Poland is an ethnosta-

>Poland is an ethnosta-
Oyy veyy not so fast goyim!
So to recap, thousands of Indians and paki slimes are waiting for their visa approval for poland(witch they'll get, they already have a job waiting for them) plus 20% of working people in Poland are mongloid ukrainians?
Poland was cucked and buried before they could even become a nonshithole country what chance does the west have to save itself then?


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damn roundtable jews are pretty much going to finish Poland, that video was real

when are we getting the news of 3.1 million Jews shifting to poland

suppose I stole from you a thousand dollars
and stole from your neighbour a million dollars

are you still unhappy?

Whoa buddy are you not well today? It took you whole hour to repost it since last one died. I am worried about you, hope you get better and be more on point tomorrow.

Paki brit SEETHING
>No one comes to pooland because pooland is poor and africa-tier!
*Polish goverment allows some eastern shitskins to come work in lowest jobs
>L-look, they're not 99.99% white, but 99.98! Pooland btfo, now they're on same level as our caliphate!

Polak is on suicide watch, screetching.

I found it very predictable, where LARPing gets exposed to be baseless lie.

Certainly it is to do with their genetics and cultural enrichment of jewish masters, but rage and savagery from wild slave encestory, no?

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You know what i find really funny? Whole UK hates us based on genetic rejects that went to work to UK. It's like we would hate UK based on your tourists that behave like animals when they realise they can buy booze 24/7 and piss and puke everywhere.

He (Brit) or "Brit" or even (((Brit))) is projecting exactly that.
Do find something or anything sensible to respond with, apart from usual change of subject and negro like name calling?

Yes this shit is everywhere, even Fucking Japan does it...


Learn to build understandable sentences before responding to me, ogre of albion.

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OK (((polak)))
I'll have to jump the ship of sensible communications, be projecting my overview of (((polak))) indoctrination and characteristics in practical terms from now on.

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lol there are 38 milion Pollacks and about 500 thousand ukrainians - 90 % on temporary working visas, 10% on student visas.
From these 90% working visas most of them have fled to western europe or went back to ukraine.
Fuck off

From 2008 to 2018 less than 14.000 ukrainians got polish citizenship. And theyre the biggest ethnic minority in poland So fuck off dude

Better suck out all the hohols out of Ukraine and aid in depopulating Punjab than take a single Paki in

I dont know how many of these hohols are here but they are fuckin everywhere. Ive seen whole construction sites of ukrainians

Wait, Government only allowed some men from east to work. Unlike German/British governments allowing to shitskins come only for social care.

Ukrainians closer, cheaper, whiter
Why do you need Indians at all?

Not enough Ukies coming, please start war in Central Ukraine now.

>500 thousand ukrainians
You missed a million.

It's funny you said that. Read what a gastarbeiter was and what it turned into, please.

Pole bros, please explain what's going on. Why are they allowed to come? Was there a vote on this? What the hell is happening? This is the same way that Turks entered Germany and illegals into the USA.

I have dual citizenship (Malta) and I planned on moving to Poland if it got too bad in the USA. What's going on? :(

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There was no vote. Our government passed a law which allows migrants from Ukraine to come here for 90 days work stays, after that they need a stamp from Ukraine to come back. You know the drill.

They're not bad though, they look like us, learn the language and are subconsciously polonised if they like it or not.

The Hindus on the other hand...I hate this government for their socialism and treasonous policies. Wish we could shoot them.

There are a lot of Ukrainians here already, we took in at least 1-1.5 million of them

I'm referring specifically to the Indians. What the hell is going on that your government is letting 25,000+ of them enter the country?

Yeah, plus the Bangladeshiniggers

Friendly reminder that polish women CRAVE the 1 inch bangladeshian cock

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To be honest, pre-WWII Poland consisted of only

It's the (((corporations))) like Uber Eats importing literal slaves. I live in a 99% white city and there are 40 Indian shitskins living in 1 apartment 2 kilometers from where I live. You never see them because they're slaving away in a factory

Wow, 25 thousand people, that sure sounds like a lot.


