Ill try one last time since I want you people to get informed on what EU elections are - ask a former employee of the...

Ill try one last time since I want you people to get informed on what EU elections are - ask a former employee of the EU institutions anything.

Including all this crap on article 13, Hungary and how you can prevent it.

Attached: 5B8E74D4-5702-42F6-8F3F-90B566ACCF7A.jpg (942x1200, 200K)

>File name
Don't let yourself be traced by these hexadecimal tags anons
Someone post the infographic


Is there something in the picture? Its a different one from the one I used to use. Been getting very little interest, which is sad with upcoming elections. Is it the picture?

It's the middle of the US's work day. So only working Europeans are in the afternoon and evening hours. Apparently, they don't care. Sorry EU user.

Its about quitting time in most of Europe. But I dont think people care. Its a little sad theres like 20 threads crying about article 13 but nobody is bothered to talk about how to fix it.

are you stupid? hex code are the numbers and letters as your images filename. your phone gave it that filename which traces back to your personal info

Why do you support corruption throgh lobbyism?

I remember your last thread user, some good info there.

>nobody is bothered to talk about how to fix it.
Do you believe it's going to be "fixed" or do you, like us support the idea of makig EU more unpopular?

Why doesn't the media report on immigration from Africa into Europe anymore?

Was not aware of that. Eh.

I dont.

Thanks, Ill try again later if this dies.

>He doesn't know about unique identifiers to track images and Link them to IPS and possibly hardware itself.

Lmaoing at your life desu family

can't fix it. EU is unelected

They aren't even hiding it anymore

Attached: Dm5k6y-XcAAE9Zf.jpg (594x369, 25K)

i feel like the eu is so complex its impossible for
average people to become informed. is this intentional to keep people unaware? or is it more to allow corruption.

Bump, you could always piggy back off an existing thread. Providing good answers to questions already raised will get the message out

Please do, I think euros must be sleeping or at work now

>I dont.
EU is driven by lobbyism, it is at the core of decisionmaking. Surely you must know this. How can you agree to an expansion based on this. How does abolishing nation states help preserve the vibrancies of culture in Europe, many aspects of which is protected under UNESCO?

How does fedralization affected national representation in matters like Migration which affects poor people the most?

everyone is on there way home from work/school at this time.

Why does the European commissioner conflate national cultures with national-scoalism?

That's intentional.

>how to fix it
honestly, at this point I see only way out:Collapse of the Eurocoin and subsequent collapse of the EU.they keep cutting off liberties one by one and adding bureocracy, even when "we" win slightly at some point, we loose somewhere's unfixable.

This man is a living meme. He should delete himself.

Attached: lol.png (163x125, 35K)

You dont represent Jow Forums, even if you may be technically correct. I support complete reversal of Lisbon treaty.

Media reports on whats profitable. People dont care about migration numbers.

Yes it is, elections are in 8 months, on may.

Mostly incompetence and a COMPLETE disconnect from the people. If any intentional disinformation happens its rather the elite and people at the top unwilling to address the incompetence, rather than willingly doing something.

your representatives in the EU council are elected, the leadership of the EU isn't

never mistake corruption for incompetence. makes sense. thanks for your answer

I lurk almost all day and try to inform people whenever I can. Most of the evil of the EU happens because people arent informed so its my duty.

I dont support the EU in its current state, any continuation or expansion of it in its current state.
Or you could literally vote Salvini in as head of the EU.

Yes they are.

>You dont represent Jow Forums
I'm a populist. Jow Forums reprsent me because i have no political reprsentation outside of Jow Forums.

Has there been any atempt directly by the European Commission, or via associated parties and organizations to modify or change anything in any online newspaper?

What is the gestalt on Hungary that dutch cunt Juliannah Salavinti or what ever.

Not in any democartically meaingful way.

>I dont support the EU in its current state, any continuation or expansion of it in its current state.
Fair enough.

Seeing as we are losing our leverage and the EU has never changed their position through this existensial crisis of theirs as well as having embraced the Syrian civil war by accepting the dispalcement of people, what is the chance that the EU will change in a democaratically constructive way?

The European Parliament is raising awareness on what they consider wrongthink. Yes they are.
They did change position, first of all the EU is a lot more ineffective since 2014 due to having such a slim majority - I don't know if you noticed, but most EU commission initiatives such as relocation of refugees failed in a laughable way. This is largely because so many euroskeptic parties got elected, there's not enough of a carte blanche to do whatever they want.

Also because a LOT of politicians sensed where the winds were blowing and shifted to our side, which is gaining popularity. Dunno about in Norway, but across Europe.

There's an election in like 8 months. With the situation as is right now, if we stop the apathy it is actually completely feasible a euroskeptic could get hold of the EU.

>Or you could literally vote Salvini in as head of the EU.
how?there are are leftists in commission, hardcore leftists in opposition and tiny bit of conservatives.just how can one tilt this moloch to conservative/nationalistic values?

The commission is not political, it represents what is elected at EU elections.

