jesus was black so it just makes sense. bye whitey
i bet colin kaepernick is in it
Isn't the new superman supposed to be Asian?
if superman is black will he still stop muggers?
Didnt they just announce they wanted to start making GOOD movies?
No, hes black. He'll be the one doing the mugging
Imagine the sheer havoc a black superman would cause.
Of course they'd do that.
It's a shame they resurrected Superman in the movies because they could have cast him as Steel filling the role of Superman. Instead we'll get this rumor to generate buzz and cause the internet to go full retard.
Wakanda forever!
cavill is playing geralt from witcher......
worst casting decision ever!
Could be earth 23 superman movie. Same deal with Marvels black spiderman in the new PS4 game.
Not even surprised anymore.
Yes, I really don't like Cavill
But superman is a jew thing. How will jews react?
Given how piss poor the movies have been anything would be better than what they're putting out already.
Only whites find black people attractive. The rest of the world says otherwise.
The new Hulk is a chink too!!!!
How many bikes could super nigger steal in one day?
>Truth, Justiz, the American Way n sheet
lol niggers win again. We wuz Kryptonians n sheet. The best thing is whit boys will STILL pay up.
but superman is jewish
Who the heck is going to watch that lol
Clark Kent Swim
*loses to Aquaman*
Fuck YAS.
Can't wait to see sweaty, socially stunted white man babies bitch about this for months.
Then many of the same man babies will follow their friends obediently to the theater, pay to see Super BBC, and then go home and pull their tiny dicks to the latest BLACKED video.
They have to work out all that frothing racecuck penis envy some way after Democrats take their precious free speech away. :)
Congrats, White America.
You're so fucking fucked.
DC still looking to copy marvel
Marvel does black panther
DC makes Superman black
No that’s not how it’s done. You create a black character to pander not take a white character black to pander
The new Superman films are terrible. Let them give it to Wallace.
BASED white man is now Geralt.
They’ll have to change it to “Supaman” and instead of kryptonite they will use job applications.
Google "The Greatest Story"
How can he use laser eyes without blowing off his eye lids?
>Wont just be a news reporter, will be news anchor
>New name because no black man is named Clark
>hippity hoppity new costume with black cape
>still nailing a white woman
Heyyyy member that guy everyone liked as a really bad guy in Black Panther? Lets make him the complete opposite character!!!!
>Complain about how modern dating is stacked against men
>Lose your job
>everyone liked
He fell for jewish fake news
>Sheeeit nikkah, we sum kind of extrastrerrestriul space alienz and sheeeit niggahg
Superman was dreamed up by a Jew btw, this is all consistent with the faggy egalitarianism of the comics/movies.
I hope they do this, it will crash the capeshit market and fuel white resentment DO IT
Fucking kek
"new superman"
> The absolute state of Burgers
Why... Did he get a job?
BvS is kino. Major themes of Christianity, the antagonist is literally a nasty little tech jew.
i need my comic book nerds to enlighten me on if this is possible? how are they allowed to make Superman... black? wut.
Chinese Superman (Kong Kenan) is not original Superman (Kal-El, Clark Kent). Kong Kenan started as a gook and always has been.
I don't see possibility for a nigger as Superman
We wuz supah herous n’sheit
Maybe Metallo will be a cop and shoot him with a krytonite gun.