Is Poland a good place to live?

Is Poland a good place to live?

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The best place to live imo.

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It is if you can get a Marta Nieradkiewicz for wifefu material.

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Fuck off, we're full.

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But what if OP is Mimosa Willamo? You'd make room for her, right?

Stop raging leaf. You don't have to spam the whole thread with your irrelevant cherrypicked shit. You're a fucking chink after all

If you're not even white don't bother trying to set foot there

No, what makes you think so?

Why would we make an exception for her?

The only thing it has going for it is that it's a 'white' country and if you are paid in Euros or USD then you can live very well.

Aside from that, things aren't great there.

The taxes are high for Eastern Europe, there is a lot of competition for good jobs or jobs with opportunity, decent work is confined to three cities where the cost of living is high, the cities are ugly, and the culture is slowly changing to be more western which is bringing with it all the western trash ideas.

It's a fun place to fuck around as a tourist for a bit, but not to stay long term.

Because she's a cute? I mean, she's no Pihla Viitala, but who is?

>The taxes are high
Go to fucking Sweden and say again that our taxes are high. It's great to live here because our cost of living is way cheaper. The same things you can buy here are 4x more expensive in Germany.

Yes. If you're Polish. It's pretty much fucking perfect as long as you're not in Warsaw, Warsaw is just as cucked as other capitals in Europe.
kek, too jelly? 9 8 . 8 % W H I T E

Cities are pretty good, they're renovating a lot of stuff. Cracow's getting better with every year and there's loads of jobs there.

I like it. No niggers, faggots and liberals

Actually taxes in Poland are high for a low wage workers though it's called the linear tax that you pay no matter what's your income. The capitalist dream, korwinist dream.

>t. 16 year old high school student
I do understand your parents pay for everything but get a fucking grip. Our food prices are on par with western europe, the only reason why bread doesn't cost 10 PLN is because we didn't fall for the kraut pyramid scheme euro.
Our energy prices are the highest in all of Europe.
To buy a flat you need to become a slave to the kike banks for basically your entire life and if you want to rent it'll cost you about 60%-70% of your salary.
>Summer has ended, fuck off already.

Korwin is against all kind of taxes except taxes for our military and police. Learn more before you make a clown of yourself.

t. poor uneducated worker who drinks 24/7 and complains.
What are you even talking about you moron? The price of a flat in Berlin is like 2x more expensive than in Warsaw. Do you know the facts except complaining about how shitty your life is?

>loads of jobs there
For good IT professionals prepared to take a pay cut to live there.

If you could get a job in Poland, you could probably get near 100k Euro in a major market.

Krakow was the only passable city, the rest are either concrete jungles or meh tier.

Yeah flats in Berlin are more expensive. Now remind me if they earn more than we do or not.
Prepare for the worse Damian, soon your pocket change won't be enough to buy anything when inflation finally hits us like a motherfucker due to PiS's retarded gibs policies.


not better than Finland

Looking for foreign woman to marry.

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poland is a good place to live only if you're a jew

Disgusting, dirty, poor, woman are ugly, full of shitskins, crime is high
DO NOT COME HERE, you will get robbed and left penniless in this hellhole.
I canot even convey how bad it's here.
we're also full so fuck off

If you are in Finland then it should be obvious, no.
But if you do have money then going into a mom and pop restaurant is quite cheap and the food is usually good.
Some of the beer is great taste along side the food.

And they have pretty good sparkling water and some water with awesome strawberry taste.

Fuck off, we are full

how are you full? most you fucks move to the west.

No. We are full.

We're not interested in your Vodka Lunch, but I'm glad you had your fill.

We took over 2 millions Ukrainians.

because we were too full

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are you fucking insane? food prices equal to western eu? can't earn your own flat? fuck get outta here poorfag uneducated scum

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I unironically buy soap in UK, because Imperial Leather costs 2,5 pounds for 4 bars and I like how it smells.

>Is Poland a good place to live?
Apparently not at all. We've still got millions of them coming over to live and work here. Only last week my landlord put in new windows. The workers were all Poles.

well, they are still white.

What's the going rate for a pet Ukrainian? I've been thinking about getting one.

butthurt ukrainian diaspora
every polish thread you are there

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Never been to Poland, but it seems there are better places to live in Europe.

I might know, at some point within the next five years. My girlfriend wants me to move there.


Though she also wants to move to the states, so it is quite confusing.

More like Polish women are bleaching machines.

