Wtf asia bros?

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Also, it's just a case of 100 Sexual Emergencies.

The term 'Asian' in the UK refers to people from the middle-east, whereas in the US it refers to people from the far-east.


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>had sex with
>not "raped by"
UKuck media

Why cam't UK have the same meaning as America?

Then how do you bongs differentiate between slant eyes and sand niggers?

Asian means Middle Eastern in Britbong land

>The term 'Asian' in the UK refers to people from the middle-east
It just refers to people from Asia whereas they use the term Asian to refer to only a portion of people in Asia because they're retarded and oriental is no longer pc.

They call slant eyed asians, dog eaters. Quite sensible

they are south asian. not middle eastern. they are from india and pakistan and bangladesh.

>yuropoors call shitskins “””Asians”””

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those damn gooks!!!

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We call people from the far east 'orientals'. Apparently that's a slur in the US

>Why cam't UK have the same meaning as America?
Because the UK and america are completely different things, it would be very confusing.

>in the US it refers to people from the far-east.
The far east also being the orient, so they are orientals, while pakis are asian.

They can't say Middle-Eastern, because some of them may be from Pakistan, which isn't Middle East. So they call them Asian, since it's the broadest possible descriptor, and quite probably the only descriptor that is pc enough from them.

Damm Japanese

Vietnam shits must be stopped.

What the fuck is up with English (((press))) calling moslim middle easterners ASIANS? In all other Western countries the (((strategy))) seems to be to not mention ethnicity at all, but in Bongland its always ''asians''. Can someone explain? Are the jews trying to pit the bongs against the Chinese in the future?

To be fair there looks to be at least one ninja among them.

Probably justa Finn.

>hurrdurr why does dey call south asians asian

>get raped by packs of sand niggers
>lugenpresse goes around telling everyone you're a sluts with yellow fever

Damn ninjas. Never see them coming

Kill all the bloody wogs.

The left doesn't want to admit the perps are Muslims, just like the right doesn't want to admit the "victims" are just low class sluts who were asking for it.

You don't understand, this is an article praising the girl for being so accepting of all those poor migrant 'Asians'.

>What the fuck is up with English (((press))) calling moslim middle easterners ASIANS

We have always done that here , it goes back about 70 years or more

these chinese and japanese korean savages need to stop


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middle eastern asians are referred to as sand niggers and eastern asians are all referred to as chinese

fucking japs

You're saying this while the Dutch press censors the constant crimes of Morocan Muslims entirely...

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I want to commit a terror attack against the people who enable this.

good catch. What the flying fuck. Wake me up when these journalists are hanging from lampposts

Remember when the US told you guys that calling them Asian was part of a slippery slope and now you have an "asian" mayor of your most famous city and a soft acceptance of Sharia Law in some parts of your nation?

You really should have listened to us. You fucks get no pity from us.

You fucks didn't see them so hard they ended up bedding all your women.

checked, im perfectly aware of the dishonest Dutch journalists, im just wondering why there seem to be different blackout strategies voor different western countries

please for the love of God do it

Nuke that chinese/japanese people shit!!!
(And Mexico)

because the UK is fucking dumb and cant just call them arabs

They aren't arabs they are pakis, central asian and middle eastern. The arabs here are rich as fuck.

Absolutely disgusting, why do Brits allow this to happen. Why are you guys so passive and non confrontational? Stop it. What if that girl was your daughter? Youre just ganna sit there and continue being complacent, you cuck fucks? Stop this shit!

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damn nippons

This isn’t correct. It refers to those from South Asia. Middle Eastern = Middle Eastern.