>leftists in opposition and tiny bit of conservatives
There's a lot of conservatives. You can vote to elect more.

I do not share your optimism.

I believe the problems the EU now face are difficult to solve in a short enough amount of time, in order to save or salvage the EU.
If you are serious about saving the EU then you must protect the rights of the citizens therein, and there must be protectionist measures taken to promote local growth of jobs in many fields.

At the same time, there must be mesures taken to protect nationalized Identities because there is no alternative to them. One cannot just purpose a new identity with no history or meaning to replace something as integral to society as the cement which keeps us together. Wihtout group identites people will identify by race or religion. That is how it works.

"commission" meaning as rulling coalition in EP, not EC.
>There's a lot of conservatives. You can vote to elect more.
which ones?ENF & ECR are the tiny bit I mentioned before.S&D+ALDE are clearly leftists.EPP feels like controlled opposition/mostly christcucks.CZ/SK parties in EPP are clearly liberal leftists based on what they do, pure eurocucks.

This is true in all legislature.

you've just never been paying attention. the issue in the EU and across is constituent states, is that the general populace don't care who their represented by. not necessarily the party, but the integrity and views of the individual legislator.

All of this depends on the decision-makers. Some will do that, the current won't. In 8 months we get to decide who the next ones will be. So yeh, I'm optimistic because the chance is near. It'll probably go bad, but it's still near.

Mate, you're czech. You have the worst voter turnout in the EU. First of all, you essentially send ALDE in every time because of the pathetically low threshold. Moreover, 1 vote in the Czech Republic equals like 20 votes in Germany. Just vote for anything with nationalist leanings.

We'll see. I don't think European countries can take much more, the eceonmy is already starting to buckle in Scandinavia.

You're desperately biased as regards the EU economy. The vast majority of EU countries are doing more than fine. Germany, which holds everything together, has resources to burn through for years even if everything collapses. Scandinavia is a tiny, miniscule part of the EU with almost no exposure to the rest. And technically Finland is really not doing that bad, so it's pretty much one country.

If the economy in one country depresses it will cascade, especially with the leniency of the Schengen borders, so there is not as much a question of what needs to be done in the EU. There is also the question of how long until this happens.

How about we just nuke Brussels?
Because this won't fix shit in the end, as countries like me and yours will not care to enforce it and countries like France and Germany would have simply passed local legislation to do the same shit.

You're a genuine fucking idiot.

Those filenames just mean he's posting from an iphone

Stop believing every bit of bullshit you read here, holy shit.

>If the economy in one country depresses it will cascade
No it won't. Why would it? Why would Sweden affect us? It's economy, not currency or common market.

>How about we just nuke Brussels?
So we've sold ourselves to the west, destroyed our domestic industries, destroyed all our products, flooded our markets with all their crap and your solution, when we're finally starting to reap some benefits through the outsourcing, is to just up and leave? I don't think that's very clever for us.

>countries like me and yours will not care to enforce it
That's what people said about GDPR, yet it's everywhere.

>is to just up and leave?
Yes because shit is gonna go tits up withing a few decades, and we are not even getting any real benefits, Serbia is not any poorer than we are.
Only real, tangible benefit we are getting out of the EU is that our human trash is being dumped in a bigger landfill.

>That's what people said about GDPR, yet it's everywhere.
Outside of foreign websites I have only seen banks and mobile carriers(most of which are foreign and if they are not they do business abroad) give a shit about it.
We don't enforce our own Internet laws, we sure as shit won't bother with EU ones.

>we are not even getting any real benefits
Yes we are. All those outsourced industries that dump huge budgets into salaries here are driving the economy, hard.

What a lot of people don't realize is that we lost a LOT of our economy for the EU, so this isn't a net benefit or a net loss - it's just a balancer. At the moment we're on the gain - which is why it's a stupid time to consider "leaving" for ideological reasons and let's face it, those are your personal reasons for it.

>We don't enforce our own Internet laws, we sure as shit won't bother with EU ones.
You use google, Jow Forums, youtube, kikebook, whatever. Most of your daily internet use will be moderated. Yeh, small websites won't bother, but that's a 5% of the internet and your personal use.

>No it won't. Why would it? Why would Sweden affect us? It's economy, not currency or common market.
It will because the movement of peoples will cause a European-wide depression. That;s how your open borders work

And if a western EU country like Sweden is barred from entering other member states then you have a diplomatic crisis on your hands because Sweden is currently one of the countries which has taken in a lot of the refugees from other member states like Germany.

>All those outsourced industries that dump huge budgets into salaries here are driving the economy, hard.
More like they are driving the economy to like 5 places in the country and also all the traffic.

>What a lot of people don't realize is that we lost a LOT of our economy for the EU
No we lost most of it before EU was even on the table for us. What more of our compatriots need to realize was that the 90's was the highest economical drop in recorded history for us. Even WW2 was not as bad for our economies as the 90's.

We didn't really lose much more in the early 2000s during integration.