No we are full

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no, unless you earn money from another country, in which case it becomes a decent place to live

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go to warsaw and say that again

we got rid of the underclass
it's societal cleaning without violence

If you are willing to get chlamydia and gonorrhea on your first week here, then I'd say about 20 zł

I am 2nd gen diaspora so I'm eligible for Polish citizenship de jus sanguinis. Feels good to have somewhere to run to when the mudshits and chinks reach critical mass. No way I'm raising a family in Canada one, the shitskins are starting to pour into even pure white areas.

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Why did you fucks beat up some Belorusians few days ago?

>Hasn't actually denied cherrypicking.
(You) don't deserve (You)s

As a bong who inherited a house over there, it's nice as a getaway due to low population density, only seeing white faces and my Money effectively having 3 to 4 times the spending power. For poles though, living costs are just as expensive as anywhere else if not more so, so if you earn in local currency you will be not rich.

Beer is very good, food is good & hearty if somewhat limited in variety. I'd like meats other than pork for a change!

Where i am there is no crime, doors left unlocked, neighbours are 80 year old blokes living in 2 room wood huts ferrying there 14 stone, 3 foot tall wife around in a trailer behind a 1950's tractor, it's most amusing.

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I want a qt polan gorl


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Kurwa tęsknię za Billy'm.

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Obsessed Ukronigger diaspora. Don't be mad that your cousin is the little whore to some Pan.

Yes my family is polish and it's good but it's better here.


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You wouldn't call Norway or Portugal a shithole, would you Marcel?

give it a place to sleep and food and it will be happy, they are free, you can come pick them up from ukraine it's like an animal shelter

~ "The war of giants has ended, the wars of the pygmies begin" - Winston Churchill about WW1 and Eastern Europe

~ "Austria-Hungary was gone, to be replaced by the pathetic and new states of eastern and central Europe" - George Kennan

~ "To give the Polacken silesian industry would be like giving a watch to a monkey" - David Lloyd George, british PM

"When in the sixties I was travelling "to learn the language" to Eastern Germany, I was struck by the pride and haughtiness
of the Germans in contacts with various people, combined with the disregard of the eastern neighbors. I remember that a
woman at a bus stop asked if there were also buses driving in Polacken-land" - one polish professor, whose name I won't give,
in order to make polacken of Jow Forums look stupid and ignorant

~ "We made the Jews the scapegoat responsible for our downfalls and incompetence, and we are only barely able to notice
the reasons for this downfall which are deeper and harder to remove" - one polish economist, whose name I won't give,
to make polacken of Jow Forums look stupid and ignorant, which will only confirm reality anyway

~ "Set in Poland, that is to say Nowhere" - Alfred Jarry, Frenchman, author of "Ubu Roi" /Ubu King/

~ "Let the Polacken govern themselves and they'll finish themselves off" - Otto von Bismarck

~ "Polacken-land is a temporary state /Saisonstaat/" - Josef Wirth, chancellor of Germany in 1922

~ "Show the Polacken a hole, and they'll immediately jump in" - Balzac

~ "Polacken-land is a country in which nothing is produced except for the simplest utilities of every day life" – Adam Smith in his "Wealth of nations" of 1776

~ "Polacken have never done anything in history except fooling around with valor and rashness." - Friedrich Engels

~ "Polacken are oxen in human form" - Georg Forster

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>You wouldn't call Norway or Portugal a shithole, would you Marcel?
I would call them periphery, only these are more respected, so I don't know if they deserve the shithole name

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I havent seen a single nigger in the last 3 years.

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they're barely human


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See why no one wants to live next to these fags?

I had good time on holiday there. Lots of hot girls working summer jobs. The one thing i couldn't stand was 12 days of smoked meat. You guys have fridges you know. Not everything has to be smoked. Also pierogri taste like literal cat shit.

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I've seen a nigger last week, last time I saw one was half a year ago. We're really going down the shitter.

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You still see niggers though, where do you live?

Do you live in a big city?

I see niggers and poos almost everyday.
t. user from poznań

>Also pierogri taste like literal cat shit.
he's just salty that he can't find a decent pierogi place.

No, it sucks here

>tfw there is like 15 niggers in my city of 200k ppl
>making it 0,0075% of population
Well as we like to say, asfalt swoje miejsce ma.

The main city of one of the smallest voivodeships.
Opole here.

Yeah Poland is shit and we full don't come here
Seriously don't come

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As of now, Poland is a great place to live; but many years ago it was not so great, which is why I was birthed in Cuckanada; in the mean time please keep out from Poland if you are ethnic. We do not want any nigs, any browns or any mutts ruining such a paradise.

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I went to a pierogi festival in Krakow and tried almost every stalls pierogi. It was the worst food i'd ever had, and i'm English, i had boiled meat for dinner. I ended up getting a hotdog which i was very pleased with.

Where are all these niggers from and why are they here? Are they foreign students?

it's full of poles though

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