why were nazis so stupid an unoriginal?
Why were nazis so stupid an unoriginal?
Most propaganda stems from the National Socialists. Much of our cultur3 comes from them. They were the last original movement in western civilization.
Left is from 1936, right is from 1988.
Why are Jews such abhorrent cunts no matter the context?
right is from 1888.
Synagogue of Satan has idle hands
Anybody know where I can get the american version to buy?
Nah, son. Why so retarded, eh?
why are amerifats so stupid and unoriginal
other user is right:
Hey, fuck you guy. Don't lump me in with that retard.
Of course i am. I am a brilliant genius, I am white, IQ high as fuck. OP has been eternally BTFO and is now on suicide watch
Deported/killed all their jews = no creativity
No it isn't, don't be a 'dumbass'.
Seems like 56℅ was already a thing back then
>Implying a tan, red blooded, American WASP wouldn't beat your pale kraut ass within an inch of your life
The only thing an American can beat is a double quarter pounder you fat fucks.
left is way better, gives personality
Says the cuckold Leaf who can't even criticize Islam. Don't fucking misgender me either, otherwise it's your ass
Agreed, Anita's features are like a flashing neon warning sign, if you know how to (((read))).
>the tubby neighbor from the north runs in to lay down pathetic bantz"
isn't there a lonely dog waiting for you in bed, leaf?
>All that shoop
>Still only looks okayish
The artist is not G*d, user.
There is only so much that can be done
They did copy the swastika.
Fuck you asshole, I was in a library "studying" trying to be quiet. I just kek'd so fucking hard and it echoed all over the room and now the librarian is glaring at me.
>Oc do not steal or copyyy
based nazi.
Because they actually incorporated their ideology from American progressive thought.
Nazism has leftist roots. Sorry lads.
So does every semi modern society ever, retard faggot.
What did they mean by this?
Are you a collectivist
In so much so that I value civilization. I put worth on the worth of the individual because without well rounded individuals, a collective is just a drone hive.
If you don't find your purpose, or work towards it, you are putting a drain on your family and your folk.
pic related sums up my feels on collectives
The hooked cross was seen as a Christian symbol in Nazi Germany.
From 1933 onwards, Catholic schoolchildren in Catholic schools of Nazi Germany were taught in their religious instruction about “the close affinity between Cross and Hooked Cross”.
Nazi SA (Sturmabteilung) members, often with the approval of their Protestant ministers, marched to worship in churches draped with the Hooked Cross.
Here is the image of the union of Cross and the Hooked Cross used by the Churches in the Nazi era.
>most propoganda stems from the national socialists
funny way to spell "soviet union"
I'm not sure if this is an argument for or against Nazi's re-purposing a popular and familiar symbol...