Their wages are so fucking low that even Ukrainians (their minimum wage is somewhere around $150) refuse to do these jobs. The Zionist government is to blame of course, but it's mostly about kike greed

Slippery slope.


There is an Indian restaurant in Warsaw in one of the commie market places. Anywhere from 8 to Indians sleep in the basement of it after working in it. I know because I used to sit a lot in a pub at the end of it during summer. Where do I report these fucks?

>8 to
8 to 12

they will enter as the first wave
they then set up networks for the follow up waves
they will create the fake jobs to get more of their kind into the land and once they are in country for a while they will try and get EU papers
then they can migrate anywhere in the EU and bring their entire extended family
25k turns into a million people in 5 years

When the fuck did Poland get Pakis? ???? I was just there last summer, saw only poos in Krakow and warsaw and Lodz, what happened!!!!!!!! E

There are approximately 900,000 Indians in Poland.
Yes, pajeets already smelled the money and started invading it. Also I assume you're one of those warszaeiaks who nie boi się uchodźców

Fucking poz shithole, if it wasn't for no work at home I'd never move gere

Warsaw is literally infested with them, they are actually getting hired and paid to hook up and fuck females. Arabs, indians also come there and get free sex from degenerate p0lki.

Warsaw and it's full of indians, arabs, ukrainians, asians and niggers.

Moved to Warsaw for work and I've never seen so many non-whites in my life. The city is probably 30% indian, 50% Ukrainian, 10% black, 10% asian and the rest polish.

Saw a bunch of Indians in a tram in Warsaw.

live in Warsaw (capital city) and this happened this year. Since summer I saw more and more arabs here.
They pakis/indians .

Poland is importing a large amount of Indians itself. I just flew to Warsaw from Dubai and half the plane was full of Indians. The streets are full of them.


>Indian man was "too earnestly picking up" polish woman in Warsaw
>group of Poles invaded his apartment
>one of the three poos living in the apartment was send to a hospital
>police arrested one of the Poles
>they say that only one poo being injured is a proof that racism/xenophobia was not a motive behind an attack

We have the same issue. Lots of poo "students" working at kebabs and other shitskin dineries for peanuts. Seems like this shit is happening all over Eastern Europe. I think kikes found a way to exploit the system by bringing in poos and pakis under guise of student exchange program. I have no idea how they can afford to live here and pay for studies. They must be getting financial aid from some sort of Soros funded organization that ships them here and pays most of their bills.


>indian in poland
>went to a big carrefour in warsaw yesterday
>many indians
>eyes wet
>we are taking over

I've been noticing a concerning number of Poos in Pooland. They're not tourists, they speak no polish, I know some are Uber eats drivers (they're all Poos) but why the fuck would these illiterate poos be in poland? They're not EU and I can't see what job they would be doing

>pic related
My last Uber eats delivery Poo named Mohamed. The mcdonalds is 400m away and he took 45 mins to get here, called me twice and spoke 0 polish and couldn't understand English fluently, I saw on the app he was right outside my building then it took him 20 mins to figure out how to get into the building and up to my floor. I asked him how much he made, 10-13 złoty per hour, wtf? Ukranians won't clean for under 20 złoty/hour and won't fuck for under 50 złoty. I told him that we shit in toilets here and then to go back to India, fucking hell

it's like having flashbacks from London, why poos are in Poland?

I saw 7 today at work because we hire people from India and Vietnam. After that I saw 4 or 5 on my way home and about 7 other white looking foreigners in KFC. Warsaw is full of poc. Poos and vietchinks are hard working motherfuckers, but what fascinates me is that they go incredible lengths to get to gibmany or France through countries like Poland. I just went straight to USA back in the day instead of to Mexico. Dream big lads.

Quality posts

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They aren’t allowed to apply for citizenship though, right?

this is what happened in US, Canada, UK, and Australia

in the 90s the US had a few thousand poojeets, now its more than 7 million (unofficially) and 4 million (officially)

thats 7 million that came in under h1b ponzi scheme.

its not going to stop. the homeless/heroin epidemic is the direct result of this.

Only reason they want to work their is the women.