>hich is why it's a stupid time to consider "leaving" for ideological reasons
Do you think the economical growth will not happen if we leave?
That unless Germany tosses us 1 billion in gibs every year we will collapse?
Not to mention only the east is growing economically some countries like Spain have no economic growth. Also we are starting to surpass our western equivalents.
>ideological reasons
You are implying that it's "just my opinion man" when the writting is on the wall. France is economically fucked and destined for a recession withing the next 2 decades, same with most of the nords. There are clear social problems developing because of the EU that are affecting us as well. Trying to sell the EU as milk and gibs is not just factually wrong but will in of it's self fuck us harder in the ass.

There are well over two decades until the situation in Sweden is so bad people start flooding other countries and even more until it's more than just the rest of Scandinavia.

>More like they are driving the economy to like 5 places in the country and also all the traffic.
Ah, the centralization is a local issue, not an EU one. Of course investments are gonna be focused where we create the only opportunities to focus them at. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Romania had a couple of big proposals for automotive factories that never went through because authorities didn't build roads in smaller places?

>No we lost most of it before EU was even on the table for us
>We didn't really lose much more in the early 2000s during integration.
Yes we did. Entire economic sectors were wiped out, since our negotiators were sellouts and never actually tried to protect us.
>Do you think the economical growth will not happen if we leave?
>That unless Germany tosses us 1 billion in gibs every year we will collapse?

Of course it will, but that's another path of growth. The one we were at in the 2000s. We scrapped that, lost all we gained and are on this one now. If we scrap everything and start all over, it's a net loss. It's not the "gibs" that drive economic growth. Gibs just channel public spending. It's just being under the treaties.
>Not to mention only the east is growing economically some countries like Spain have no economic growth. Also we are starting to surpass our western equivalents.
So if we're growing and growing well, why do you think it's the correct time for sweeping, dramatic change?
>You are implying that it's "just my opinion man" when the writting is on the wall.
>France is economically fucked and destined for a recession withing the next 2 decades, same with most of the nords.
Ah, but we're talking about us two. For us there is currently no economic reason to leave. There is only an ideological one.


>former employee
You must be gassed.

No, there are a lot of swedes in other countries, but like i said it's a cascading effect and it's not just Sweden.

tick tock.

Sorry for wall of text, I got carried away. Anyway, France and the Nords are having issues because of local reasons. France pushed a very special type of communism that utterly suffocated and crippled their economy and is pretty much unfixable at this point. It's not the EU that caused all this - it's their only politics. France cannot have gotten affected BY the EU, since much like Germany is now, they jointly ruled the EU before 2000 and early 2000s.
>Trying to sell the EU as milk and gibs
The EU isn't milk and gibs, it's replacing the untrusted local administration with a trusted EU one - basically, the cold war created a climate of utter mistrust against the East and the post-communist period corruption gave that mistrust a solid, factual reason. The west, which has the capital, avoided us because they didn't want to be subject to our regulations, did not agree with our regulations and did not like our regulators. The EU replaced most of that with western ones and gave last-resort instances that nobody is at our complete mercy - which opens up the possibility of those businesses moving here.

Starting all that from scratch is not a clever idea.

Are you aware what the EU is and what an employee of the EU institutions would be?

Ceterum censeo Bruxellae esse delendam

>The EU isn't milk and gibs, it's replacing the untrusted local administration with a trusted EU one

Since I ain't in the mood to write another wall. Just look at our news and find out that the Europhiles are just as corrupt if not more so than the commies.

>Anyway, France and the Nords are having issues because of local reasons.
That doesn't matter, what matters is just like Spain, Italy and Greece, the rest of EU will have to hold up their corpses.

>Starting all that from scratch is not a clever idea.
I am not arguing for a revolution, just a keep as far away from the EU as possible. Heck not joining Shenghen and saying no every now and then might be enough for the next decade.

Attached: 1533928532665.jpg (912x772, 76K)

>Just look at our news and find out that the Europhiles are just as corrupt if not more so than the commies.
Mate I worked alongside them, I'm perfectly aware how corrupt they are.

And yes, western corporations are the ones corrupting them, why the motherfuck shouldn't they trust who they're corrupting!?
>the rest of EU will have to hold up their corpse
Not yet, since they won't actually crash the currency, just their economy. For the rest it'll take a while.
>I am not arguing for a revolution, just a keep as far away from the EU as possible
>Heck not joining Shenghen and saying no every now and then might be enough for the next decade.
I've pretty much spent the last decade of my life repeating that over and over and over and over and over and over and over to the bulgarian administration. Plenty of times to the romanians too.

>I've pretty much spent the last decade of my life repeating that over and over and over and over and over and over and over to the bulgarian administration. Plenty of times to the romanians too.
I think we will be fine, the last dumbass on the current Guberment that wanted Shenghen got purged and the commies are tethered to a Libertarian and somewhat competent party.
Unless the direct EU puppets somehow take down the country with them we will be a ok for the next decade. Though we are getting inflation and price increases right now it will fixed it's self by the next election.