What does Jow Forums think of Eminem?

I used to listen to his shit when I was younger, seems like a cuck now.

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He's just an unascended white nigger.
Flood his twitter with redpills

Huge faggot

Self-hating whitey who will only bring down his community at every chance he gets. Disown him as soon as possible. Want another name? UFC Fighter Mike Perry (CringeLord and Wigger 9000)
Follow my advice for this is what we do in my country.

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Rap is for people who lack talent. Everyone can talk cool to some beats. It takes years to master singing or an instrument. That is why nigs resort to rap. And trailer trash.

Entertaining 20 years ago. Boring hamfisted shit today.

the next overdose i can't wait to read a headline about

The old m&m is best

I like the name "Feminem"

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used to make ok music now it's boring as fuck.

about 10 years past his sell by date

He was entertaining when he was popping pills and rapping about murdering his daughter

Satanic faggot who sold his soul for fame
>just like every other celebrity in the history of Earth

***clap.... .... ... clap.... *

most of it's poetry ya dingus


Also thanks for the cheap offshore banking options

What do I think I'm M&m?

I don't.

Washed up and is trying to stay relevant by making fun of Drumpf and new age rappers

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I listen to music to be happy. When this guy's music plays I get pissed off. I hate being pissed off. + he's selling out his people and country. Should hang for treason.

You 45 year old fag, blow me.
You don't know me, you're too old, let it go, it’s over, nobody listens to boomers.

Remember when he said nobody wants to hear their grandfather rap?

The clip of 8 miles was dope

The jeb bush of bantz


A wigger.

As cliche as it sounds, his early work was incredibly good. He had a sense of humor back then. He had something new. angry yet funny rap.

Now, hes not funny. Hes just angry. Its not even real anger because hes has nothing to be angry about. Hes a millionaire. its fake anger, hes a fake and it shows in his work.

Really pathetic and played. His first four albums are fucking amazing because he was actually involved in an argument with the media and said a lot of obnoxious and lucid things about that, but now he literally pretends he's talking to the president and responds to things no one's saying, and in his snarky hatred of Trump he ends up supporting absolutely nothing. He used to have something to say about behavior and how people react to obnoxious individualism, but now he just slams someone who isnt present and daydreams about how offended Trump must he.

somehow havn't heard that one yet

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His early stuff was really good. It's been downhill ever since he got off drugs.

-Novelty of being a white rapper has worn off ever since rap is no longer exclusively a black thing (and he himself significantly contributed to this change)
-There were 8 years of obama where it was kind of difficult to be complaining about evil white racists running the system
-Leftist SJW voices have gotten so loud and numerous about lefty issues that he is no longer a figure-head of anything
-Once your talent and success has raised you out of poverty and into the upper eschelons of society, it's kind of difficult to still be taken seriously as the downtrodden disenfranchised rebel voice shouting up from below (same problem for people like Marlyn Manson: You've become famous, you achieved your goal of starting a quasi-satanic counter-culture...now what?)

-Btw. his politics never changed, he just seems like a cuck to you now because you've become more right wing and he made that terrible cringey anti-trump rap in the parking garage which makes it look like he's not even good at doing what he's been doing anymore.


The thing is he wasn't always such a fucking cuck. He said a lot of politically incorect things about homos, roasties, and he never explicitly sucked nigger cock until very recently.

Things were looking bright with Recovery and MMII. Then he decided to go against Trump, which was the dumbest thing in the world, since Trump should be Eminem's ideal president. Unfortunately someone as influential as Em would never be allowed outside the Illuminati, so now here we are.

infinite was good, but it was all downhill after the marshall mathers lp. there have been good bits here and there since then, but the bad shit definitely outweighs it
i did hear a new track on the radio the other day that didnt suck though
his whole trump dis thing was embarrassingly bad