nigger all you want in mexico.

L0L "Level above niggers" KYS shitskin.

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theyre not speaking for other races, theyre calling you out for being a fucking faggot OP. how does it feel? talk like a nigger means acting like a nigger

Yeah right.

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Those are island niggers that speak spanish and only live on the east coast. Not latinos

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Go to back to school, Fat shit.

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wow very nice coming from the murder capitol of the world brazil lol

that is a typical white liberal thing to do. By doing that they bring the focus back on them while hiding their own racism (that race cannot speak for itself because it is inferior) with virtue.

Slap him in the face and tell him to check his white privledge... then say this is Mexico now bitch... for good measure

Even if you can identify the phone number by the filename, why would that matter to other posters?

At least we have schools shitskin.

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you only say nigga coz ur too pussy to say nigger :^)


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The shit leftists did in my country was prevented in yours, enjoy your easy princess life, US-kun.

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Said the trip fag


Wanna see my dick, faggot?

Well I personally don’t care if you say it or anyone says it and I’m very white like albino and the only white people I know who doesn’t want us saying it are in they’re 30-50 even though they didn’t grow up in the most racist part it’s pretty weird

>we didn't cross the border
>the border crossed us

I'm moving back to Spain.

jodo tu mama?

only white people punish other people for being racist to non-whites

it's really insane


Just to name a few.

Se você digitar corretamente na língua portuguesa posso até cogitar a idéia de te responder não ironicamente, quadrúpede imbecil.

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Why? Do you want to show it to me?

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Why do Brazilians come to English speaking websites and purposely speak Portuguese even though no one else is? Only Brazilians ever do this I don't see anyone else doing it. What an insufferable group of people

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Did you call him a nigga and tell him to stuff it?

>Se você digitar corretamente na língua portuguesa posso até cogitar a idéia de te responder não ironicamente, quadrúpede imbecil.

>quadrupede imbecil?
really guy? fucking lulz.
volve a tua cabana de barro



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That's why beaners suck.

every time I see a brazilian flag, I always think it's some dirty shitskin fuck on the other end typing away at some computer from the early 2000s while sitting on a fucked up broken chair with his bare feet in dirt, in the living room of his mudhut shed made out of plastic and scrap metal.

Holy fuck.

Why do you have friends that are ok with that? That means your friends are low class niggers. Get some better friends.

Every time I see a brazilian flag I always think of the descendants of nazis that escaped to brazil after the war. Like these.

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Just say "taconigga" and you're good.

Stop selling weed to white people. If indeed you value their money, and want to continue selling your weed, shut the fuck up and nod and look philosophic and take his money. No wonder people hate dope peddlers, whiny and never on time.

>caring about what baby boomers think
lol those cucks dont matter anymore. all they do now is sit around on SS and say get off my lawn!.

Guadafug keel dat foqeen gringo.

Brazilians are not beaners you leaf.

>Why do white people think they speak for other races?

why do your people larp as whites more than any other non white ethnicity/race

Kill yourself shitskin.

White guilt.

What's wrong with calling a nigger by their name?

What a poorly constructed rhyme. Rap has better lyrics.

>>be Latino

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Considering spics and niggers are one in the same (untermensch) I couldnt give a fuck less what you call one another.
Train rides coming to a barrio near you faggot.

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I sometimes suspect our undependence was a mistake, but then I see they current state of Europe.

Ever hear of the term Baizuo (Bai-tswaw)? It sums them up well.

Baizuo by definition is a Chinese epithet meaning naive western educated person who advocates for peace and equality only to satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority. A baizuo only cares about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment while being obsessed with political correctness to the extent that they import backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism.

Tim is slowing becoming a race realist.

It's like pots and kettles Pedro. So in situations like this it's always best to err on the side of america first.

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You sound like a degenerate retard. The word nigga makes it clear that you’re a brainlet and you should get your ass kicked

There weren't even Mexicans yet. The Spanish had to start putting their rapey dicks in the natives first.