Well, Jow Forums?

Well, Jow Forums?

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Immigrant =/ Illegal immigrant

Maybe left wingers really don't understand this concept, it would explain many things


when every other foreigner and 1st gen immigrant is kicked out of the country

europeans are just as godless and servile as every mudskin that comes here

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They all hopped the border?

>any immigrant who looks vaguely mexican is an illegal and deserves harassment
>trump's import trophy wives with zero skills other than being attractive and young is fine though, along with their useless kids

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when they turn brown

>inb4 one post by this id

I thought if you're born within the states you automatically get the US citizenship?

>it's another episode of kikes act like there's no legal process for immigration, we need 80 million more niggers in every american city!

Attached: nigger-fence.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

when it's shown that their mothers came here ILLEGALLY
simple, isn't it?
the thread is young, the idiot might come back ...

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A. She migrated legally.
B. Even if she didn't, the children are US citizens as they were born on US soil.

It's amazing how the left is still unable to grasp the difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration.

Yeah, we really need a formal Supreme Court case on that issue after Kavanaugh is confirmed.

Attached: adl-jew-jonathan-greenblatt-complains-about brett-kavanaugh.jpg (606x596, 99K)

This is probably a troll post, but wrong on both counts.

Nigger loving faggot.

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unable to grasp =/= pretend to not being able to grasp
oh, and you're a bigot if you call them on their (pretend) stupidity

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This is very true. Illegals, asylum seekers, refugees, legal immigrants, overstayed visas are all under the same "migrant" umbrella.


We used to call people who crossed the border without permission "illegal aliens." Not "migrants" or "undocumented" or even "illegal immigrants." To immigrate legally to the United States you have to go through a process that takes several years and costs upwards of $10,000. The Left wants to compare this and make it equal to someone who sneaks across the border.


They are but they don't want to, Infact they don't want such a difference to exist. all people are welcome to them

>I am a democrat and I do not know the difference between illegal and legal.

Were they illegal? No? You are a retard then.

If you're pro-immigration within the next 4 years, you will be considered an enemy of the state and you will literally be killed. If you take up arms to prevent your execution you will be killed faster.

>legal immigrants
Why can’t this sink you monolithic faggot waste of life. I wish I could smack your mom and dad with my cock across their faces for not making the right decision and using either a condom or abortion

>all people are welcome to them
El Salvador has a 108 homicide rate per 100 000 people. That's over 0.1% of the population being murdered, and we can assume another 1% of the population doing the murdering. For every 1000 Salvadoran coming in to the USA, you get 1 murderer.
All people welcome, still?
USA homicide rate, even with all the niggers, is under 5 per 100 000, or 1 in 20K

Why are 99% of liberal arguments just pretending to be retarded?

attractive women should be automatically granted an escort visa

They're white, never.

Why would they leave ?
Isn't Trump American ?

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>any immigrant who looks vaguely mexican is an illegal and deserves harassment
Well when 85% of your population base is illegal, yes anyone who is tan and speaks Spanish is more than likely unwelcome

They're legal immigrant not ILLEGAL ALIENS
well, faggot?

Attached: shillbuck.jpg (500x269, 46K)

They are white, so they can stay. Nonwhite immigrants need to gtfo.

So that thing is a woman huh?

They're white so they could stay, but they're zionists so they should be in jail.

Leaving us with just Tiffany?

It's a worthy sacrifice, but i'm down.

Liberals need to stop using computers. There's too big a risk they'll end up trying to compose a meme and we all know how that ends.

Wow, both Trump and his wives were illegal immigrants when they had their kids here?

legal migration does not equal illegal migration.

They were lawfully admitted permanent residents. Not illegal aliens. You have no argument.

They’re white, beautiful and productive. Why would we want someone like that to leave?

Fucking anchor babies

well they are all rich and produce wealth, that's a plus.
How many drug addict mexican rapist can say the same?

They're pretty fucking dumb. Like they purposely allow other men to fuck them in the ass and were stupid enough to dress up as a rainbow every day thinking it's a sign about how much cock they suck.

i like tiffany the best
i only wish she had a penis

They were brought here on visas for Genius people and originally overstayed their visit before meeting Trump.

>i wrote a wrong silly version of your opinion therefore i win
Why do kiked reddit niggers do this Jow Forums?

Say what you want but Trump only tapped prime ass.