Dr. Scheuer's new site- Jews won't index it google

Please go visit and support Dr. Scheuer's new site, after the Jews at "godaddy" removed his last site, won't index his new site, and that scum John Fredricks has dropped him since the Jews at salon wrote a hit piece.

He's the only honest man in public life. His site is up again, but now they won't let you find it:


Attached: dr.scheuer-kikes.jpg (480x360, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: aa-scheuer-jewes.jpg (450x262, 65K)

This board is fucking finished. no one knows or cares who Dr. Scheuer is and that the Jews removed his site.



Based Scheuer. Came to know him through his appearance on Real Time years ago.

Thanks, bookmarked the page. Sad how the types who despised the “computer geeks” are now censoring the internet.


this, neopol drumpfshits have ruined this place

On the surface, it looks like they're just idiots, buying into the 4D chess meme and shilling for Trump for free.

But look at how they respond to any criticism of him. How they swarm and bury any inconvenient information. Not just in their thread, but all across the board too.

1) Swarm
2) Attack the messenger, not the message - usually by latching onto the country flag
3) Drop in extra bait, to drag the argument away from Trump himself
4) Accuse everyone else of being a shill. Any criticism of Trump = shill
5) If a thread becomes too inconvenient for them they leave en mass, create a new one, and try to slide the inconvenient one off the board with a flurry of slide threads

It's exactly how JIDF operate on the rest of the internet.
This leads me to believe they aren't just idiot kiddies who don't realise they're supporting a snake. They're organized and paid.

Attached: 1533473253682.png (900x1000, 198K)


make a site listing all the banned sites.

good idea and bump

Bump, Dr. Scheuer has been in an instrumental voice in counter-semitism.

don't lose too much heart, this board is heavily manipulated.

nonetheless we can't wait much longer to kick off the civil war.

also, notice how trump never mentions mass surveillance or AI, the only issues that actually matter. He's a puppet.


John O'Neill was based. Scheuer's an idiot and a coward.

>John O'Neill was based
Edgy hymie.


Yeah, seen it already. Easy to insult someone after they've died a hero.

>died a hero.

Attached: benny2.jpg (205x246, 10K)


Bump, this dude ran the CIAs Osama Bin Laden hunt and became blackpilled on Israel during this time.
